#!/bin/sh # cron doesn't do this . /etc/profile . ${HOME}/.bashrc # Used for the report.log to help diagnosing problems env # Path to trunk MYDIR="/home/dmdirc/google" # Path to scripts SCRIPTDIR="/home/dmdirc/scripts" # Path to ant binary ANT="/usr/bin/ant" # Path to svn binary SVN="/usr/bin/svn" # Increase the memory allowed to be used when running stuff export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m if [ "${BAMBOO_INSTALL}" != "" ]; then # Running as bamboo, symlink/create needed things to let it find the results # of the build if [ ! -e ${PWD}/reports ]; then ln -s ${MYDIR}/reports fi; if [ ! -e ${PWD}/build ]; then ln -s ${MYDIR}/build fi; fi; #/bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Reports" "Style Report Generation Started"; cd $MYDIR $SVN update $ANT clean # Anti-Clover stupidness! rm -Rf ${MYDIR}/.clover mkdir ${MYDIR}/.clover if [ "$1" = "--all" ]; then $ANT -k -buildfile $MYDIR/doreports.xml doallreports elif [ "$1" = "--findbugs" ]; then $ANT -k -buildfile $MYDIR/style_build.xml findbugs else $ANT -k -buildfile $MYDIR/doreports.xml domostreports fi # Run junit issue notifier PHP=`which php` if [ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/junit-failures.php" -a "${PHP}" != "" ]; then $PHP -q $SCRIPTDIR/junit-failures.php fi # Oblong junit announcement #LINE=`cat junitreports/overview-summary.html | grep "%\(.*\)%'` #if [ "${PASSRATE}" = "" ]; then # /bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Reports" "Report Generation Complete (Junit tests failed to run)" #else # /bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Reports" "Report Generation Complete (Junit Pass Rate: ${PASSRATE}%)" #fi