{* * Vista image improvements from http://www.installationexcellence.com/articles/VistaWithDelphi/Original/Index.html * and http://www.installationexcellence.com/articles/VistaWithDelphi/Index.html * * This application launches DMDirc on windows and passes control to the * update engine as necessary. * * DMDirc - Open Source IRC Client * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Chris Smith, Shane Mc Cormack, Gregory Holmes, * Michael Nixon * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. *} {* NOTE: The version in the installer/ directory is the one to edit! *} unit Vista; interface uses Windows, SysUtils; function IsWindowsVista: Boolean; function TaskDialog(const AHandle: THandle; const ATitle, ADescription, AContent: WideString; const Icon, Buttons: integer; includeDescInXP: boolean = false; stripLineFeed: boolean = true): Integer; //procedure SetVistaFonts(const AForm: TCustomForm); const VistaFont = 'Segoe UI'; VistaContentFont = 'Calibri'; XPContentFont = 'Verdana'; XPFont = 'Tahoma'; TD_ICON_BLANK = 0; TD_ICON_WARNING = 84; TD_ICON_QUESTION = 99; TD_ICON_ERROR = 98; TD_ICON_INFORMATION = 81; TD_ICON_SHIELD_QUESTION = 104; TD_ICON_SHIELD_ERROR = 105; TD_ICON_SHIELD_OK = 106; TD_ICON_SHIELD_WARNING = 107; TD_BUTTON_OK = 1; TD_BUTTON_YES = 2; TD_BUTTON_NO = 4; TD_BUTTON_CANCEL = 8; TD_BUTTON_RETRY = 16; TD_BUTTON_CLOSE = 32; TD_RESULT_OK = 1; TD_RESULT_CANCEL = 2; TD_RESULT_RETRY = 4; TD_RESULT_YES = 6; TD_RESULT_NO = 7; TD_RESULT_CLOSE = 8; mrNone = 0; mrOK = mrNone + 1; mrCancel = mrNone + 2; mrAbort = mrNone + 3; mrRetry = mrNone + 4; mrYes = mrNone + 6; mrNo = mrNone + 7; implementation {* procedure SetVistaFonts(const AForm: TCustomForm); begin if IsWindowsVista and not SameText(AForm.Font.Name, VistaFont) and (Screen.Fonts.IndexOf(VistaFont) >= 0) then begin AForm.Font.Size := AForm.Font.Size + 1; AForm.Font.Name := VistaFont; end; end; *} function IsWindowsVista: Boolean; var VerInfo: TOSVersioninfo; begin VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); GetVersionEx(VerInfo); Result := VerInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 6; end; // http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/en/showcode.php?id=1692 {:Converts Unicode string to Ansi string using specified code page. @param ws Unicode string. @param codePage Code page to be used in conversion. @returns Converted ansi string. } function WideStringToString(const ws: WideString; codePage: Word): AnsiString; var l: integer; begin if ws = '' then begin Result := '' end else begin l := WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], - 1, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength(Result, l - 1); if l > 1 then begin WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], - 1, @Result[1], l - 1, nil, nil); end; end; end; //from http://www.tmssoftware.com/atbdev5.htm function TaskDialog(const AHandle: THandle; const ATitle, ADescription, AContent: WideString; const Icon, Buttons: integer; includeDescInXP: boolean = false; stripLineFeed: boolean = true): Integer; type tTaskDialogProc = function(HWND: THandle; hInstance: THandle; cTitle, cDescription, cContent: pwidechar; Buttons: Integer; Icon: integer; ResButton: pinteger): integer; stdcall; var DLLHandle: THandle; res: integer; wS: WideString; S: String; {$IFDEF MESSAGEDLG} Btns: TMsgDlgButtons; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; {$ELSE} Btns: Integer; myIcon: Integer; {$ENDIF} TaskDialogFound: boolean; TaskDialogProc: tTaskDialogProc; begin TaskDialogFound := false; Result := 0; if IsWindowsVista then begin DLLHandle := LoadLibrary('comctl32.dll'); if DLLHandle >= 32 then begin TaskDialogProc := tTaskDialogProc(GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'TaskDialog')); if Assigned(TaskDialogProc) then begin if stripLineFeed then begin wS := StringReplace(AContent, #10, '', [rfReplaceAll]); wS := StringReplace(wS, #13, '', [rfReplaceAll]); end else begin wS := AContent; end; TaskDialogProc(AHandle, 0, PWideChar(ATitle), PWideChar(ADescription), PWideChar(wS), Buttons, Icon, @res); TaskDialogFound := true; Result := mrOK; case res of TD_RESULT_CANCEL : Result := mrCancel; TD_RESULT_RETRY : Result := mrRetry; TD_RESULT_YES : Result := mrYes; TD_RESULT_NO : Result := mrNo; TD_RESULT_CLOSE : Result := mrAbort; end; end; FreeLibrary(DLLHandle); end; end; if not TaskDialogFound then begin S := ''; if includeDescInXP then S := ADescription + #10#13 + #10#13 + AContent else S := AContent; {$IFDEF MESSAGEDLG} Btns := []; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_OK = TD_BUTTON_OK then Btns := Btns + [MBOK]; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_YES = TD_BUTTON_YES then Btns := Btns + [MBYES]; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_NO = TD_BUTTON_NO then Btns := Btns + [MBNO]; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_CANCEL = TD_BUTTON_CANCEL then Btns := Btns + [MBCANCEL]; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_RETRY = TD_BUTTON_RETRY then Btns := Btns + [MBRETRY]; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_CLOSE = TD_BUTTON_CLOSE then Btns := Btns + [MBABORT]; DlgType := mtCustom; case Icon of TD_ICON_WARNING : DlgType := mtWarning; TD_ICON_QUESTION : DlgType := mtConfirmation; TD_ICON_ERROR : DlgType := mtError; TD_ICON_INFORMATION: DlgType := mtInformation; end; Result := MessageDlg(S, DlgType, Btns, 0); {$ELSE} Btns := 0; if Buttons and TD_BUTTON_OK = TD_BUTTON_OK then Btns := MB_OK; if (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_YES = TD_BUTTON_YES) and (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_NO = TD_BUTTON_NO) then Btns := MB_YESNO; if (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_CANCEL = TD_BUTTON_CANCEL) and (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_YES = TD_BUTTON_YES) and (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_NO = TD_BUTTON_NO) then Btns := MB_YESNOCANCEL; if (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_CANCEL = TD_BUTTON_CANCEL) and (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_OK = TD_BUTTON_OK) then Btns := MB_OKCANCEL; if (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_CANCEL = TD_BUTTON_CANCEL) and (Buttons and TD_BUTTON_RETRY = TD_BUTTON_RETRY) then Btns := MB_RETRYCANCEL; myIcon := 0; case Icon of TD_ICON_QUESTION : myIcon := MB_ICONQUESTION; TD_ICON_ERROR : myIcon := MB_ICONSTOP; TD_ICON_INFORMATION: myIcon := MB_ICONINFORMATION; end; Result := MessageBox(0, pchar(S), pchar(String(ATitle)), Btns + myIcon); {$ENDIF} end; end; end.