Nelze vybrat více než 25 témat Téma musí začínat písmenem nebo číslem, může obsahovat pomlčky („-“) a může být dlouhé až 35 znaků.

build.xml 2.4KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project name="DMDirc" default="default" basedir=".">
  3. <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project DMDirc.</description>
  4. <import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
  5. <import file="build-installer.xml"/>
  6. <import file="build-plugins.xml"/>
  7. <import file="build-reports.xml"/>
  8. <import file="build-tests.xml"/>
  9. <import file="build-versioning.xml"/>
  10. <import file="build-properties.xml"/>
  11. <import file="build-ivy.xml"/>
  12. <target name="-init-lib-directory">
  13. <mkdir dir="lib"/>
  14. </target>
  15. <target name="init-private" depends="-init-lib-directory">
  16. <echo>Downloading private files, if this fails please pass username and</echo>
  17. <echo>password to ant using -Dusername=... -Dpassword=...</echo>
  18. <get src="" dest="lib/clover.license" username="${username}" password="${password}"/>
  19. <get dest="installer/signing/" username="${username}" password="${password}">
  20. <url url=""/>
  21. <url url=""/>
  22. <url url=""/>
  23. </get>
  24. <get dest="addons.api.key" username="${username}" password="${password}" src=""/>
  25. <!-- Re-evaluate as the license is probably here now -->
  26. <condition property="clover.installed">
  27. <and>
  28. <available classname="com.cenqua.clover.CloverInstr"/>
  29. <available file="lib/clover.license"/>
  30. </and>
  31. </condition>
  32. </target>
  33. <target name="-post-clean">
  34. <delete dir="modules/plugins/build"/>
  35. <delete dir="modules/plugins/dist"/>
  36. <delete dir="modules/parser/build"/>
  37. <delete dir="modules/parser/dist"/>
  38. <delete dir="modules/util/build"/>
  39. <delete dir="modules/util/dist"/>
  40. </target>
  41. <target name="-bundle-slf4j">
  42. <jar destfile="${dist.jar}" update="true">
  43. <zipfileset src="lib/slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar" includes="org/slf4j/**/*"/>
  44. </jar>
  45. </target>
  46. <target name="-pre-init" depends="-init-dependencies,-init-private-properties"/>
  47. <target name="-post-compile" depends="-write-version, build-plugins"/>
  48. <target name="-post-test-run" depends="-do-test-reports"/>
  49. <target name="-post-jar" depends="-update-bundled-plugins,-bundle-slf4j"/>
  50. </project>