--- ChannelModeNoticeEvent: format: "-{{client}}:{{prefix}}{{channel.name}}- {{message}}" colour: 5 ChannelNoticeEvent: format: "-{{client}}:{{channel.name}}- {{message}}" colour: 5 ChannelMessageEvent: format: "<{{client}}> {{message}}" ChannelActionEvent: format: "* {{client}} {{message}}" colour: 6 ChannelSelfMessageEvent: format: "<{{client}}> {{message}}" ChannelSelfActionEvent: format: "* {{client}} {{message}}" colour: 6 ChannelSelfExternalMessageEvent: format: "<{{client}}> {{message}}" ChannelSelfExternalActionEvent: format: "* {{client}} {{message}}" colour: 6 # TODO: # channelTopicChanged=3* %1$s%2$s has changed the topic to '%5$s'. # channelTopicRemoved=3* %1$s%2$s has removed the topic on %6$s. # channelModeChanged=3* %1$s%2$s sets mode: %5$s. # channelSelfModeChanged=3* You set mode: %5$s. # channelTopicDiscovered=3* The topic for %7$s is '%5$s'.\n3* Topic was set by %2$s at %6$tR on %6$tA, %6$tB %6$te %6$tY. # channelCTCP=4-!- CTCP %5$S from %1$s%2$s # channelPart=3* %1$s%2$s (%3$s@%4$s) has left %6$s. # channelPartReason=3* %1$s%2$s (%3$s@%4$s) has left %6$s (%5$s). # channelQuit=2* %1$s%2$s (%3$s@%4$s) has quit IRC. # channelQuitReason=2* %1$s%2$s (%3$s@%4$s) has quit IRC (%5$s). # channelSelfPart=3* You have left the channel. # channelSelfPartReason=3* You have left the channel. # channelNickChange=3* %1$s%5$s is now known as %2$s. # channelSelfNickChange=3* You are now known as %2$s. # channelJoin=3* %2$s (%3$s@%4$s) has joined %5$s. # channelSelfJoin=3* You are now talking in %5$s. # channelUserAway=14-- %1$s%2$s is now away. # channelUserBack=14-- %1$s%2$s is now back. # channelUserAwayDiscovered=14-- %1$s%2$s is away. # channelUserBackDiscovered=14-- %1$s%2$s is back. # channelKick=3* %1$s%2$s has kicked %5$s%6$s from %9$s. # channelKickReason=3* %1$s%2$s has kicked %5$s%6$s from %10$s (%9$s). # channelSplitUserMode_default=3* %1$s%2$s sets mode %9$s on %6$s. # channelNoModes=3* There are no channel modes for %2$s. # channelModeDiscovered=3* Channel modes for %2$s are: %1$s. # privateCTCP=4-!- CTCP %4$S from %1$s # privateCTCPreply=4-!- CTCP %4$S reply from %1$s: %5$s # privateNotice=5-%1$s- %4$s # serverNotice=5-%1$s- %4$s # queryMessage=<%1$s> %4$s # queryAction=6* %1$s %4$s # querySelfMessage=<%1$s> %4$s # querySelfExternalMessage=<%1$s> %4$s # querySelfAction=6* %1$s %4$s # querySelfExternalAction=6* %1$s %4$s # queryNickChanged=3* %1$s is now known as %4$s. # userModeChanged=3* %1$s sets user mode: %4$s. # userNoModes=3* No user modes. # userModeDiscovered=3* User modes are: %4$s. # queryQuitReason=2* %1$s has quit IRC (%4$s). # queryMessageHighlight=4<%1$s> %4$s # queryActionHighlight=6* %1$s %4$s # inviteReceived=2* You have been invited to %4$s by %1$s. # walluser=5!%1$s! %4$s # wallop=5$%1$s$ %4$s # walldesync=5/%1$s/ %4$s # queryQuit=2* %1$s has quit IRC. # selfCTCP=4->- [%1$s] %2$s # selfNotice=5>%1$s> %2$s # selfMessage=>[%1$s]> %2$s # connectError=2Error connecting: %2$s # connectRetry=2Reconnecting in %2$u... # serverConnecting=Connecting to %1$s:%2$s... # back=14You are no longer marked as away. # serverDisconnectInProgress=A disconnection attempt is in progress, please wait... # serverConnectInProgress=A connection attempt is in progress, please wait... # authNotice=5-AUTH- %1$s # away=14You are now marked as away (%1$s14). # channelNoTopic=3* There is no topic set for %1$s. # rawCommand=10>>> %1$s # unknownCommand=14Unknown command %1$s. # socketClosed=2-!- You have been disconnected from the server. # stonedServer=2-!- Disconnected from a non-responsive server. # motdStart=10%1$s # motdLine=10%1$s # motdEnd=10%1$s # rawIn=<< %1$s # rawOut=>> %1$s # commandOutput=%1$s # commandError=7%1$s # actionTooLong=Warning: action too long to be sent # tabCompletion=14Multiple possibilities: %1$s # serverError=4ERROR: %1$s # serverUnknownProtocol=4Unknown protocol '%1$s'. Unable to connect. # selfNickChange=3* You are now known as %2$s. # unknownNotice=5-[%1$s:%2$s]- %3$s # unknownMessage=5<[%1$s:%2$s]> %3$s # unknownNotice=5* [%1$s:%2$s] %3$s # commandUsage=7Usage: %1$s%2$s %3$s # numeric_006=%4$s # numeric_007=%4$s # numeric_015=%4$s # numeric_017=%4$s # numeric_251=10%4$s # numeric_252=10%4$s %5$s # numeric_253=10%4$s %5$s # numeric_254=10%4$s %5$s # numeric_255=10%4$s # numeric_290=%4$s # numeric_292=%4$s # numeric_294=%4$s # numeric_301=%4$s is away: %5$s # numeric_311=-\n%4$s is %5$s@%6$s (%8$s). # numeric_312=%4$s is connected to %5$s (%6$s). # numeric_317=%4$s has been idle for %5$u; signed on at %6$TT on %6$TF. # numeric_318=End of WHOIS info for %4$s.\n- # numeric_319=%4$s is on: %5$s # numeric_401=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_404=6A7000%5$s # numeric_405=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_421=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_432=6A7000%5$s # numeric_433=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_437=6A7000%5$s # numeric_438=6A7000%5$s # numeric_461=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_471=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_472=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_473=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_474=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_475=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_479=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_482=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_486=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_unreal_486=6A7000%4$s # numeric_499=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_501=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_hybrid_501=6A7000%4$s # numeric_524=6A7000%4$s: %5$s # numeric_705=%5$s