/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2017 DMDirc Developers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc.parser.irc.processors; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ChannelListModeItem; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ParserError; import com.dmdirc.parser.events.ChannelListModeEvent; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ChannelInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.irc.IRCChannelInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.irc.IRCParser; import com.dmdirc.parser.irc.ServerType; import com.dmdirc.parser.irc.ServerTypeGroup; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Queue; import javax.inject.Inject; /** * Process a List Modes. */ public class ProcessListModes extends IRCProcessor { /** * Create a new instance of the IRCProcessor Object. * * @param parser IRCParser That owns this IRCProcessor */ @Inject public ProcessListModes(final IRCParser parser) { super(parser, "367", "368", /* Bans */ "344", "345", /* Reop list (ircnet) or bad words (euirc) */ "346", "347", /* Invite List */ "348", "349", /* Except/Exempt List */ "386", "387", /* Channel Owner List (swiftirc ) */ "388", "389", /* Protected User List (swiftirc) */ "940", "941", /* Censored words list */ "910", "911", /* INSPIRCD Channel Access List. */ "954", "953", /* INSPIRCD exemptchanops List. */ "482", /* Permission Denied */ "__LISTMODE__" /* Sensible List Modes */ ); } /** * Process a ListModes. * * @param date The LocalDateTime that this event occurred at. * @param sParam Type of line to process * @param token IRCTokenised line to process */ @Override public void process(final LocalDateTime date, final String sParam, final String... token) { final IRCChannelInfo channel = getChannel(token[3]); final ServerType serverType = parser.getServerType(); if (channel == null) { return; } boolean isItem = true; // true if item listing, false if "end of .." item char mode = ' '; boolean isCleverMode = false; byte tokenStart = 4; // Where do the relevent tokens start? if ("367".equals(sParam) || "368".equals(sParam)) { // Ban List/Item. // (Also used for +d and +q on dancer/hyperion... -_-) // (Also used for +q on ircd-seven... -_-) mode = 'b'; isItem = "367".equals(sParam); } else if ("348".equals(sParam) || "349".equals(sParam)) { // Except / Exempt List etc mode = 'e'; isItem = "348".equals(sParam); } else if ("346".equals(sParam) || "347".equals(sParam)) { // Invite List mode = 'I'; isItem = "346".equals(sParam); } else if ("940".equals(sParam) || "941".equals(sParam)) { // Censored words List mode = 'g'; isItem = "941".equals(sParam); } else if (serverType == ServerType.INSPIRCD && ("910".equals(sParam) || "911".equals(sParam))) { // Channel Access List mode = 'w'; isItem = "910".equals(sParam); } else if (serverType == ServerType.INSPIRCD && ("954".equals(sParam) || "953".equals(sParam))) { // Channel exemptchanops List mode = 'X'; isItem = "954".equals(sParam); } else if ("344".equals(sParam) || "345".equals(sParam)) { // Reop List, or bad words list, or quiet list. god damn. if (serverType == ServerType.EUIRCD) { mode = 'w'; } else if (serverType == ServerType.OFTC_HYBRID) { mode = 'q'; } else { mode = 'R'; } isItem = "344".equals(sParam); } else if (ServerTypeGroup.OWNER_386.isMember(serverType) && ("386".equals(sParam) || "387".equals(sParam))) { // Channel Owner list mode = 'q'; isItem = "387".equals(sParam); } else if (ServerTypeGroup.PROTECTED_388.isMember(serverType) && ("388".equals(sParam) || "389".equals(sParam))) { // Protected User list mode = 'a'; isItem = "389".equals(sParam); } else if (sParam.equals(parser.h005Info.get("LISTMODE")) || sParam.equals(parser.h005Info.get("LISTMODEEND"))) { // Support for potential future decent mode listing in the protocol // // See my proposal: http://shane.dmdirc.com/listmodes.php mode = token[4].charAt(0); isItem = sParam.equals(parser.h005Info.get("LISTMODE")); tokenStart = 5; isCleverMode = true; } // Unknown mode. if (mode == ' ') { parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "Unknown mode line: " + Arrays.toString(token)); return; } final Queue listModeQueue = channel.getListModeQueue(); if (!isCleverMode && listModeQueue != null) { if ("482".equals(sParam)) { parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "Dropped LMQ mode " + listModeQueue.poll()); return; } else { if (listModeQueue.peek() != null) { final Character oldMode = mode; mode = listModeQueue.peek(); parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "LMQ says this is " + mode); boolean error = true; // b or q are given in the same list, d is