program Uninstaller; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} // Use this instead of {$APPTYPE XXX} // APP_XXX is the same as {$APPTYPE XXX} // Defaults to console // This is a work-around for a bug in FPC Cross Compiling to windows in delphi // mode (IsConsole is always true) {$DEFINE APP_GUI} // This block actually does the work for the above work-around {$IFDEF APP_GUI} {$APPTYPE GUI} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF APP_FS} {$APPTYPE FS} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF APP_TOOL} {$DEFINE APP_CONSOLE} {$APPTYPE TOOL} {$ELSE} {$DEFINE APP_CONSOLE} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} uses Windows, SysUtils, registry, Vista; {$R uninstall.res} procedure dowriteln(line: String); begin if IsConsole then writeln(line); end; procedure dowrite(line: String); begin if IsConsole then write(line); end; function askQuestion(Question: String): boolean; begin Result := TaskDialog(0, 'DMDirc Uninstaller', 'Question', Question, TD_ICON_QUESTION, TD_BUTTON_YES + TD_BUTTON_NO) = mrYes; end; procedure showError(context: String; ErrorMessage: String; addFooter: boolean = true); begin if addFooter then begin ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10; ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+' If you feel this is incorrect, or you require some further assistance, '; ErrorMessage := ErrorMessage+#13#10+'please feel free to contact us.'; end; TaskDialog(0, 'DMDirc Setup', context, ErrorMessage, TD_ICON_ERROR, TD_BUTTON_OK, true); end; procedure showmessage(message: String; context:String = 'Information'); begin TaskDialog(0, 'DMDirc Uninstaller', context, message, TD_ICON_INFORMATION, TD_BUTTON_OK); end; function GetTempDirectory(): String; var buf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; wintemp, temp: String; begin GetTempPath(SizeOf(buf)-1, buf); wintemp := StrPas(buf); Randomize; temp := '\DMDirc-uninstaller-'+inttostr(1000 + Random(1000)); while (DirectoryExists(wintemp+temp+'\')) do begin temp := temp+'-'+inttostr(1+Random(1000)); end; MkDir(wintemp+temp+'\'); result := wintemp+temp+'\'; end; // Run an application and don't wait for it to finish. function Launch(sProgramToRun: String; hide: boolean = false): TProcessInformation; var StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; begin FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); with StartupInfo do begin cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if hide then wShowWindow := SW_HIDE else wShowWindow := SW_SHOWNORMAL; end; CreateProcess(nil, PChar(sProgramToRun), nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, Result); end; // Run an application and wait for it to finish. function ExecAndWait(sProgramToRun: String; hide: boolean = false): Longword; var ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin ProcessInfo := Launch(sProgramToRun, hide); getExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Result); while Result=STILL_ACTIVE do begin sleep(1000); GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Result); end; end; function KillDir(Dir: string): Integer; var searchResult: TSearchRec; begin Result := 0; if FindFirst(Dir+'\*', faDirectory + faHidden + faReadOnly + faSysfile + faAnyFile, searchResult) = 0 then begin repeat if (searchResult.attr and faDirectory) <> faDirectory then begin Try DeleteFile(Dir+'\'; Except MessageBox(0, PChar('Unable to delete "'+Dir+'\''" - is DMDirc still running?.'), 'DMDirc Uninstaller', MB_OK); end; end else begin if ( <> '.') and ( <> '..') then begin KillDir(Dir+'\'; end; end; until FindNext(searchResult) <> 0; FindClose(searchResult); end; Try RmDir(Dir); Except end; end; var TempDir: String; InstallDir: String = ''; i: Integer; Reg: TRegistry; handlerInfo: String; profileDir: String; deleteProtocol: boolean; begin if (ParamCount > 0) then begin for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin InstallDir := InstallDir+' '+paramstr(i); end; InstallDir := trim(InstallDir); KillDir(InstallDir); profileDir := GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE'); if IsWindowsVista then begin // Vista KillDir(GetEnvironmentVariable('APPDATA')+'\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DMDirc'); DeleteFile(GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE')+'\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\DMDirc.lnk'); DeleteFile(GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE')+'\Desktop\DMDirc.lnk'); profileDir := profileDir+'\AppData\Roaming\DMDirc'; end else begin // Not Vista KillDir(GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE')+'\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\DMDirc'); DeleteFile(GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE')+'\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\DMDirc.lnk'); DeleteFile(GetEnvironmentVariable('USERPROFILE')+'\Desktop\DMDirc.lnk'); profileDir := profileDir+'\Application Data\DMDirc'; end; // Remove irc:// handler if it is us. deleteProtocol := false; Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; if Reg.OpenKey('irc\Shell\open\command', false) then begin handlerInfo := Reg.ReadString(''); if (handlerInfo = '"'+InstallDir+'DMDirc.exe" -c %1') then begin deleteProtocol := true; end end; Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; if deleteProtocol then begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; Reg.DeleteKey('irc\Shell\open\command'); Reg.DeleteKey('irc\Shell\open'); Reg.DeleteKey('irc\Shell'); Reg.DeleteKey('irc\DefaultIcon'); Reg.DeleteKey('irc'); Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; end; Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; Reg.DeleteKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\DMDirc'); Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; if (FileExists(profileDir+'\dmdirc.config')) then begin if MessageBox(0, PChar('A dmdirc profile has been detected ('+profileDir+') '+#13#10+'Do you want to delete it aswell?'), 'DMDirc Uninstaller', MB_YESNO) = IDYES then begin KillDir(profileDir); end; end; showmessage('DMDirc has been uninstalled from "'+InstallDir+'".', 'Uninstall Successful'); end else if askQuestion('This will uninstall DMDirc. '+#13#10+#13#10+'Do you want to continue?') then begin if (ExecAndWait('java -jar ' + ExtractFileDir(paramstr(0)) + '\DMDirc.jar -k', true) <> 0) then begin TempDir := GetTempDirectory; CopyFile(pchar(paramstr(0)), pchar(TempDir+'/uninstall.exe'), false); Launch(TempDir+'/uninstall.exe '+ExtractFileDir(paramstr(0))+'\'); end else begin showError('Uninstall Aborted - DMDirc is still running.', 'Please close DMDirc before continuing') end; end; end.