#!/bin/sh # cron doesn't seem to like doing this iself... . /etc/profile # Used for nightly.log to help diagnosing problems env # Path to WWW Directory WWWDIR="/home/dmdirc/www" # Path to trunk MYDIR="/home/dmdirc/google" # Path to scripts SCRIPTDIR="/home/dmdirc/scripts" # Path to ant binary ANT="/usr/bin/ant" # Path to git binary GIT="/usr/bin/git" # Path to jar binary JAR="/usr/bin/jar" cd ${MYDIR} if [ -d .git ]; then $GIT reset --hard $GIT checkout master $GIT pull $GIT submodule init $GIT submodule update GITREV=`$GIT describe` else echo "GIT Directory not found." exit 1; fi; export DMDIRC_GIT=${GITREV} # Archive old nightlies if [ `date +%d` = "01" ]; then echo "Archiving last month's nightlies..." OLDDIR=${WWWDIR}/nightly/old/`date -d yesterday +%B%y | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"` mkdir -p ${OLDDIR} mv -fv ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*_`date -d yesterday +%Y%m`??_* ${OLDDIR} mv -fv ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*-`date -d yesterday +%Y%m`??_* ${OLDDIR} rm -Rf ${WWWDIR}/nightly/*_latest* fi # The date/git rev to add to the end of the file names of stuff FILEDATA=`date +%Y%m%d`_${GITREV} # Build plugins/jar $ANT -Dchannel=NIGHTLY -k clean jar PHP=`which php` # Check if build failed if [ ! -e "$MYDIR/dist/DMDirc.jar" ]; then # Report failure echo "Build failure" if [ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php" -a "${PHP}" != "" ]; then $PHP -q $SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php fi else # Build installers # Delete all automatically added plugins from the jar to allow the installer # to add its own on a per-os basis unzip -l ${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar | grep " plugins/" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 5- | xargs zip ${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar -d cd "${MYDIR}/installer" ./release.sh --jar "${MYDIR}/dist/DMDirc.jar" --opt "--extra ${FILEDATA}" trunk cd "${MYDIR}" if [ ! -e "${MYDIR}/installer/output/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.exe" -o ! -e "${MYDIR}/installer/output/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.run" -o ! -e "${MYDIR}/installer/output/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.dmg" -o ! -e "${MYDIR}/installer/output/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.jar" ]; then # Report failure echo "Installer build failure." if [ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php" -a "${PHP}" != "" ]; then export DMDIRC_INSTALLERFAILURE=true; export BAMBOO_BUILD; $PHP -q $SCRIPTDIR/nightly-failure.php fi fi; # Re-add all plugins to the jar so that the nightly .jar has everything. $JAR -uvf "dist/DMDirc.jar" plugins # Submit plugins to addons site if [ -e "${HOME}/www/addons/submitplugin.php" ]; then for plugin in `ls plugins/*.jar`; do $PHP ${HOME}/www/addons/submitplugin.php $plugin done; fi; # Move installers/jar to nightlies site FILENAME=DMDirc_${FILEDATA}.jar mv "installer/output/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.exe" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.exe" mv "installer/output/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.run" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.run" mv "installer/output/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.dmg" "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.dmg" rm -Rf "installer/output/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.jar" cp dist/DMDirc.jar /home/dmdirc/www/nightly/$FILENAME if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/${FILENAME}" ]; then ln -sf ${WWWDIR}/nightly/${FILENAME} $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc_latest.jar fi; if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.run" ]; then ln -sf "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.run" $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc-Setup_latest.run fi; if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.exe" ]; then ln -sf "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-Setup-${FILEDATA}.exe" $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc-Setup_latest.exe fi; if [ -e "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.dmg" ]; then ln -sf "${WWWDIR}/nightly/DMDirc-${FILEDATA}.dmg" $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc_latest.dmg fi; # Do normal reports if [ "${IS_BAMBOO}" == "" ]; then /bin/sh $MYDIR/DoReports.sh fi; fi