# This is a DMDirc configuration file. # Written on: Sun Nov 25 13:32:18 GMT 2007 # This section indicates which sections below take key/value # pairs, rather than a simple list. It should be placed above # any sections that take key/values. keysections: condition 0 metadata setting 0 setting 1 setting 2 concurrency triggers: QUERY_ACTION response: /notify $textcolour concurrency: group=windowcolours condition 0: argument=0 component=QUERY_COLOUR target=$highlightcolour comparison=COLOUR_NEQUALS metadata: description=Changes the colour of query window names in the treeview (or other frame manager) when events occur. author=Shane version=6 component=11 setting 0: type=COLOUR setting=highlightcolour title=Highlight colour tooltip=Colour to use when you have been highlighted default=4 setting 1: type=COLOUR setting=textcolour title=Text colour tooltip=Colour to use when someone speaks or sends an action default=12 setting 2: type=TEXT setting=highlightregex title=Highlight regex tooltip=Regular expression to use for matching highlights default=(?i).*\\\\Q${SERVER_MYNICKNAME}\\\\E.*