/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Chris Smith, Shane Mc Cormack, Gregory Holmes * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.parser.irc; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ChannelListModeItem; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ParserError; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ChannelClientInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ChannelInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ClientInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ChannelModeChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ChannelNonUserModeChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ChannelSingleModeChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.ChannelUserModeChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.UserModeChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.callbacks.UserModeDiscoveryListener; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.CallbackObject; import java.util.Calendar; /** * Process a Mode line. */ public class ProcessMode extends IRCProcessor { /** * Process a Mode Line. * * @param sParam Type of line to process ("MODE", "324") * @param token IRCTokenised line to process */ @Override public void process(String sParam, String[] token) { String[] sModestr; String sChannelName; if (sParam.equals("324")) { sChannelName = token[3]; sModestr = new String[token.length-4]; System.arraycopy(token, 4, sModestr, 0, token.length-4); } else if (sParam.equals("221")) { processUserMode(sParam, token, new String[]{token[token.length-1]}, true); return; } else { sChannelName = token[2]; sModestr = new String[token.length-3]; System.arraycopy(token, 3, sModestr, 0, token.length-3); } if (!isValidChannelName(sChannelName)) { processUserMode(sParam, token, sModestr, false); } else { processChanMode(sParam, token, sModestr, sChannelName); } } /** * Method to trim spaces from strings * * @param str String to trim * @return String without spaces on the ends */ private String trim(String str) { return str.trim(); } /** * Process Chan modes. * * @param sParam String representation of parameter to parse * @param token IRCTokenised Array of the incomming line * @param sModestr The modes and params * @param sChannelName Channel these modes are for */ public void processChanMode(String sParam, String token[], String sModestr[], String sChannelName) { StringBuilder sFullModeStr = new StringBuilder(); String sNonUserModeStr = ""; String sNonUserModeStrParams = ""; String sModeParam; String sTemp; int nParam = 1; long nTemp = 0, nValue = 0, nCurrent = 0; boolean bPositive = true, bBooleanMode = true; char cPositive = '+'; IRCChannelInfo iChannel; IRCChannelClientInfo iChannelClientInfo; IRCClientInfo iClient; IRCChannelClientInfo setterCCI; CallbackObject cbSingle = null; CallbackObject cbNonUser = null; if (!sParam.equals("324")) { cbSingle = getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(ChannelSingleModeChangeListener.class); cbNonUser = getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(ChannelNonUserModeChangeListener.class); } iChannel = getChannel(sChannelName); if (iChannel == null) { // callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_WARNING, "Got modes for channel ("+sChannelName+") that I am not on.", myParser.getLastLine())); // iChannel = new ChannelInfo(myParser, sChannelName); // myParser.addChannel(iChannel); return; } // Get the current channel modes if (!sParam.equals("324")) { nCurrent = iChannel.getMode(); } setterCCI = iChannel.getChannelClient(token[0]); if (IRCParser.ALWAYS_UPDATECLIENT && setterCCI != null) { // Facilitate dmdirc formatter if (setterCCI.getClient().getHostname().isEmpty()) {setterCCI.getClient().setUserBits(token[0],false); } } // Loop through the mode string, and add/remove modes/params where they are needed for (int i = 0; i < sModestr[0].length(); ++i) { Character cMode = sModestr[0].charAt(i); if (cMode.equals(":".charAt(0))) { continue; } sNonUserModeStr = sNonUserModeStr+cMode; if (cMode.equals("+".charAt(0))) { cPositive = '+'; bPositive = true; } else if (cMode.equals("-".charAt(0))) { cPositive = '-'; bPositive = false; } else { if (myParser.chanModesBool.containsKey(cMode)) { nValue = myParser.chanModesBool.get(cMode); bBooleanMode = true; } else if (myParser.chanModesOther.containsKey(cMode)) { nValue = myParser.chanModesOther.get(cMode); bBooleanMode = false; } else if (myParser.prefixModes.containsKey(cMode)) { // (de) OP/Voice someone if (sModestr.length <= nParam) { myParser.callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_FATAL + ParserError.ERROR_USER, "Broken Modes. Parameter required but not given.", myParser.getLastLine())); return; } sModeParam = sModestr[nParam++]; nValue = myParser.prefixModes.get(cMode); callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "User Mode: %c / %d [%s] {Positive: %b}",cMode, nValue, sModeParam, bPositive); iChannelClientInfo = iChannel.getChannelClient(sModeParam); if (iChannelClientInfo == null) { // Client not known? iClient = getClientInfo(sModeParam); if (iClient == null) { iClient = new IRCClientInfo(myParser, sModeParam); myParser.addClient(iClient); } iChannelClientInfo = iChannel.addClient(iClient); } callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "\tOld Mode Value: %d",iChannelClientInfo.getChanMode()); if (bPositive) { iChannelClientInfo.setChanMode(iChannelClientInfo.getChanMode() | nValue); sTemp = "+"; } else { iChannelClientInfo.setChanMode(iChannelClientInfo.getChanMode() ^ (iChannelClientInfo.getChanMode() & nValue)); sTemp = "-"; } sTemp = sTemp+cMode; callChannelUserModeChanged(iChannel, iChannelClientInfo, setterCCI, token[0], sTemp); continue; } else { // unknown mode - add as boolean myParser.chanModesBool.put(cMode,myParser.nextKeyCMBool); nValue = myParser.nextKeyCMBool; bBooleanMode = true; myParser.nextKeyCMBool = myParser.nextKeyCMBool*2; } if (bBooleanMode) { callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "Boolean Mode: %c [%d] {Positive: %b}",cMode, nValue, bPositive); if (bPositive) { nCurrent = nCurrent | nValue; } else { nCurrent = nCurrent ^ (nCurrent & nValue); } } else { if ((bPositive || nValue == IRCParser.MODE_LIST || ((nValue & IRCParser.MODE_UNSET) == IRCParser.MODE_UNSET)) && (sModestr.length <= nParam)) { myParser.callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_FATAL + ParserError.ERROR_USER, "Broken Modes. Parameter required but not given.", myParser.getLastLine())); continue; } if (nValue == IRCParser.MODE_LIST) { // List Mode sModeParam = sModestr[nParam++]; sNonUserModeStrParams = sNonUserModeStrParams+" "+sModeParam; nTemp = (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() / 1000); iChannel.setListModeParam(cMode, new ChannelListModeItem(sModeParam, token[0], nTemp ), bPositive); callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "List Mode: %c [%s] {Positive: %b}",cMode, sModeParam, bPositive); if (cbSingle != null) { cbSingle.call(iChannel, setterCCI, token[0], cPositive+cMode+" "+sModeParam ); } } else { // Mode with a parameter if (bPositive) { // +Mode - always needs a parameter to set sModeParam = sModestr[nParam++]; sNonUserModeStrParams = sNonUserModeStrParams+" "+sModeParam; callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "Set Mode: %c [%s] {Positive: %b}",cMode, sModeParam, bPositive); iChannel.setModeParam(cMode,sModeParam); if (cbSingle != null) { cbSingle.call(iChannel, setterCCI, token[0], cPositive+cMode+" "+sModeParam ); } } else { // -Mode - parameter isn't always needed, we need to check if ((nValue & IRCParser.MODE_UNSET) == IRCParser.MODE_UNSET) { sModeParam = sModestr[nParam++]; sNonUserModeStrParams = sNonUserModeStrParams+" "+sModeParam; } else { sModeParam = ""; } callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "Unset Mode: %c [%s] {Positive: %b}",cMode, sModeParam, bPositive); iChannel.setModeParam(cMode,""); if (cbSingle != null) { cbSingle.call(iChannel, setterCCI, token[0], trim(cPositive+cMode+" "+sModeParam) ); } } } } } } // Call Callbacks for (int i = 0; i < sModestr.length; ++i) { sFullModeStr.append(sModestr[i]).append(" "); } iChannel.setMode(nCurrent); if (sParam.equals("324")) { callChannelModeChanged(iChannel, null, "", sFullModeStr.toString().trim()); } else { callChannelModeChanged(iChannel, setterCCI, token[0], sFullModeStr.toString().trim()); } if (cbNonUser != null) { cbNonUser.call(iChannel, setterCCI, token[0], trim(sNonUserModeStr+sNonUserModeStrParams)); } } /** * Process user modes. * * @param sParam String representation of parameter to parse * @param token IRCTokenised Array of the incomming line * @param clearOldModes Clear