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BuildAll.sh 4.0KB

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # cron doesn't seem to like doing this iself...
  3. . /etc/profile
  4. # Used for nightly.log to help diagnosing problems
  5. env
  6. # Path to WWW Directory
  7. WWWDIR="/home/dmdirc/www"
  8. # Path to trunk
  9. MYDIR="/home/dmdirc/working/nightly"
  10. # Path to scripts
  11. SCRIPTDIR="/home/dmdirc/scripts"
  12. # Path to ant binary
  13. ANT="/usr/bin/ant"
  14. # Path to git binary
  15. GIT="/usr/bin/git"
  16. # Path to jar binary
  17. JAR="/usr/bin/jar"
  18. cd ${MYDIR}
  19. if [ -d .git ]; then
  20. $GIT reset --hard
  21. $GIT checkout master
  22. $GIT pull
  23. $GIT submodule init
  24. $GIT submodule update
  25. GITREV=`$GIT describe`
  26. else
  27. echo "GIT Directory not found."
  28. exit 1;
  29. fi;
  30. export DMDIRC_GIT=${GITREV}
  31. # Archive old nightlies
  32. if [ `date +%d` = "01" ]; then
  33. echo "Archiving last month's nightlies..."
  34. OLDDIR=${WWWDIR}/nightly/old/`date -d yesterday +%B%y | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"`
  35. mkdir -p ${OLDDIR}
  36. mv -fv ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*_`date -d yesterday +%Y%m`??_* ${OLDDIR}
  37. mv -fv ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*-`date -d yesterday +%Y%m`??_* ${OLDDIR}
  38. rm -Rf ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*_latest*
  39. fi
  40. # The date/git rev to add to the end of the file names of stuff
  41. FILEDATA=`date +%Y%m%d`_${GITREV}
  42. # Force rebuild of plugins.
  43. export REBUILDPLUGINS="true"
  44. # Build plugins/jar
  45. $ANT -Dchannel=NIGHTLY -k clean jar
  46. PHP=`which php`
  47. # Check if build failed
  48. if [ ! -e "$MYDIR/dist/DMDirc.jar" ]; then
  49. # Report failure
  50. echo "Build failure"
  51. if [ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php" -a "${PHP}" != "" ]; then
  52. $PHP -q $SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php
  53. fi
  54. else
  55. # Build installers
  56. # Delete all automatically added plugins from the jar to allow the installer
  57. # to add its own on a per-os basis
  58. unzip -l "${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar" | grep " plugins/" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 5- | xargs zip "${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar" -d
  59. # Temporary, add certain plugins back in as the installer builds no
  60. # longer add any at all
  61. cd "${MYDIR}"
  62. $JAR -uvf "${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar" plugins/ui_swing.jar plugins/tabcompletion_bash.jar plugins/tabcompletion_mirc.jar plugins/parser_irc.jar
  63. cd "${MYDIR}/modules/installer"
  64. PACKAGENAME="DMDirc-Nightly"
  65. ./makeAll.sh --extra "${FILEDATA}" --packagename "${PACKAGENAME}" --jar "${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar" --version "${GITREV}"
  66. cd "${MYDIR}"
  67. OUTPUTDIR="${MYDIR}/modules/installer/output"
  68. if [ ! -e "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.exe" -o ! -e "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.deb" -o ! -e "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.dmg" -o ! -e "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.jar" ]; then
  69. # Report failure
  70. echo "Installer build failure."
  71. if [ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php" -a "${PHP}" != "" ]; then
  73. export BAMBOO_BUILD;
  74. $PHP -q $SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php
  75. fi
  76. fi;
  77. # Re-add all plugins to the jar so that the nightly .jar has everything.
  78. # $JAR -uvf "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.jar" plugins
  79. # Submit plugins to addons site
  80. if [ -e "${HOME}/www/addons/submitplugin.php" ]; then
  81. for plugin in `ls plugins/*.jar`; do
  82. $PHP ${HOME}/www/addons/submitplugin.php $plugin
  83. done;
  84. fi;
  85. function handleNightly() {
  86. PACKAGENAME="${1}"
  87. FILEDATA="${2}"
  88. EXT="${3}"
  90. if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.${EXT}" ]; then
  91. ln -sfv "${WWWDIR}/nightly/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.${EXT}" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/${PACKAGENAME}_latest.${EXT}"
  92. fi;
  93. }
  94. handleNightly "${PACKAGENAME}" "${FILEDATA}" "exe"
  95. handleNightly "${PACKAGENAME}" "${FILEDATA}" "dmg"
  96. handleNightly "${PACKAGENAME}" "${FILEDATA}" "deb"
  97. handleNightly "${PACKAGENAME}" "${FILEDATA}" "rpm"
  98. # Jars get a different name for some reason.
  99. mv -v "${OUTPUTDIR}/${PACKAGENAME}-${FILEDATA}.jar" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc_${FILEDATA}.jar"
  100. if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc_${FILEDATA}.jar" ]; then
  101. ln -sfv "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc_${FILEDATA}.jar" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc_latest.jar"
  102. fi;
  103. # # Update Launchers
  104. # cd ${MYDIR}/launcher
  105. # sh ${MYDIR}/launcher/createUpdate.sh
  106. # Do normal reports
  107. if [ "${IS_BAMBOO}" == "" ]; then
  108. /bin/sh $MYDIR/DoReports.sh
  109. fi;
  110. fi