#!/bin/sh # Jar names of plugins to add to ALL installers. (* means all) plugins="dns.jar identd.jar lagdisplay.jar logging.jar systray.jar timeplugin.jar osdplugin.jar" # Additional Jar names of plugins to add to only Windows installers. (* means all) plugins_windows="" # Additional Jar names of plugins to add to only linux installers. (* means all) plugins_linux="" # Additional Jar names of plugins to add to only osx installers. (* means all) plugins_osx="" showHelp() { echo "This will generate the different DMDirc installers." echo "Usage: ${0} [params] " echo "Release can be either 'trunk', 'this', a valid tag, or a branch (if -b is passed)" echo "The following params are known:" echo "---------------------" echo "-b, --branch is a branch" echo " --jar Use instead of compiling a jar." echo " --fulljar Use instead of compiling a jar, and don't run makeJar on it." echo " --jre Include a jre in the installers." echo " --jre64 Include a 64bit jre in the installers." echo "-p, --plugins Plugins to add to all the jars." echo "-pl, --plugins-linux Plugins to linux installer." echo "-pw, --plugins-windows Plugins to windows installer." echo "-po --plugins-osx Plugins to osx installer." echo "-h, --help Help information" echo "-o, --opt Additional options to pass to the make*Installer.sh files" echo "---------------------" exit 0; } # Check for some CLI params LAST="" OPT="" BRANCH="" JARFILE="" JRE="" FULLJAR="" while test -n "$1"; do LAST=${1} case "$1" in --plugins|-p) shift plugins="${1}" ;; --jar) shift JARFILE="--jar ${1} " ;; --fulljar) shift JARFILE="--jar ${1} " FULLJAR="1" ;; --jre|--jre64) JRE="${1} " ;; --plugins-linux|-pl) shift plugins_linux="${1}" ;; --plugins-windows|-pw) shift plugins_windows="${1}" ;; --plugins-osx|-po) shift plugins_osx="${1}" ;; --opt|-o) shift OPT="${1} " ;; --help|-h) showHelp; ;; --branch|-b) BRANCH="-b " ;; esac shift done if [ "${plugins}" = "*" -o "${plugins_linux}" = "*" -o "${plugins_windows}" = "*" -o "${plugins_osx}" = "*" ]; then echo "Something is all."; allPlugins="" for thisfile in `ls -1 ../plugins/*.jar`; do allPlugins=${allPlugins}" ${thisfile##*/}" done if [ "${plugins}" = "*" ]; then plugins=${allPlugins}; fi if [ "${plugins_linux}" = "*" ]; then plugins_linux=${allPlugins}; fi if [ "${plugins_windows}" = "*" ]; then plugins_windows=${allPlugins}; fi if [ "${plugins_osx}" = "*" ]; then plugins_osx=${allPlugins}; fi fi; if [ "${LAST}" != "" ]; then if [ "${LAST}" = "trunk" ]; then RELEASE="" elif [ "${LAST}" = "this" ]; then # Work out what type of build this is! thisDIR=${PWD} cd .. tempDIR=${PWD##*/} if [ "${tempDIR}" = "trunk" ]; then echo "This is a trunk release."; else echo "This is not a trunk release."; version=${tempDIR} cd .. tempDIR=${PWD##*/} if [ "${tempDIR}" = "tags" ]; then echo "Release of tag "${version} RELEASE="-r "${version} elif [ "${tempDIR}" = "branches" ]; then echo "Release of branch "${version} BRANCH="-b " RELEASE="-r "${version} else echo "Unknown release target - Building as trunk build" OPT="--current ${OPT}" fi fi; cd ${thisDIR} elif [ "${BRANCH}" != "" -a ! -e "../../branches/"${LAST} ]; then echo "Branch '"${LAST}"' not found." exit 1; elif [ "${BRANCH}" = "" -a ! -e "../../tags/"${LAST} ]; then echo "Tag '"${LAST}"' not found." exit 1; else RELEASE="-r "${LAST} fi else echo "Usage: ${0} [params] " echo "Release can be either 'this', 'trunk' or a valid tag. (see ${0} --help for further information)" exit 1; fi JAR=/usr/bin/jar JAVAC=/usr/bin/javac THISDIR=${PWD} echo "================================================================" echo "Removing existing releases from output directory" echo "================================================================" rm -Rf output/*.run output/*.exe echo "================================================================" echo "Building Installer JAR " echo "================================================================" mkdir -p installer_temp/build cd installer_temp ln -sf ../../src/com ln -sf ../../src/net # I don't know why, but -d doesn't nicely put ALL generated class files here, # just those that were in the dir of the java file that was requested for compile # So we specify each of the different ones we want built into the jar file here. FILELIST="com/dmdirc/installer/*.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/installer/cliparser/*.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/dialogs/wizard/*.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/interfaces/MainWindow.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/MainFrame.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/UIUtilities.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/UIUtilities.