/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2017 DMDirc Developers * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS * OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.dmdirc; import com.dmdirc.config.profiles.Profile; import com.dmdirc.events.FrameClosingEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerConnectErrorEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerConnectedEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerConnectingEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerDisconnectedEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerReconnectScheduledEvent; import com.dmdirc.events.ServerUnknownProtocolEvent; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.Connection; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.GroupChatManager; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.InviteManager; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.PrivateChat; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.User; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.WindowModel; import com.dmdirc.config.provider.ConfigChangeListener; import com.dmdirc.config.provider.ConfigProvider; import com.dmdirc.config.provider.ConfigProviderMigrator; import com.dmdirc.interfaces.config.IdentityFactory; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.DefaultStringConverter; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.IgnoreList; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ParserError; import com.dmdirc.parser.common.ThreadedParser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ClientInfo; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.EncodingParser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.Parser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.ProtocolDescription; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.SecureParser; import com.dmdirc.parser.interfaces.StringConverter; import com.dmdirc.tls.CertificateManager; import com.dmdirc.ui.input.TabCompletionType; import com.dmdirc.ui.messages.Formatter; import com.dmdirc.ui.messages.HighlightManager; import com.google.common.net.InternetDomainName; import java.net.NoRouteToHostException; import java.net.SocketException; import java.net.SocketTimeoutException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.function.Function; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.net.ssl.SSLException; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static com.dmdirc.util.LogUtils.APP_ERROR; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; /** * The Server class represents the client's view of a server. It maintains a list of all channels, * queries, etc, and handles parser callbacks pertaining to the server. */ public class Server implements Connection { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Server.class); /** The name of the general domain. */ private static final String DOMAIN_GENERAL = "general"; /** Manager of group chats. */ private final GroupChatManagerImpl groupChatManager; /** Manager of invites. */ private final InviteManager inviteManager; /** Open query windows on the server. */ private final Map queries = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(); /** The user manager to retrieve users from. */ private final UserManager userManager; /** The Parser instance handling this server. */ @Nonnull private Optional parser = Optional.empty(); /** The Parser instance that used to be handling this server. */ @Nonnull private Optional oldParser = Optional.empty(); /** The parser-supplied protocol description object. */ @Nonnull private Optional protocolDescription = Optional.empty(); /** * Object used to synchronise access to parser. This object should be locked by anything * requiring that the parser reference remains the same for a duration of time, or by anything * which is updating the parser reference. * * If used in conjunction with myStateLock, the parserLock must always be locked INSIDE the * myStateLock to prevent deadlocks. */ private final ReadWriteLock parserLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); /** Object used to synchronise access to myState. */ private final Object myStateLock = new Object(); /** The current state of this server. */ private final ServerStatus myState = new ServerStatus(this, myStateLock); /** The address of the server we're connecting to. */ @Nonnull private URI address; /** The profile we're using. */ @Nonnull private Profile profile; /** Our reason for being away, if any. */ private Optional awayMessage; /** Our event handler. */ private final ServerEventHandler