separate. // b and q remove each other from the LMQ. // // Only raise an LMQ error if the lmqmode isn't one of bdq if the // guess is one of bdq if (ServerTypeGroup.FREENODE.isMember(serverType) && (mode == 'b' || mode == 'q' || mode == 'd')) { if (mode == 'b') { error = oldMode != 'q' && oldMode != 'd'; listModeQueue.remove('q'); parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "Dropping q from list"); } else if (mode == 'q') { error = oldMode != 'b' && oldMode != 'd'; listModeQueue.remove('b'); parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "Dropping b from list"); } else if (mode == 'd') { error = oldMode != 'b' && oldMode != 'q'; } } else if (ServerTypeGroup.CHARYBDIS.isMember(serverType) && (mode == 'b' || mode == 'q')) { // Finally freenode appear to have an ircd which isn't completely annoying. // Only error if the LMQ thinks the mode should be // something thats not the other one of these 2 modes. error = oldMode != (mode == 'b' ? 'q' : 'b'); } // If the lmq and the actual mode are not the same or the // freenode-specific hacks above think the mode should be // something else, error. if (oldMode != mode && error) { parser.callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_LMQ, "LMQ disagrees with guess. LMQ: " + mode + " Guess: " + oldMode); } if (!isItem) { listModeQueue.poll(); } } } } if (isItem) { if (!isCleverMode && listModeQueue == null && ServerTypeGroup.FREENODE.isMember(serverType) && token.length > 4 && mode == 'b') { // Assume mode is a 'd' mode mode = 'd'; // Now work out if its not (or attempt to.) final int identstart = token[tokenStart].indexOf('!'); final int hoststart = token[tokenStart].indexOf('@'); // Check that ! and @ are both in the string - as required by +b and +q if (identstart >= 0 && identstart < hoststart) { if (serverType == ServerType.HYPERION && token[tokenStart].charAt(0) == '%') { mode = 'q'; } else { mode = 'b'; } } } // End Hyperian stupidness of using the same numeric for 3 different things.. if (!channel.getAddState(mode)) { callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "New List Mode Batch (" + mode + "): Clearing!"); final Collection list = channel.getListMode(mode); if (list == null) { parser.callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_WARNING, "Got list mode: '" + mode + "' - but channel object doesn't agree.", parser.getLastLine())); } else { list.clear(); if (ServerTypeGroup.FREENODE.isMember(serverType) && (mode == 'b' || mode == 'q')) { // Also clear the other list if b or q. final Character otherMode = mode == 'b' ? 'q' : 'b'; if (!channel.getAddState(otherMode)) { callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "New List Mode Batch (" + mode + "): Clearing!"); final Collection otherList = channel.getListMode(otherMode); if (otherList == null) { parser.callErrorInfo(new ParserError(ParserError.ERROR_WARNING, "Got list mode: '" + otherMode + "' - but channel object doesn't agree.", parser.getLastLine())); } else { otherList.clear(); } } } } channel.setAddState(mode, true); } long time = 0; if (token.length > tokenStart + 2) { try { time = Long.parseLong(token[tokenStart + 2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { time = 0; } } String owner = ""; if (token.length > tokenStart + 1) { owner = token[tokenStart + 1]; } String item = ""; if (token.length > tokenStart) { item = token[tokenStart]; } if (!item.isEmpty()) { final ChannelListModeItem clmi = new ChannelListModeItem(item, owner, time); callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "List Mode: %c [%s/%s/%d]", mode, item, owner, time); channel.setListModeParam(mode, clmi, true); } } else { callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "List Mode Batch over"); channel.resetAddState(); if (isCleverMode || listModeQueue == null || listModeQueue.isEmpty()) { callDebugInfo(IRCParser.DEBUG_INFO, "Calling GotListModes"); channel.setHasGotListModes(true); if (isCleverMode) { parser.chanModesOther.keySet() .stream() .filter(thisMode -> parser.chanModesOther .get(thisMode) == IRCParser.MODE_LIST) .forEach(thisMode -> callChannelGotListModes(date, channel, thisMode)); } else { callChannelGotListModes(date, channel, mode); } } } } /** * Callback to all objects implementing the ChannelGotListModes Callback. * * @param date The LocalDateTime that this event occurred at. * @param cChannel Channel which the ListModes reply is for * @param mode the mode that we got list modes for. */ protected void callChannelGotListModes(final LocalDateTime date, final ChannelInfo cChannel, final char mode) { getCallbackManager().publish(new ChannelListModeEvent(parser, date, cChannel, mode)); } }