We use a variety of tools for testing DMDirc. The output of these tools is summarised below.

'; echo ''; echo ''; } /** Junit **/ $data = @file_get_contents('/home/dmdirc/www/junit/overview-summary.html'); preg_match('#href="all-tests.html">([0-9]+)#i', $data, $tests); preg_match('#href="alltests-fails.html">([0-9]+)#i', $data, $fails); preg_match('#href="alltests-errors.html">([0-9]+)#i', $data, $errors); $result = $tests[1] . ' tests, ' . $fails[1] . ' failure(s), ' . $errors[1] . ' error(s)'; $status = ($fails[1] + $errors[1] == 0) ? 'good' : 'bad'; showTool('frame-junit.html', 'JUnit', 'Unit test framework', $result, $status); /** Clover **/ $data = @file_get_contents('clover/dashboard.html'); preg_match('#\s*
', $name, '', $desc, '', $result, '
#im', $data, $cpd); showTool('frame-cpd.html', 'Copy & Paste Detection', 'Detects repeated code that may be better off refactored', $cpd[1] . ' duplications', $cpd[1] > 100 ? 'bad' : 'good'); /** PMD **/ $data = @file_get_contents('report-pmd.html'); preg_match('#^$#im', $data, $cs); showTool('frame-checkstyle-'.$page, 'Checkstyle', 'Detects style errors (scope: ' . $title . ')', $cs[2] . ' errors', $cs[2] > $target ? 'bad' : 'good'); } showCheckstyle('whole project', 'all.html', 750); showCheckstyle('actions', 'actions.html'); showCheckstyle('command parser', 'commandparser.html'); showCheckstyle('core', 'core.html'); showCheckstyle('config', 'config.html'); showCheckstyle('logger', 'logger.html'); showCheckstyle('IRC parser', 'parser.html'); showCheckstyle('Plugins', 'plugins.html'); showCheckstyle('UI', 'ui.html'); ?>
([0-9.]+)%\s*$#im', $data, $cover); showTool('frame-clover.html', 'Clover', 'Unit test coverage analyser', $cover[1] . '% coverage', (double) $cover[1] < 25 ? 'bad' : 'good'); /** CPD **/ $data = @file_get_contents('report-cpd.html'); preg_match('#^([0-9]+)([0-9]+)$#im', $data, $pmd); showTool('frame-pmd.html', 'PMD', 'Detects potential problems with code', $pmd[1] . ' violations', $pmd[1] > 2600 ? 'bad' : 'good'); /** Checkstyle **/ function showCheckstyle($title, $page, $target = 100) { $data = @file_get_contents('report-'.$page); preg_match('#^([0-9]+)([0-9]+)

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