#!/bin/sh # # This script generates a .exe file that will install DMDirc # # DMDirc - Open Source IRC Client # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Chris Smith, Shane Mc Cormack, Gregory Holmes # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # Name of the extractor RUNNAME=extractor.exe # Name of the installer (without .exe) INSTALLNAME=DMDirc-Setup # Name of the internal file INTNAME=extractor.7z # full name of the files to output to RUNNAME="${PWD}/${RUNNAME}" INTNAME="${PWD}/${INTNAME}" # Get 7zip path ZIP=`which 7z` PWDIR="${PWD}" # Windows binaries need real paths not cygwin-y pathhs. if [ "${WINDIR}" != "" ]; then PWDIR=`echo "${PWDIR}" | sed 's#^/c/#c:/#'` fi; if [ "" = "${ZIP}" ]; then echo "7Zip not found, failing." exit 1; fi # Compress stuff! compress() { FLAGS="-y" if [ "${WINDIR}" = "" ]; then FLAGS="${FLAGS}l" fi; "${ZIP}" a ${FLAGS} "${INTNAME}" $@ 2>/dev/null || { echo "Compression failed." kill -15 $$; }; } # Get signcode path SIGNCODE=`which signcode` if [ "" = "${SIGNCODE}" ]; then echo "Signcode not found. EXE's will not be digitally signed." fi # Sign stuff! signexe() { return; if [ "" != "${SIGNCODE}" ]; then if [ -e "../signing/DMDirc.spc" -a -e "../signing/DMDirc.pvk" ]; then echo "Digitally Signing EXE (${@})..." ${SIGNCODE} -spc "../signing/DMDirc.spc" -v "../signing/DMDirc.pvk" -i "http://www.dmdirc.com/" -n "DMDirc Installer" $@ 2>/dev/null || { kill -15 $$; }; rm ${@}.sig rm ${@}.bak fi fi } WGET=`which wget` FETCH=`which fetch` CURL=`which curl` getFile() { URL=${1} OUTPUT=${2} if [ "${WGET}" != "" ]; then "${WGET}" -O "${OUTPUT}" ${URL} elif [ "${FETCH}" != "" ]; then "${FETCH}" -o "${OUTPUT}" ${URL} elif [ "${CURL}" != "" ]; then "${CURL}" -o "${OUTPUT}" ${URL} fi; } # Check for some CLI params compileJar="false" compileSetup="false" useOldSetup="false" isRelease="" useUPX="false" finalTag="" signEXE="true" compilerFlags="-Xs -XX -O2 -Or -Op1" BRANCH="0" plugins="" location="../../" current="1" jarfile="" jre="" jrename="jre" # Filename for JRE without the .exe TAGGED="" showHelp() { echo "This will generate a DMDirc installer for a windows based system." echo "The following command line arguments are known:" echo "---------------------" echo "-h, --help Help information" echo "-b, --branch Release in -r is a branch " echo "-s, --setup Recompile the .exe file" echo "-o, If setup.exe compile fails, use old version" echo "-p, --plugins What plugins to add to the jar file" echo "-c, --compile Recompile the .jar file" echo "-u, --unsigned Don't sign the exe" echo "-e, --extra Tag to add to final exe name to distinguish this build from a standard build" echo "-f, --flags Extra flags to pass to the compiler" echo " --jre Include the JRE in this installer" echo " --jar use as DMDirc.jar" echo " --current Use the current folder as the base for the build" # This is not in the help cos its crappy really, and makes little/no difference to the # exe size unless debugging information is added using --flags, in which case the person # probably is Dataforce and knows about this flag anyway # echo " --upx UPX binary if UPX is available on the path," # echo " (Compression Level: 4 for signed exe, 9 for unsigned)" echo "---------------------" exit 0; } while test -n "$1"; do case "$1" in --plugins|-p) shift plugins=${1} ;; --jar) shift jarfile=${1} ;; --jre) jre="http://www.dmdirc.com/getjava/windows/all" ;; --jre64) # No specific jre64 for