#!/bin/sh # cron doesn't seem to like doing this iself... . /etc/profile # Path to WWW Directory WWWDIR="/home/dmdirc/www" # Path to trunk MYDIR="/home/dmdirc/google" # Path to ant binary ANT="/usr/bin/ant" # Path to svn binary SVN="/usr/bin/svn" # Path to zip binary ZIP="/usr/bin/zip" cd ${MYDIR} /bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Nightly Build" "Build Started" rm -Rf $MYDIR/dist rm -Rf $MYDIR/build cd $MYDIR/ $SVN update SVNREV=`$SVN info | grep Revision` SVNREV=${SVNREV##*: } # Substitute the version string awk '{gsub(/String VERSION = "SVN"/,"String VERSION = \"Nightly - SVN Rev: '${SVNREV}'\"");print}' ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java > ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp mv ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java # Substitute the update channel awk '{gsub(/UpdateChannel UPDATE_CHANNEL = UpdateChannel.NONE/,"UpdateChannel UPDATE_CHANNEL = UpdateChannel.NIGHTLY");print}' ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java > ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp mv ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java # Substitue the release date awk '{gsub(/int RELEASE_DATE = 0/,"int RELEASE_DATE = '`date +%Y%m%d`'");print}' ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java > ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp mv ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java.tmp ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java # This makes sure we have a clean build with no stale class files, it just takes longer rm -Rf $MYDIR/build $MYDIR/dist # The date/svn prefix to add to the end of the file names of stuff FILEDATA=`date +_%Y%m%d`_${SVNREV} $ANT -buildfile $MYDIR/build.xml -k if [ -f $MYDIR/dist/DMDirc.jar ]; then FILENAME=DMDirc${FILEDATA}.jar cp $MYDIR/dist/DMDirc.jar /home/dmdirc/www/nightly/$FILENAME ${ZIP} -r9 /home/dmdirc/www/nightly/Plugins${FILEDATA}.zip plugins if [ -e $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc_latest.jar ]; then rm $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc_latest.jar fi if [ -e $WWWDIR/nightly/Plugins_latest.zip ]; then rm $WWWDIR/nightly/Plugins_latest.zip fi ln -s $WWWDIR/nightly/$FILENAME $WWWDIR/nightly/DMDirc_latest.jar ln -s $WWWDIR/nightly/Plugins${FILEDATA}.zip $WWWDIR/nightly/Plugins_latest.zip /bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Nightly Build" "Build Successful"; /bin/sh $MYDIR/DoReports.sh else /bin/sh $MYDIR/oblong.sh "Nightly Build" "Build Failed" fi $SVN revert ${MYDIR}/src/com/dmdirc/Main.java