eventHandler; /** Our ignore list. */ private final IgnoreList ignoreList = new IgnoreList(); /** Our string converter. */ private StringConverter converter = new DefaultStringConverter(); /** ParserFactory we use for creating parsers. */ private final ParserFactory parserFactory; /** Factory to use to create new identities. */ private final IdentityFactory identityFactory; /** The migrator to use to change our config provider. */ private final ConfigProviderMigrator configMigrator; /** Factory to use for creating queries. */ private final QueryFactory queryFactory; /** The config provider to write user settings to. */ private final ConfigProvider userSettings; /** Executor service to use to schedule repeated events. */ private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService; /** The message encoder factory to create a message encoder with. */ private final MessageEncoderFactory messageEncoderFactory; /** The manager to use for highlighting. */ private final HighlightManager highlightManager; /** Listener to use for config changes. */ private final ConfigChangeListener configListener = (domain, key) -> updateTitle(); private final WindowModel windowModel; /** The future used when a reconnect timer is scheduled. */ private ScheduledFuture reconnectTimerFuture; /** * Creates a new server which will connect to the specified URL with the specified profile. */ public Server( final WindowModel windowModel, final ConfigProviderMigrator configMigrator, final ParserFactory parserFactory, final IdentityFactory identityFactory, final QueryFactory queryFactory, final MessageEncoderFactory messageEncoderFactory, final ConfigProvider userSettings, final GroupChatManagerImplFactory groupChatManagerFactory, final ScheduledExecutorService executorService, @Nonnull final URI uri, @Nonnull final Profile profile, final UserManager userManager) { this.windowModel = windowModel; this.parserFactory = parserFactory; this.identityFactory = identityFactory; this.configMigrator = configMigrator; this.queryFactory = queryFactory; this.executorService = executorService; this.userSettings = userSettings; this.messageEncoderFactory = messageEncoderFactory; this.userManager = userManager; this.groupChatManager = groupChatManagerFactory.create(this); this.inviteManager = new InviteManagerImpl(this); awayMessage = Optional.empty(); eventHandler = new ServerEventHandler(this, groupChatManager, windowModel.getEventBus()); this.address = uri; this.profile = profile; setConnectionDetails(uri, profile); updateIcon(); windowModel.getConfigManager().addChangeListener("formatter", "serverName", configListener); windowModel.getConfigManager().addChangeListener("formatter", "serverTitle", configListener); highlightManager = new HighlightManager(windowModel); windowModel.getEventBus().subscribe(highlightManager); windowModel.getEventBus().subscribe(groupChatManager); windowModel.getEventBus().subscribe(this); } /** * Updates the connection details for this server. * * @param uri The new URI that this server should connect to * @param profile The profile that this server should use */ private void setConnectionDetails(final URI uri, final Profile profile) { this.address = checkNotNull(uri); this.protocolDescription = Optional.ofNullable(parserFactory.getDescription(uri)); this.profile = profile; } @Override public void connect() { connect(address, profile); } @Override @Precondition({ "The current parser is null or not connected", "The specified profile is not null" }) @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public void connect(final URI address, final Profile profile) { checkNotNull(address); checkNotNull(profile); synchronized (myStateLock) { LOG.info("Connecting to {}, current state is {}", address, myState.getState()); switch (myState.getState()) { case RECONNECT_WAIT: LOG.debug("Cancelling reconnection timer"); if (reconnectTimerFuture != null) { reconnectTimerFuture.cancel(false); } break; case CLOSING: // Ignore the connection attempt return; case CONNECTED: case CONNECTING: disconnect(windowModel.getConfigManager() .getOption(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "quitmessage")); case DISCONNECTING: while (!myState.getState().isDisconnected()) { try { myStateLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { return; } } break; default: // Do nothing break; } final URI connectAddress; final Parser newParser; try { parserLock.writeLock().lock(); if (parser.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection attempt while parser " + "is still connected.