windows. echo "No specific 64ibt JRE for windows, exiting" exit 1; ;; --current) location="../../" current="1" ;; --compile|-c) compileJar="true" ;; --setup|-s) compileSetup="true" ;; -o) useOldSetup="true" ;; --release|-r) shift isRelease=${1} ;; --extra|-e) shift finalTag="-${1}" ;; --flags|-f) shift compilerFlags="${1} " ;; --upx) useUPX="true" ;; --unsigned|-u) signEXE="false" ;; --help|-h) showHelp; ;; --branch|-b) BRANCH="1" ;; --tag|-t) TAGGED=`git describe --tags` TAGGED=${TAGGED%%-*} ;; esac shift done # Go! echo "-----------" if [ -e "${RUNNAME}" ]; then echo "Removing existing .exe file" rm -Rf "${RUNNAME}" fi if [ -e "${INTNAME}" ]; then echo "Removing existing .7z file" rm -Rf "${INTNAME}" fi echo "Creating .7z file" if [ "" = "${current}" ]; then jarPath="${location}trunk" else jarPath="${location}" fi if [ "" = "${jarfile}" ]; then jarfile=${jarPath}"/dist/DMDirc.jar" if [ ! -e ${jarPath}"/dist/DMDirc.jar" -o "${compileJar}" = "true" ]; then echo "Creating jar.." OLDPWD=${PWD} cd ${jarPath} rm -Rf build dist ant jar if [ ! -e "dist/DMDirc.jar" ]; then echo "There was an error creating the .jar file. Aborting." exit 1; fi; cd ${OLDPWD} fi; elif [ ! -e "${jarfile}" ]; then echo "Requested Jar file (${jarfile}) does not exist." exit 1; fi; if [ "" = "${plugins}" ]; then echo "Linking jar (${jarfile}).." ln -sf ${jarfile} "./DMDirc.jar" else echo "Copying jar (${jarfile}).." cp ${jarfile} "./DMDirc.jar" echo "Adding plugins to jar" ln -sf ${jarPath}"/plugins" pluginList="" for plugin in ${plugins}; do pluginList=${pluginList}" plugins/${plugin}" done jar -uvf "DMDirc.jar" ${pluginList} ../../updateBundledPlugins.sh "DMDirc.jar"; rm -Rf plugins; fi echo " ReleaseNumber: String = '${TAGGED}';" > SetupConsts.inc FILES="" # Icon Res file if [ -e ${jarPath}"/src/com/dmdirc/res/icon.ico" ]; then ln -sf ${jarPath}"/src/com/dmdirc/res/icon.ico" ./icon.ico FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/icon.ico" fi echo "icon.ico ICON icon.ico" > icon.rc # Other resources echo "extractor RCDATA extractor.exe" > files.rc COMPILER_IS_BROKEN="0"; NUM="${TAGGED}" # Version Numbers if [ "" = "${NUM}" ]; then MAJORVER="0" MINORVER="0" RELEASE="0" EXTRAVER="0" TEXTVER="${isRelease}" PRIVATE="1" USER=`whoami` USER=`echo "${USER}" | sed 's#\\\\#\\\\\\\\#g'` HOST=`hostname` DATE=`date` else MAJORVER=${NUM%%.*} SUBVER=${NUM#*.} EXTRAVER="0" DOT=`expr index "${SUBVER}" .` if [ "${DOT}" = "0" ]; then MINORVER=${SUBVER} RELEASE="0" else MINORVER=${SUBVER%%.*} END=${SUBVER##*.} RELEASE=${END##*[^0-9]} fi TEXTVER=$NUM PRIVATE="0" fi; # Information for the below section: # # http://support.microsoft.com/kb/139491 # http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa381049.aspx # http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs3304/FreePascal/doc/prog/node14.html#SECTION001440000000000000000 # http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/svn/tortoisesvn/trunk/src/Resources/TortoiseShell.rc2 echo "1 VERSIONINFO" > version.rc.1 echo "FILEVERSION 1, 0, 0, 0" >> version.rc.1 echo "PRODUCTVERSION ${MAJORVER}, ${MINORVER}, ${RELEASE}, ${EXTRAVER}" >> version.rc.1 if [ "${PRIVATE}" = "1" ]; then if [ "${COMPILER_IS_BROKEN}" = "0" ]; then echo "FILEFLAGSMASK 0x000A" >> version.rc.1 echo "FILEFLAGS 0x3f" >> version.rc.1 else echo "FILEFLAGS 0x000A" >> version.rc.1 fi; else echo "FILEFLAGSMASK 0" >> version.rc.1 fi; echo "FILEOS 0x40004" >> version.rc.1 echo "FILETYPE 