#!/bin/bash # Script to checkout the client at a given point of time. # Usage: # # checkoutAt.sh # # This will checkout in the given repo, and then checkout the last # commit in all other repos that happened before the time of requested commit. REPO="${1}" SHA1="${2}" VALID_REPOS=(meta client parser util plugins) containsElement () { local e for e in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$e" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done return 1 } containsElement "${REPO}" "${VALID_REPOS[@]}" RES=${?} if [ "${SHA1}" = "" -o ${RES} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Usage:" echo "${0} " echo "" echo "This will checkout in the given repo, and then checkout the last commit in all other repos that happened before the time of requested commit." exit 1; fi; CHECKOUTDIR="${PWD}" if [ ! -e "${CHECKOUTDIR}/settings.gradle" -o "`grep "rootProject.name = 'dmdirc'" settings.gradle 2>&1`" = "" ]; then echo "'${PWD}' does not look like a DMDirc/meta checkout." exit 1; fi; getRepoDir() { if [ "${1}" = "meta" ]; then echo "${CHECKOUTDIR}/" else echo "${CHECKOUTDIR}/${1}" fi; } isCommit() { if [ "`git cat-file -t "${1}" 2>&1`" = "commit" ]; then echo "0" else echo "1" fi; } cd `getRepoDir "${REPO}"` if [ `isCommit ${SHA1}` -eq 1 ]; then echo "Invalid commit in ${REPO}: ${SHA1}" exit 1; fi; # Get the requested commit. echo -ne "\e[32m" echo "In ${REPO}: " echo -ne "\e[93m"; git show ${SHA1} -s --format=" Checking out: %H - %s" echo -ne "\e[93m"; git show ${SHA1} -s --format=" Author: %an / Committer: %cn / Date: %cD" echo -e "\e[39m" echo -ne "\e[90m" git reset --hard git checkout -f ${SHA1} echo -e "\e[39m" THISTIME=`git show ${SHA1} --pretty=format:%ct` # Now get all the others... for R in "${VALID_REPOS[@]}" do if [ "${R}" != "${REPO}" ]; then cd `getRepoDir "${R}"` RSHA1=`git rev-list -1 --before="${THISTIME}" --all` echo -ne "\e[32m" echo "In ${R}: " echo -ne "\e[93m"; git show ${RSHA1} -s --format=" Checking out: %H - %s" echo -ne "\e[93m"; git show ${RSHA1} -s --format=" Author: %an / Committer: %cn / Date: %cD" echo -e "\e[39m" echo -ne "\e[90m" git reset --hard git checkout -f ${RSHA1} echo -e "\e[39m" fi; done; cd "${CHECKOUTDIR}"