\n\nMy state:" + getState()); } configMigrator.migrate(address.getScheme(), "", "", address.getHost()); setConnectionDetails(address, profile); updateTitle(); updateIcon(); parser = Optional.ofNullable(buildParser()); if (!parser.isPresent()) { windowModel.getEventBus().publishAsync( new ServerUnknownProtocolEvent(this, address.getScheme())); return; } newParser = parser.get(); connectAddress = newParser.getURI(); } finally { parserLock.writeLock().unlock(); } myState.transition(ServerState.CONNECTING); doCallbacks(); updateAwayState(Optional.empty()); inviteManager.removeInvites(); newParser.connect(); if (newParser instanceof ThreadedParser) { ((ThreadedParser) newParser).getControlThread() .setName("Parser - " + connectAddress.getHost()); } } windowModel.getEventBus().publish(new ServerConnectingEvent(this, address)); } @Override public void reconnect(final String reason) { synchronized (myStateLock) { if (myState.getState() == ServerState.CLOSING) { return; } disconnect(reason); connect(address, profile); } } @Override public void reconnect() { reconnect(windowModel.getConfigManager().getOption(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "reconnectmessage")); } @Override public void disconnect() { disconnect(windowModel.getConfigManager().getOption(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "quitmessage")); } @Override public void disconnect(final String reason) { synchronized (myStateLock) { LOG.info("Disconnecting. Current state: {}", myState.getState()); switch (myState.getState()) { case CLOSING: case DISCONNECTING: case DISCONNECTED: case TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED: return; case RECONNECT_WAIT: LOG.debug("Cancelling reconnection timer"); if (reconnectTimerFuture != null) { reconnectTimerFuture.cancel(false); } break; default: break; } groupChatManager.handleDisconnect(); try { parserLock.readLock().lock(); if (parser.isPresent()) { myState.transition(ServerState.DISCONNECTING); inviteManager.removeInvites(); updateIcon(); parser.get().disconnect(reason); } else { myState.transition(ServerState.DISCONNECTED); } } finally { parserLock.readLock().unlock(); } if (windowModel.getConfigManager() .getOptionBool(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "closequeriesonquit")) { closeQueries(); } } } /** * Schedules a reconnect attempt to be performed after a user-defined delay. */ @Precondition("The server state is transiently disconnected") private void doDelayedReconnect() { synchronized (myStateLock) { LOG.info("Performing delayed reconnect. State: {}", myState.getState()); if (myState.getState() != ServerState.TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED) { throw new IllegalStateException("doDelayedReconnect when not " + "transiently disconnected\n\nState: " + myState); } final int delay = Math.max(1000, windowModel.getConfigManager().getOptionInt(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "reconnectdelay")); windowModel.getEventBus().publishAsync( new ServerReconnectScheduledEvent(this, delay / 1000)); reconnectTimerFuture = executorService.schedule(() -> { synchronized (myStateLock) { LOG.debug("Reconnect task executing, state: {}", myState.getState()); if (myState.getState() == ServerState.RECONNECT_WAIT) { myState.transition(ServerState.TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED); reconnect(); } } }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); LOG.info("Scheduling reconnect task for delay of {}", delay); myState.transition(ServerState.RECONNECT_WAIT); updateIcon(); } } @Override public boolean hasQuery(final String host) { return queries.containsKey(converter.toLowerCase(getUser(host).getNickname())); } @Override public Optional getLocalUser() { return parser.map(Parser::getLocalClient) .map(client -> userManager.getUserFromClientInfo(client, this)); } @Override public User getUser(final String details) { return parser.map(p -> p.getClient(details)) .map(client -> userManager.getUserFromClientInfo(client, this)).get(); } @Override public PrivateChat getQuery(final String host) { return getQuery(host, false); } @Override public PrivateChat getQuery(final String host, final boolean focus) { synchronized (myStateLock) { if (myState.getState() == ServerState.CLOSING) { // Can't open queries while the server is closing return null; } } final String nick = getUser(host).getNickname(); final String lnick = converter.toLowerCase(nick); if (!queries.containsKey(lnick)) { final Query newQuery = queryFactory.getQuery(this, getUser(host)); if (!getState().isDisconnected()) { newQuery.reregister(); } windowModel.getInputModel().get().getTabCompleter() .addEntry(TabCompletionType.QUERY_NICK, nick); queries.put(lnick, newQuery); } return