{ Copyright (C) 2005 Bas Steendijk and Peter Green For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib_license.txt Which is included in the package ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit fastmd5; { pascal implementation of MD5 written by Bas Steendijk - steendijk@xs4all.nl based on RFC1321 - The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm optimized for speed: saved on copying and sub calls in the core routine verified on: - Borland Delphi 3 - Borland Turbo Pascal 7 - Free Pascal 1.0.6 for i386 (on *nix) - various other versions of freepascal on windows and linux i386 - various other versions of delphi - free pascal 1.9.5 on powerpc darwin this unit is endian portable but is likely to be significantly slower on big endian systems } {$Q-,R-} interface type Tmd5=array[0..15] of byte; {$i uint32.inc} type dvar=array[0..0] of byte; Tmd5state=record buf:array[0..63] of byte; H:array[0..3] of uint32; msglen:longint; msglenhi:longint; end; procedure md5processblock(var h:array of uint32;const data); procedure md5init(var state:tmd5state); procedure md5process(var state:tmd5state;const data;len:longint); procedure md5finish(var state:tmd5state;var result); procedure getmd5(const data;len:longint;var result); function md5tostr(const md5:tmd5):string; implementation function inttohex(val,bits:integer):string; const hexchar:array[0..15] of char='0123456789abcdef'; begin inttohex := hexchar[val shr 4]+hexchar[val and $f]; end; {$ifdef cpu386} function rol(w,bits:uint32): uint32; assembler; asm {cpu386 is not defined on freepascal. but fpc assembler is incompatible, uses different code} {inline($89/$d1/$d3/$c0);} mov ecx,edx rol eax,cl end; {$else} function rol(w,bits:uint32):uint32; begin rol := (w shl bits) or (w shr (32-bits)); end; {$endif} {function swapbytes(invalue:uint32):uint32; var inbytes : array[0..3] of byte absolute invalue; outbytes : array[0..3] of byte absolute result; begin outbytes[0] := inbytes[3]; outbytes[1] := inbytes[2]; outbytes[2] := inbytes[1]; outbytes[3] := inbytes[0]; end;} procedure md5processblock(var h:array of uint32;const data); const S11=7; S12=12; S13=17; S14=22; S21=5; S22=9; S23=14; S24=20; S31=4; S32=11; S33=16; S34=23; S41=6; S42=10; S43=15; S44=21; var A,B,C,D:uint32; w:array[0..63] of byte absolute data; x:array[0..15] of uint32 {$ifndef ENDIAN_BIG} absolute data{$endif} ; y:array[0..63] of byte absolute x; {$ifdef ENDIAN_BIG}counter : integer;{$endif} begin A := h[0]; B := h[1]; C := h[2]; D := h[3]; {$ifdef ENDIAN_BIG} for counter := 0 to 63 do begin y[counter] := w[counter xor 3]; end; {$endif} a := rol(a + ((b and c) or ((not b) and d)) + x[ 0] + $d76aa478, S11) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and b) or ((not a) and c)) + x[ 1] + $e8c7b756, S12) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and a) or ((not d) and b)) + x[ 2] + $242070db, S13) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and d) or ((not c) and a)) + x[ 3] + $c1bdceee, S14) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and c) or ((not b) and d)) + x[ 4] + $f57c0faf, S11) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and b) or ((not a) and c)) + x[ 5] + $4787c62a, S12) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and a) or ((not d) and b)) + x[ 6] + $a8304613, S13) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and d) or ((not c) and a)) + x[ 7] + $fd469501, S14) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and c) or ((not b) and d)) + x[ 8] + $698098d8, S11) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and b) or ((not a) and c)) + x[ 9] + $8b44f7af, S12) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and a) or ((not d) and b)) + x[10] + $ffff5bb1, S13) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and d) or ((not c) and a)) + x[11] + $895cd7be, S14) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and c) or ((not b) and d)) + x[12] + $6b901122, S11) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and b) or ((not a) and c)) + x[13] + $fd987193, S12) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and a) or ((not d) and b)) + x[14] + $a679438e, S13) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and d) or ((not c) and a)) + x[15] + $49b40821, S14) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and d) or (c and (not d))) + x[ 1] + $f61e2562, S21) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and c) or (b and (not c))) + x[ 6] + $c040b340, S22) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and b) or (a and (not b))) + x[11] + $265e5a51, S23) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and a) or (d and (not a))) + x[ 0] + $e9b6c7aa, S24) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and d) or (c and (not d))) + x[ 5] + $d62f105d, S21) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and c) or (b and (not c))) + x[10] + $02441453, S22) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and b) or (a and (not b))) + x[15] + $d8a1e681, S23) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and