old modes before applying these modes (used by 221) */ private void processUserMode(String sParam, String token[], String sModestr[], boolean clearOldModes) { long nCurrent = 0, nValue = 0; boolean bPositive = true; IRCClientInfo iClient = getClientInfo(token[2]); if (iClient == null) { return; } if (clearOldModes) { nCurrent = 0; } else { nCurrent = iClient.getUserMode(); } for (int i = 0; i < sModestr[0].length(); ++i) { Character cMode = sModestr[0].charAt(i); if (cMode.equals("+".charAt(0))) { bPositive = true; } else if (cMode.equals("-".charAt(0))) { bPositive = false; } else if (cMode.equals(":".charAt(0))) { continue; } else { if (myParser.userModes.containsKey(cMode)) { nValue = myParser.userModes.get(cMode); } else { // Unknown mode callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_WARNING, "Got unknown user mode "+cMode+" - Added", myParser.getLastLine())); myParser.userModes.put(cMode,myParser.nNextKeyUser); nValue = myParser.nNextKeyUser; myParser.nNextKeyUser = myParser.nNextKeyUser*2; } // Usermodes are always boolean callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "User Mode: %c [%d] {Positive: %b}",cMode, nValue, bPositive); if (bPositive) { nCurrent = nCurrent | nValue; } else { nCurrent = nCurrent ^ (nCurrent & nValue); } } } iClient.setUserMode(nCurrent); if (sParam.equals("221")) { callUserModeDiscovered(iClient, sModestr[0]); } else { callUserModeChanged(iClient, token[0], sModestr[0]); } } /** * Callback to all objects implementing the ChannelModeChanged Callback. * * @see IChannelModeChanged * @param cChannel Channel where modes were changed * @param cChannelClient Client chaning the modes (null if server) * @param sHost Host doing the mode changing (User host or server name) * @param sModes Exact String parsed * @return true if a method was called, false otherwise */ protected boolean callChannelModeChanged(ChannelInfo cChannel, ChannelClientInfo cChannelClient, String sHost, String sModes) { return getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(ChannelModeChangeListener.class).call(cChannel, cChannelClient, sHost, sModes); } /** * Callback to all objects implementing the ChannelUserModeChanged Callback. * * @see IChannelUserModeChanged * @param cChannel Channel where modes were changed * @param cChangedClient Client being changed * @param cSetByClient Client chaning the modes (null if server) * @param sMode String representing mode change (ie +o) * @param sHost Host doing the mode changing (User host or server name) * @return true if a method was called, false otherwise */ protected boolean callChannelUserModeChanged(ChannelInfo cChannel, ChannelClientInfo cChangedClient, ChannelClientInfo cSetByClient, String sHost, String sMode) { return getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(ChannelUserModeChangeListener.class).call(cChannel, cChangedClient, cSetByClient, sHost, sMode); } /** * Callback to all objects implementing the UserModeChanged Callback. * * @see IUserModeChanged * @param cClient Client that had the mode changed (almost always us) * @param sSetby Host that set the mode (us or servername) * @param sModes The modes set. * @return true if a method was called, false otherwise */ protected boolean callUserModeChanged(ClientInfo cClient, String sSetby, String sModes) { return getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(UserModeChangeListener.class).call(cClient, sSetby, sModes); } /** * Callback to all objects implementing the UserModeDiscovered Callback. * * @see IUserModeDiscovered * @param cClient Client that had the mode changed (almost always us) * @param sModes The modes set. * @return true if a method was called, false otherwise */ protected boolean callUserModeDiscovered(ClientInfo cClient, String sModes) { return getCallbackManager().getCallbackType(UserModeDiscoveryListener.class).call(cClient, sModes); } /** * What does this IRCProcessor handle. * * @return String[] with the names of the tokens we handle. */ @Override public String[] handles() { return new String[]{"MODE", "324", "221"}; } /** * Create a new instance of the IRCProcessor Object. * * @param parser IRCParser That owns this IRCProcessor * @param manager ProcessingManager that is in charge of this IRCProcessor */ protected ProcessMode (IRCParser parser, ProcessingManager manager) { super(parser, manager); } }