queries.get(lnick); } /** * Updates tab completer and queries after a user changes their nickname. * * @param client The client that changed nickname * @param oldNick The old nickname they used. */ void handleNickChange(final ClientInfo client, final String oldNick) { if (queries.containsKey(converter.toLowerCase(oldNick))) { windowModel.getInputModel().get().getTabCompleter() .removeEntry(TabCompletionType.QUERY_NICK, oldNick); windowModel.getInputModel().get().getTabCompleter() .addEntry(TabCompletionType.QUERY_NICK, client.getNickname()); queries.put( converter.toLowerCase(client.getNickname()), queries.remove(converter.toLowerCase(oldNick))); } } @Override public Collection getQueries() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(queries.values()); } @Override public void delQuery(final PrivateChat query) { windowModel.getInputModel().get().getTabCompleter().removeEntry( TabCompletionType.QUERY_NICK, query.getNickname()); queries.remove(converter.toLowerCase(query.getNickname())); } /** * Closes all open query windows associated with this server. */ private void closeQueries() { new ArrayList<>(queries.values()).forEach(Query::close); } /** * Builds an appropriately configured {@link Parser} for this server. * * @return A configured parser. */ @Nullable private Parser buildParser() { final Parser myParser = parserFactory .getParser(profile, address, windowModel.getConfigManager()) .orElse(null); if (myParser != null) { myParser.setIgnoreList(ignoreList); } if (myParser instanceof SecureParser) { final CertificateManager certificateManager = new CertificateManager(this, address.getHost(), windowModel.getConfigManager(), userSettings, windowModel.getEventBus()); final SecureParser secureParser = (SecureParser) myParser; secureParser.setTrustManagers(certificateManager); secureParser.setKeyManagers(certificateManager.getKeyManager()); } if (myParser instanceof EncodingParser) { final EncodingParser encodingParser = (EncodingParser) myParser; encodingParser.setEncoder(messageEncoderFactory.getMessageEncoder(this, myParser)); } return myParser; } @Override public boolean compareURI(final URI uri) { return parser.map(p -> p.compareURI(uri)).orElse( oldParser.map(op -> op.compareURI(uri)).orElse(false)); } /** * Updates this server's icon. */ private void updateIcon() { final String icon = myState.getState() == ServerState.CONNECTED ? protocolDescription.get().isSecure(address) ? "secure-server" : "server" : "server-disconnected"; windowModel.setIcon(icon); } /** * Registers callbacks. */ private void doCallbacks() { eventHandler.registerCallbacks(); queries.values().forEach(Query::reregister); } @Override public void sendLine(final String line) { synchronized (myStateLock) { try { parserLock.readLock().lock(); parser.ifPresent(p -> { if (!line.isEmpty() && myState.getState() == ServerState.CONNECTED) { p.sendRawMessage(line); } }); } finally { parserLock.readLock().unlock(); } } } @Override public void sendMessage(final String target, final String message) { if (!message.isEmpty()) { parser.ifPresent(p -> p.sendMessage(target, message)); } } public int getMaxLineLength() { return withParserReadLock(Parser::getMaxLength, -1); } @Override @Nonnull public Optional getParser() { return parser; } @Nonnull @Override public Profile getProfile() { return profile; } @Override public String getAddress() { return withParserReadLock(Parser::getServerName, address.getHost()); } @Override public String getNetwork() { try { parserLock.readLock().lock(); return parser.map(p -> p.getNetworkName().isEmpty() ? getNetworkFromServerName(p.getServerName()) : p.getNetworkName()) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException( "getNetwork called when parser is null (state: " + getState() + ')')); } finally { parserLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isNetwork(final String target) { synchronized (myStateLock) { return withParserReadLock(p -> getNetwork().equalsIgnoreCase(target), false); } } /** * Calculates a network name from the specified server name. * * @param serverName The server name to parse * @return A network name for the specified server */ protected static String getNetworkFromServerName(final String serverName) { try { return InternetDomainName.from(serverName).topPrivateDomain().toString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException ex) { // Either couldn't parse it as a domain name, or it didn't have a public suffix. // Just use the server name as-is. return serverName; } } @Override public String getIrcd() { return