a) or (d and (not a))) + x[ 4] + $e7d3fbc8, S24) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and d) or (c and (not d))) + x[ 9] + $21e1cde6, S21) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and c) or (b and (not c))) + x[14] + $c33707d6, S22) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and b) or (a and (not b))) + x[ 3] + $f4d50d87, S23) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and a) or (d and (not a))) + x[ 8] + $455a14ed, S24) + c; a := rol(a + ((b and d) or (c and (not d))) + x[13] + $a9e3e905, S21) + b; d := rol(d + ((a and c) or (b and (not c))) + x[ 2] + $fcefa3f8, S22) + a; c := rol(c + ((d and b) or (a and (not b))) + x[ 7] + $676f02d9, S23) + d; b := rol(b + ((c and a) or (d and (not a))) + x[12] + $8d2a4c8a, S24) + c; a := rol(a + (b xor c xor d) + x[ 5] + $fffa3942, S31) + b; d := rol(d + (a xor b xor c) + x[ 8] + $8771f681, S32) + a; c := rol(c + (d xor a xor b) + x[11] + $6d9d6122, S33) + d; b := rol(b + (c xor d xor a) + x[14] + $fde5380c, S34) + c; a := rol(a + (b xor c xor d) + x[ 1] + $a4beea44, S31) + b; d := rol(d + (a xor b xor c) + x[ 4] + $4bdecfa9, S32) + a; c := rol(c + (d xor a xor b) + x[ 7] + $f6bb4b60, S33) + d; b := rol(b + (c xor d xor a) + x[10] + $bebfbc70, S34) + c; a := rol(a + (b xor c xor d) + x[13] + $289b7ec6, S31) + b; d := rol(d + (a xor b xor c) + x[ 0] + $eaa127fa, S32) + a; c := rol(c + (d xor a xor b) + x[ 3] + $d4ef3085, S33) + d; b := rol(b + (c xor d xor a) + x[ 6] + $04881d05, S34) + c; a := rol(a + (b xor c xor d) + x[ 9] + $d9d4d039, S31) + b; d := rol(d + (a xor b xor c) + x[12] + $e6db99e5, S32) + a; c := rol(c + (d xor a xor b) + x[15] + $1fa27cf8, S33) + d; b := rol(b + (c xor d xor a) + x[ 2] + $c4ac5665, S34) + c; a := rol(a + (c xor (b or (not d))) + x[ 0] + $f4292244, S41) + b; d := rol(d + (b xor (a or (not c))) + x[ 7] + $432aff97, S42) + a; c := rol(c + (a xor (d or (not b))) + x[14] + $ab9423a7, S43) + d; b := rol(b + (d xor (c or (not a))) + x[ 5] + $fc93a039, S44) + c; a := rol(a + (c xor (b or (not d))) + x[12] + $655b59c3, S41) + b; d := rol(d + (b xor (a or (not c))) + x[ 3] + $8f0ccc92, S42) + a; c := rol(c + (a xor (d or (not b))) + x[10] + $ffeff47d, S43) + d; b := rol(b + (d xor (c or (not a))) + x[ 1] + $85845dd1, S44) + c; a := rol(a + (c xor (b or (not d))) + x[ 8] + $6fa87e4f, S41) + b; d := rol(d + (b xor (a or (not c))) + x[15] + $fe2ce6e0, S42) + a; c := rol(c + (a xor (d or (not b))) + x[ 6] + $a3014314, S43) + d; b := rol(b + (d xor (c or (not a))) + x[13] + $4e0811a1, S44) + c; a := rol(a + (c xor (b or (not d))) + x[ 4] + $f7537e82, S41) + b; d := rol(d + (b xor (a or (not c))) + x[11] + $bd3af235, S42) + a; c := rol(c + (a xor (d or (not b))) + x[ 2] + $2ad7d2bb, S43) + d; b := rol(b + (d xor (c or (not a))) + x[ 9] + $eb86d391, S44) + c; inc(h[0],A); inc(h[1],B); inc(h[2],C); inc(h[3],D); end; procedure md5init(var state:tmd5state); begin state.h[0] := $67452301; state.h[1] := $EFCDAB89; state.h[2] := $98BADCFE; state.h[3] := $10325476; state.msglen := 0; state.msglenhi := 0; end; procedure md5process(var state:tmd5state;const data;len:longint); var a,b:longint; ofs:longint; p:dvar absolute data; begin b := state.msglen and 63; inc(state.msglen,len); while (state.msglen > $20000000) do begin dec(state.msglen,$20000000); inc(state.msglenhi); end; ofs := 0; if b > 0 then begin a := 64-b; if a > len then a := len; move(p[0],state.buf[b],a); inc(ofs,a); dec(len,a); if b+a = 64 then md5processblock(state.h,state.buf); if len = 0 then exit; end; while len >= 64 do begin md5processblock(state.h,p[ofs]); inc(ofs,64); dec(len,64); end; if len > 0 then move(p[ofs],state.buf[0],len); end; procedure md5finish(var state:tmd5state;var result); var b :integer; {$ifdef endian_big} h :tmd5 absolute state.h; r :tmd5 absolute result; counter :integer ; {$endif} begin b := state.msglen and 63; state.buf[b] := $80; if b >= 56 then begin {-- for a := b+1 to 63 do state.buf[a] := 0; } fillchar(state.buf[b+1],63-b,0); md5processblock(state.h,state.buf); fillchar(state.buf,56,0); end else begin {-- for a := b+1 to 55 do state.buf[a] := 0; } fillchar(state.buf[b+1],55-b,0); end; state.msglen := state.msglen shl 3; state.buf[56] := state.msglen; state.buf[57] := state.msglen shr 8; state.buf[58] := state.msglen shr 16; state.buf[59] := state.msglen shr 24; state.buf[60] := state.msglenhi; state.buf[61] := state.msglenhi shr 8; state.buf[62] := state.msglenhi shr 16; state.buf[63] := state.msglenhi shr 24; md5processblock(state.h,state.buf); {$ifdef ENDIAN_BIG} for counter := 0 to 15 do begin r[counter] := h[counter xor 3]; end; {$else} move(state.h,result,16); {$endif} fillchar(state,sizeof(state),0); end; procedure getmd5(const data;len:longint;var result); var t:tmd5state; begin md5init(t); md5process(t,data,len); md5finish(t,result); end; function md5tostr(const md5:tmd5):string; var a:integer; s:string; begin s := ''; for a := 0 to 15 do s := s + inttohex(md5[a],2); md5tostr := s; end; end.