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/components/StandardDialog.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/util/ListenerList.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/util/WeakMapList.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/util/MapList.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/components/EtchedLineBorder.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/util/EquatableWeakReference.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/ui/swing/JWrappingLabel.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" com/dmdirc/util/WeakList.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" net/miginfocom/layout/*.java" FILELIST=${FILELIST}" net/miginfocom/swing/*.java" ${JAVAC} -d ./build ${FILELIST} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "================================================================" echo "Building installer failed." echo "================================================================" cd ${THISDIR} rm -Rf installer_temp exit 1; fi cd build echo "Manifest-Version: 1.0" > manifest.txt echo "Created-By: DMDirc Installer" >> manifest.txt echo "Main-Class: com.dmdirc.installer.Main" >> manifest.txt echo "Class-Path: " >> manifest.txt echo "" >> manifest.txt ${JAR} cmf manifest.txt installer.jar com net if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "================================================================" echo "Building installer failed." echo "================================================================" cd ${THISDIR} rm -Rf installer_temp exit 1; else rm -Rf ${THISDIR}/common/installer.jar mv installer.jar ${THISDIR}/common/installer.jar fi cd ${THISDIR} rm -Rf installer_temp # Copy default settings from www to trunk for compile (if they exist, and we are # building a new jar) REVERTLIST="" if [ "" = "${JARFILE}" ]; then if [ -e "${HOME}/www/updates/" ]; then echo "================================================================" echo "Applying settings update to this source" echo "================================================================" for updatedir in `ls -1 ../src/com/dmdirc/config/defaults/`; do src="${HOME}/www/updates/${updatedir}" if [ -e ${src} ]; then REVERTLIST=${REVERTLIST}" ../src/com/dmdirc/config/defaults/${updatedir}/" cp -Rfv ${src}/* ../src/com/dmdirc/config/defaults/${updatedir}/ fi; done fi; fi; if [ "" = "${FULLJAR}" ]; then echo "================================================================" echo "Building Release Jar" echo "================================================================" cd jar ./makeJar.sh ${OPT}${JARFILE}${JRE}-c -k -s ${BRANCH}${RELEASE} -p "${plugins}" RESULT=${?} cd ${THISDIR} if [ ${RESULT} -eq 0 ]; then JARNAME=`ls -1tr output | grep jar$ | tail -n 1` JARFILE="--jar ../output/${JARNAME} " else echo "Failed to build release jar, aborting." exit 1; fi; fi; echo "================================================================" echo "Building linux installer" echo "================================================================" cd linux ./makeInstallerLinux.sh ${OPT}${JARFILE}${JRE}-k ${BRANCH}${RELEASE} -p "${plugins_linux}" cd ${THISDIR} echo "================================================================" echo "Building Windows installer" echo "================================================================" cd windows ./makeInstallerWindows.sh ${OPT}${JARFILE}${JRE}-k -s ${BRANCH}${RELEASE} -p "${plugins_windows}" cd ${THISDIR} echo "================================================================" echo "Building OSX Bundle" echo "================================================================" cd osx ./makeInstallerOSX.sh ${OPT}${JARFILE}-k -s ${BRANCH}${RELEASE} -p "${plugins_osx}" cd ${THISDIR} #MD5BIN=`which md5sum` #if [ "${MD5BIN}" != "" ]; then # echo "================================================================" # echo "Creating MD5SUM files" # echo "================================================================" # cd output # for outputFile in *; do # if [ "${outputFile##*.}" != "md5" ]; then # if [ -e "${outputFile}.md5" ]; then # rm -f "${outputFile}.md5" # fi # ${MD5BIN} "${outputFile}" > "${outputFile}.md5" # fi # done # cd ${THISDIR} #fi echo "================================================================" echo "Clean Up" echo "================================================================" # Now revert the trunk so as not to break updates. for updatedir in ${REVERTLIST}; do SVN=`which svn` ${SVN} revert ${updatedir}/* done; echo "================================================================" echo "Release ready - see output folder" echo "================================================================" exit 0;