parser.get().getServerSoftwareType(); } @Override public String getProtocol() { return address.getScheme(); } @Override public boolean isAway() { return awayMessage.isPresent(); } @Override public String getAwayMessage() { return awayMessage.orElse(null); } @Override public ServerState getState() { return myState.getState(); } public ServerStatus getStatus() { return myState; } @Handler private void handleClose(final FrameClosingEvent event) { if (event.getSource().equals(windowModel)) { synchronized (myStateLock) { eventHandler.unregisterCallbacks(); windowModel.getConfigManager().removeListener(configListener); windowModel.getEventBus().unsubscribe(groupChatManager); windowModel.getEventBus().unsubscribe(highlightManager); executorService.shutdown(); disconnect(); myState.transition(ServerState.CLOSING); } groupChatManager.closeAll(); closeQueries(); inviteManager.removeInvites(); windowModel.getEventBus().unsubscribe(this); } } @Override public WindowModel getWindowModel() { return windowModel; } @Override public void sendCTCPReply(final String source, final String type, final String args) { if ("VERSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { parser.get().sendCTCPReply(source, "VERSION", "DMDirc " + windowModel.getConfigManager().getOption("version", "version") + " - https://www.dmdirc.com/"); } else if ("PING".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { parser.get().sendCTCPReply(source, "PING", args); } else if ("CLIENTINFO".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { parser.get().sendCTCPReply(source, "CLIENTINFO", "VERSION PING CLIENTINFO"); } } @Override public void updateTitle() { synchronized (myStateLock) { if (myState.getState() == ServerState.CLOSING) { return; } try { parserLock.readLock().lock(); final Object[] arguments = { address.getHost(), parser.map(Parser::getServerName).orElse("Unknown"), address.getPort(), parser.map(p -> getNetwork()).orElse("Unknown"), getLocalUser().map(User::getNickname).orElse("Unknown") }; windowModel.setName(Formatter.formatMessage(windowModel.getConfigManager(), "serverName", arguments)); windowModel.setTitle(Formatter.formatMessage(windowModel.getConfigManager(), "serverTitle", arguments)); } finally { parserLock.readLock().unlock(); } } } /** * Called when the socket has been closed. */ public void onSocketClosed() { LOG.info("Received socket closed event, state: {}", myState.getState()); if (Thread.holdsLock(myStateLock)) { LOG.info("State lock contended: rerunning on a new thread"); executorService.schedule(this::onSocketClosed, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return; } windowModel.getEventBus().publish(new ServerDisconnectedEvent(this)); eventHandler.unregisterCallbacks(); synchronized (myStateLock) { if (myState.getState() == ServerState.CLOSING || myState.getState() == ServerState.DISCONNECTED) { // This has been triggered via .disconnect() return; } if (myState.getState() == ServerState.DISCONNECTING) { myState.transition(ServerState.DISCONNECTED); } else { myState.transition(ServerState.TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED); } groupChatManager.handleSocketClosed(); try { parserLock.writeLock().lock(); oldParser = parser; parser = Optional.empty(); } finally { parserLock.writeLock().unlock(); } updateIcon(); if (windowModel.getConfigManager() .getOptionBool(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "closequeriesondisconnect")) { closeQueries(); } inviteManager.removeInvites(); updateAwayState(Optional.empty()); if (windowModel.getConfigManager() .getOptionBool(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "reconnectondisconnect") && myState.getState() == ServerState.TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED) { doDelayedReconnect(); } } } /** * Called when an error was encountered while connecting. * * @param errorInfo The parser's error information */ @Precondition("The current server state is CONNECTING") public void onConnectError(final ParserError errorInfo) { synchronized (myStateLock) { LOG.info("Received connect error event, state: {}; error: {}", myState.getState(), errorInfo); if (myState.getState() == ServerState.CLOSING || myState.getState() == ServerState.DISCONNECTING) { // Do nothing return; } else if (myState.getState() != ServerState.CONNECTING) { // Shouldn't happen throw new IllegalStateException("Connect error when not " + "connecting\n\n" + getStatus().getTransitionHistory()); } myState.transition(ServerState.TRANSIENTLY_DISCONNECTED); try { parserLock.writeLock().lock(); oldParser = parser; parser = Optional.empty(); } finally { parserLock.writeLock().unlock(); } updateIcon(); windowModel.getEventBus().publish(new ServerConnectErrorEvent(this, getErrorDescription(errorInfo))); if (windowModel.getConfigManager() .getOptionBool(DOMAIN_GENERAL, "reconnectonconnectfailure")) { doDelayedReconnect(); } } } /** * Gets a user-readable description of the specified error. * * @param errorInfo The parser error to get a description for. * @return A user-readable error description. */ private static String getErrorDescription(final ParserError errorInfo) { final String description; if (errorInfo.getException() == null) { description = errorInfo.getData(); } else { final Exception exception = errorInfo.getException(); if (exception instanceof UnknownHostException) { description = "Unknown host (unable to resolve)"; } else if (exception instanceof NoRouteToHostException) { description = "No route to host"; } else if (exception instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { description = "Connection attempt timed out"; } else if (exception instanceof SocketException || exception instanceof SSLException) { description = exception.getMessage(); } else { LOG.info(APP_ERROR, "Unknown socket error: {}", exception.getClass().getCanonicalName(), exception); description = "Unknown error: " + exception.getMessage(); } } return description; } /** * Called after the parser receives the 005 headers from the server. */ @Precondition("State is CONNECTING") public void onPost005() { synchronized (myStateLock) { if (myState.getState() != ServerState.CONNECTING) { // Shouldn't happen throw new IllegalStateException("Received onPost005 while not " + "connecting\n\n" + myState.getTransitionHistory()); } myState.transition(ServerState.CONNECTED); configMigrator.migrate(address.getScheme(), parser.get().getServerSoftwareType(), getNetwork(), parser.get().getServerName()); updateIcon(); updateTitle(); updateIgnoreList(); converter = parser.get().getStringConverter(); groupChatManager.handleConnected(); } windowModel.getEventBus().publish(new ServerConnectedEvent(this)); } @Override public IgnoreList getIgnoreList() { return ignoreList; } @Override public void updateIgnoreList() { ignoreList.clear(); ignoreList.addAll(windowModel.getConfigManager().getOptionList("network", "ignorelist")); } @Override public void saveIgnoreList() { getNetworkIdentity().setOption("network", "ignorelist", ignoreList.getRegexList()); } @Override public ConfigProvider getServerIdentity() { return identityFactory.createServerConfig(parser.get().getServerName()); } @Override public ConfigProvider getNetworkIdentity() { return identityFactory.createNetworkConfig(getNetwork()); } @Override public void updateAwayState(final Optional message) { checkNotNull(message); if (awayMessage.equals(message)) { return; } awayMessage = message; } @Override public String getUserModes() { return getParser().map(Parser::getChannelUserModes).orElse(""); } @Override public String getBooleanModes() { return getParser().map(Parser::getBooleanChannelModes).orElse(""); } @Override public String getListModes() { return getParser().map(Parser::getListChannelModes).orElse(""); } @Override public String getParameterModes() { return getParser().map(Parser::getParameterChannelModes).orElse(""); } @Override public String getDoubleParameterModes() { return getParser().map(Parser::getDoubleParameterChannelModes).orElse(""); } @Override public int getMaxListModes(final char mode) { return getParser().map(p -> p.getMaxListModes(mode)).orElse(-1); } @Override public GroupChatManager getGroupChatManager() { return groupChatManager; } @Override public InviteManager getInviteManager() { return inviteManager; } @Override public void setNickname(final String nickname) { parser.map(Parser::getLocalClient).ifPresent(c -> c.setNickname(nickname)); } @Override public Optional getNickname() { return parser.map(Parser::getLocalClient).map(ClientInfo::getNickname); } @Override public void requestUserInfo(final User user) { parser.ifPresent(p -> p.sendWhois(user.getNickname())); } /** * Utility method to get a result from the parser while holding the {@link #parserLock} * read lock. * * @param func The function to use to retrieve information from the parser. * @param orElse The value to return if the parser is otherwise not present. * @param The type of result returned. * @return The value returned by {@code func}, if the parser is present, otherwise the * {@code orElse} value. */ private T withParserReadLock( final Function func, final T orElse) { try { parserLock.readLock().lock(); return parser.map(func).orElse(orElse); } finally { parserLock.readLock().unlock(); } } }