1" >> version.rc.1 echo "BEGIN" >> version.rc.1 echo " BLOCK \"StringFileInfo\"" >> version.rc.1 echo " BEGIN" >> version.rc.1 echo " BLOCK \"040004E4\"" >> version.rc.1 echo " BEGIN" >> version.rc.1 echo " VALUE \"Comments\", \"http://www.dmdirc.com/\"" >> version.rc.1 echo " VALUE \"CompanyName\", \"DMDirc\"" >> version.rc.1 cat version.rc.1 > version.rc cat version.rc.1 > uninstallversion.rc rm version.rc.1 echo " VALUE \"FileDescription\", \"Installer for DMDirc ${TEXTVER}\"" >> version.rc echo " VALUE \"FileDescription\", \"Uninstaller for DMDirc\"" >> uninstallversion.rc echo " VALUE \"FileVersion\", \"2.0\"" > version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"InternalName\", \"DMDirc.jar\"" >> version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"LegalCopyright\", \"Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Chris Smith, Shane Mc Cormack, Gregory Holmes\"" >> version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"OriginalFilename\", \"$2\"" >> version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"ProductName\", \"DMDirc\"" >> version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"ProductVersion\", \"${TEXTVER}\"" >> version.rc.2 if [ "${PRIVATE}" = "1" ]; then echo " VALUE \"PrivateBuild\", \"Build by ${USER}@${HOST} on ${DATE}\"" >> version.rc.2 fi; echo " END" >> version.rc.2 echo " END" >> version.rc.2 echo " BLOCK \"VarFileInfo\"" >> version.rc.2 echo " BEGIN" >> version.rc.2 echo " VALUE \"Translation\", 0x400, 1252" >> version.rc.2 echo " END" >> version.rc.2 echo "END" >> version.rc.2 cat version.rc.2 >> version.rc cat version.rc.2 >> uninstallversion.rc rm version.rc.2 echo "1 24 \"UAC.manifest\"" > UAC.rc echo "1 24 \"UAC_uninstaller.manifest\"" > UAC_uninstaller.rc # Build res files #windres -F pe-i386 -i version.rc -o version.res #windres -F pe-i386 -i files.rc -o files.res #windres -F pe-i386 -i icon.rc -o icon.res # UAC really needs to match the product name / description properly # so we have a special one for the uninstaller cat UAC_uninstaller.rc > uninstall.rc # Next line seems to be silly because we add a version resource # later as all.rc is not for the uninstaller. # cat uninstallversion.rc >> all.rc cat uninstallversion.rc >> uninstall.rc cat icon.rc >> uninstall.rc windres -F pe-i386 -i uninstall.rc -o uninstall.res cat UAC.rc > all.rc cat version.rc >> all.rc cat files.rc >> all.rc cat icon.rc >> all.rc # Build later after extractor.exe exists cat UAC.rc > most.rc cat version.rc >> most.rc cat icon.rc >> most.rc windres -F pe-i386 -i most.rc -o most.res FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/DMDirc.jar ${PWDIR}/Setup.exe"; if [ "" != "${jre}" ]; then if [ ! -e "../common/${jrename}.exe" ]; then echo "Downloading JRE to include in installer" getFile "${jre}" "../common/${jrename}.exe" fi ln -sf ../common/${jrename}.exe jre.exe FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/jre.exe" fi; DELETEFILES=${FILES} if [ "" != "${DMDIRC_FPC}" ]; then FPC=${DMDIRC_FPC} else FPC=`which fpc` fi; lazarusDir="/usr/share/lazarus" if [ ! -e "${lazarusDir}/lcl" ]; then lazarusDir="/usr/lib/lazarus/" fi; compilerFlags="-Sd -Twin32 ${compilerFlags}"; extraFlags="" if [ ! -e "Setup.exe" -o "${compileSetup}" = "true" ]; then echo "Setup.exe does not exist. Lets try and compile it." if [ "${FPC}" = "" ]; then echo "FPC Compiler not found, Setup.exe can not be built." exit 1; else echo "Building