#!/bin/bash # updateBundledPlugins.sh # # Reads the version of each bundled plugin in the specified jar, and writes # the names and versions to the jar's version.config file. # Find out where we are BASEDIR=${0%/*} if [ "${BASEDIR}" = "${0}" ]; then BASEDIR=`which $0` BASEDIR="${BASEDIR%/*}" fi CHECKBASEDIR=`echo "${BASEDIR}" | sed 's#^/##'` if [ "${CHECKBASEDIR}" = "${BASEDIR}" -a "${PWD}" != "${CHECKBASEDIR}" -a "${PWD}/." != "${CHECKBASEDIR}" ]; then BASEDIR="${PWD}/${BASEDIR}" fi; if [ -e "${BASEDIR}/build-functions.sh" ]; then . "${BASEDIR}/build-functions.sh" else echo "Unable to find build-functions.sh. '${BASEDIR}/build-functions.sh'" exit 1; fi; jar=$1 dir=`safe_mktemp ${jar##*/}` config="$dir/com/dmdirc/version.config" CHECKJAR=`echo "${jar}" | sed 's#^/##'` if [ "${CHECKJAR}" = "$jar" ]; then jar="`pwd`/$jar" fi; cd $dir # Read the jar's version.config out jar -xf $jar # Check for previous data startOffset=`grep -n "Begin updateBundledPlugins.sh" $config | head -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ':'` endOffset=`grep -n "End updateBundledPlugins.sh" $config | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d ':'` if [ -n "$startOffset" -a -n "$endOffset" ]; then # Previous data found, let's get rid of it head -n $(($startOffset-2)) $config >> $config.tmp; tail -n +$(($endOffset+1)) $config >> $config.tmp; mv $config.tmp $config; fi; # Add our new sections echo "" >> $config; echo "# --- Begin updateBundledPlugins.sh (`date`) --- " >> $config echo "keysections:" >> $config; echo " bundledplugins_versions" >> $config; echo "" >> $config; echo "bundledplugins_versions:" >> $config; # For each plugin in the jar... for plugin in `ls plugins/* | cut -f 2 -d '/'`; do pluginName=${plugin%.jar} # Extract it to our temporary dir (can't extract zip files from stdin) jar -xf plugins/$plugin; # Read the plugin.config file and parse out the version number version=`cat META-INF/plugin.config | grep -1 version: | grep number= | cut -f 2 -d '='`; # And add the version to our version.config echo " $pluginName=$version" >> $config; done; echo "# --- End updateBundledPlugins.sh --- " >> $config; # Update the version in the jar jar uf $jar -C $dir com/dmdirc/version.config; # Remove the temporary directory cd .. rm -rf $dir;