Setup.exe..." extraFlags="-dKOL -Fu${PWDIR}/../../libwin/kolfpc -Fu{$PWDIR}/../../libwin/lcore -Fu{$PWDIR} -Fu${PWDIR}/../../libwin" echo ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${extraFlags} Setup.dpr ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${extraFlags} Setup.dpr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ -e "Setup.exe" -a "${useOldSetup}" = "true" ]; then echo "Unable to compile Setup.exe, using existing version." else echo "Unable to compile Setup.exe, terminating." exit 1; fi fi; fi fi ls if [ ! -e "Setup.exe" ]; then echo "Still can't find Setup.exe, terminating." exit 1; fi echo "Compressing files.." # Shortcut.exe is from http://www.optimumx.com/download/#Shortcut if [ ! -e Shortcut.exe ]; then getFile "http://binary.dmdirc.com/Shortcut.zip" "Shortcut.zip" unzip -q Shortcut.zip Shortcut.exe rm Shortcut.zip fi FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/Shortcut.exe" DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} Shortcut.exe" if [ "${isRelease}" != "" ]; then DOCSDIR=${jarPath} else DOCSDIR="../common" fi if [ -e "${DOCSDIR}/README.TXT" ]; then ln -sf "${DOCSDIR}/README.TXT" . FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/README.TXT" DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} README.TXT" fi if [ -e "${DOCSDIR}/CHANGES.TXT" ]; then ln -sf "${DOCSDIR}/CHANGES.TXT" . FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/CHANGES.TXT" DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} CHANGES.TXT" elif [ -e "${DOCSDIR}/CHANGELOG.TXT" ]; then ln -sf "${DOCSDIR}/CHANGELOG.TXT" . FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/CHANGELOG.TXT" DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} CHANGELOG.TXT" fi if [ -e "${jarPath}/launcher/windows" ]; then # Try to compile all olddir=${PWD} cd "${jarPath}/launcher/windows/" sh compile.sh cd ${olddir} # Now add to file list. for thisfile in `ls -1 ${jarPath}/launcher/windows/*.exe`; do ln -sf ${thisfile} . FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/${thisfile}" done fi extraFlags="-dKOL -Fu${PWDIR}/../../libwin/kolfpc -Fu{$PWDIR} -Fu${PWDIR}/../../libwin" echo ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${extraFlags} ${3}Uninstaller.dpr ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${extraFlags} ${3}Uninstaller.dpr if [ -e "Uninstaller.exe" ]; then FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/Uninstaller.exe" # DELETEFILES="${DELETEFILES} ${PWDIR}/Uninstaller.exe" fi # Add wget to allow downloading jre if [ ! -e "wget.exe" ]; then getFile "http://binary.dmdirc.com/wget.exe" "wget.exe" fi; if [ ! -e "wget.exe" ]; then echo "wget.exe not found, unable to continue." exit 1; fi; FILES="${FILES} ${PWDIR}/wget.exe" compress $FILES echo "Creating config.." echo ";!@Install@!UTF-8!" > 7zip.conf if [ "${isRelease}" != "" ]; then echo "Title=\"DMDirc Installation "${isRelease}"\"" >> 7zip.conf echo "BeginPrompt=\"Do you want to install DMDirc "${isRelease}"?\"" >> 7zip.conf elif [ "${TAGGED}" != "" ]; then echo "Title=\"DMDirc Installation "${TAGGED}"\"" >> 7zip.conf echo "BeginPrompt=\"Do you want to install DMDirc "${TAGGED}"?\"" >> 7zip.conf else echo "Title=\"DMDirc Installation\"" >> 7zip.conf echo "BeginPrompt=\"Do you want to install DMDirc?\"" >> 7zip.conf fi; echo "ExecuteFile=\"Setup.exe\"" >> 7zip.conf echo ";!@InstallEnd@!" >> 7zip.conf if [ ! -e "7zS.sfx" ]; then echo "Obtaining sfx stub.." getFile "http://binary.dmdirc.com/7zS.sfx" "7zS.sfx" fi if [ ! -e "7zS.sfx" ]; then echo "7zS.sfx not found, unable to continue." exit 1; fi; echo "Creating .exe" cat 7zS.sfx 7zip.conf "${INTNAME}" > "${RUNNAME}" doRename=0 if [ "${TAGGED}" != "" ]; then doRename=1 fi; if [ ${doRename} -eq 1 ]; then if [ "${TAGGED}" = "" ]; then releaseTag=branch-${isRelease} else releaseTag=${TAGGED} fi; ORIGNAME="DMDirc-${releaseTag}-Setup${finalTag}.exe" else ORIGNAME="${INSTALLNAME}${finalTag}.exe" fi; echo "Building launcher"; MD5BIN=`which md5sum` AWK=`which awk` MD5SUM="" if [ "${MD5BIN}" != "" -a "${AWK}" != "" ]; then MD5SUM=`${MD5BIN} extractor.exe | ${AWK} '{print $1}'` fi echo "const" > consts.inc echo " MD5SUM: String = '${MD5SUM}';" >> consts.inc # Code to extract and launch resource echo "ExtractResource('extractor', 'dmdirc_extractor.exe', TempDir);" > ExtractCode.inc if [ "${MD5SUM}" != "" ]; then echo "if FindCmdLineSwitch('-nomd5') or FindCmdLineSwitch('nomd5') or checkMD5(TempDir+'dmdirc_extractor.exe') then begin" >> ExtractCode.inc echo -n " "; # Oh so important for code formatting! fi; echo "Launch(TempDir+'dmdirc_extractor.exe');" >> ExtractCode.inc if [ "${MD5SUM}" != "" ]; then echo "end" >> ExtractCode.inc echo "else begin" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := 'This copy of the DMDirc installer appears to be damaged and will now exit';" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+'You may choose to skip this check and run it anyway by passing the /nomd5 parameter';" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+'';" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10;" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+'If you feel this is incorrect, or you require some further assistance,';" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+'please feel free to contact us.';" >> ExtractCode.inc echo " " >> ExtractCode.inc echo " MessageBox(0, PChar(ErrorMessage), 'Sorry, setup is unable to continue', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);" >> ExtractCode.inc echo "end;" >> ExtractCode.inc fi windres -F pe-i386 -i all.rc -o all.res echo ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${3}Launcher.dpr ${FPC} ${compilerFlags} ${3}Launcher.dpr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ -e "Launcher.exe" ]; then echo "Unable to compile Launcher.exe, using existing version." else echo "Unable to compile Launcher.exe, terminating." exit 1; fi fi rm -f *.res rm -f *.rc rm -f *.inc rm -f *.ppu FULLINSTALLER="${PWD}/${INSTALLNAME}${finalTag}.exe" mv Launcher.exe ${FULLINSTALLER} if [ "${useUPX}" = "true" ]; then UPX=`which upx` if [ "${UPX}" != "" ]; then if [ "${signEXE}" = "true" ]; then ${UPX} -4 ${FULLINSTALLER} else ${UPX} -9 ${FULLINSTALLER} fi fi fi echo "Chmodding.." chmod a+x ${FULLINSTALLER} if [ "${signEXE}" = "true" ]; then echo "Signing.." signexe ${FULLINSTALLER} else echo "Not Signing.." fi; if [ "" != "${jre}" ]; then ORIGNAME=`echo ${ORIGNAME} | sed "s/.exe$/.${jrename}.exe/"` fi; mv ${FULLINSTALLER} ../output/${ORIGNAME} # Quick hack to prevent deleting of 2 important files in ${FILES} mv Setup.exe Setup.exe.tmp mv Shortcut.exe Shortcut.exe.tmp rm -f ${DELETEFILES} rm -f ./7zip.conf rm -f ./*.o rm -f ./*.or rm -f ${RUNNAME} rm -f ${INTNAME} rm -f icon.ico # And un-hack mv Setup.exe.tmp Setup.exe mv Shortcut.exe.tmp Shortcut.exe echo "-----------" echo "Done." echo "-----------" # and Done \o exit 0;