{ Copyright (C) 2005 Bas Steendijk and Peter Green For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib_license.txt which is included in the package ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit binipstuff; interface {$include lcoreconfig.inc} {$ifndef win32} {$ifdef ipv6} uses sockets; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef fpc} {$mode delphi} {$endif} {$ifdef cpu386}{$define i386}{$endif} {$ifdef i386}{$define ENDIAN_LITTLE}{$endif} {$include uint32.inc} const hexchars:array[0..15] of char='0123456789abcdef'; AF_INET=2; {$ifdef win32} AF_INET6=23; {$else} AF_INET6=10; {$endif} type {$ifdef ipv6} {$ifdef win32} {$define want_Tin6_addr} {$endif} {$ifdef ver1_0} {$define want_Tin6_addr} {$endif} {$ifdef want_Tin6_addr} Tin6_addr = packed record case byte of 0: (u6_addr8 : array[0..15] of byte); 1: (u6_addr16 : array[0..7] of Word); 2: (u6_addr32 : array[0..3] of uint32); 3: (s6_addr8 : array[0..15] of shortint); 4: (s6_addr : array[0..15] of shortint); 5: (s6_addr16 : array[0..7] of smallint); 6: (s6_addr32 : array[0..3] of LongInt); end; {$endif} {$endif} tbinip=record family:integer; {$ifdef ipv6} case integer of 0: (ip:longint); 1: (ip6:tin6_addr); {$else} ip:longint; {$endif} end; {$ifdef win32} TInetSockAddr = packed Record family:Word; port :Word; addr :uint32; pad :array [1..8] of byte; end; {$ifdef ipv6} TInetSockAddr6 = packed record sin6_family: word; sin6_port: word; sin6_flowinfo: uint32; sin6_addr: tin6_addr; sin6_scope_id: uint32; end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef ipv6} {$ifdef ver1_0} cuint16=word; cuint32=dword; sa_family_t=word; TInetSockAddr6 = packed record sin6_family: word; sin6_port: word; sin6_flowinfo: uint32; sin6_addr: tin6_addr; sin6_scope_id: uint32; end; {$endif} {$endif} TinetSockAddrv = packed record case integer of 0: (InAddr:TInetSockAddr); {$ifdef ipv6} 1: (InAddr6:TInetSockAddr6); {$endif} end; Pinetsockaddrv = ^Tinetsockaddrv; type tsockaddrin=TInetSockAddr; { bin IP list code, by beware while this is really just a string, on the interface side it must be treated as an opaque var which is passed as "var" when it needs to be modified} tbiniplist=string; function biniplist_new:tbiniplist; procedure biniplist_add(var l:tbiniplist;ip:tbinip); function biniplist_getcount(const l:tbiniplist):integer; function biniplist_get(const l:tbiniplist;index:integer):tbinip; procedure biniplist_set(var l:tbiniplist;index:integer;ip:tbinip); procedure biniplist_setcount(var l:tbiniplist;newlen:integer); procedure biniplist_free(var l:tbiniplist); procedure biniplist_addlist(var l:tbiniplist;const l2:tbiniplist); function biniplist_tostr(const l:tbiniplist):string; function isbiniplist(const l:tbiniplist):boolean; function htons(w:word):word; function htonl(i:uint32):uint32; function ipstrtobin(const s:string;var binip:tbinip):boolean; function ipstrtobinf(const s:string):tbinip; function ipbintostr(const binip:tbinip):string; {$ifdef ipv6} function ip6bintostr(const bin:tin6_addr):string; function ip6strtobin(const s:string;var bin:tin6_addr):boolean; {$endif} function comparebinip(const ip1,ip2:tbinip):boolean; procedure maskbits(var binip:tbinip;bits:integer); function comparebinipmask(ip1,ip2:tbinip;bits:integer):boolean; procedure addipsoffamily(var l:tbiniplist;const l2:tbiniplist;family:integer); {deprecated} function longip(s:string):longint; function needconverttov4(const ip:tbinip):boolean; procedure converttov4(var ip:tbinip); function inaddrvtobinip(inaddrv:tinetsockaddrv):tbinip; function makeinaddrv(addr:tbinip;port:string;var inaddr:tinetsockaddrv):integer; function inaddrsize(inaddr:tinetsockaddrv):integer; implementation uses sysutils; function htons(w:word):word; begin {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE} result := ((w and $ff00) shr 8) or ((w and $ff) shl 8); {$else} result := w; {$endif} end; function htonl(i:uint32):uint32; begin {$ifdef ENDIAN_LITTLE} result := (i shr 24) or (i shr 8 and $ff00) or (i shl 8 and $ff0000) or (i shl 24 and $ff000000); {$else} result := i; {$endif} end; function inaddrvtobinip(inaddrv:tinetsockaddrv):tbinip; begin result.family := inaddrv.inaddr.family; if result.family = AF_INET then result.ip := inaddrv.inaddr.addr; {$ifdef ipv6} if result.family = AF_INET6 then result.ip6 := inaddrv.inaddr6.sin6_addr; {$endif} end; function makeinaddrv(addr:tbinip;port:string;var inaddr:tinetsockaddrv):integer; begin result := 0; { biniptemp := forwardlookup(addr,10);} fillchar(inaddr,sizeof(inaddr),0); //writeln('converted address '+addr+' to binip '+ipbintostr(biniptemp)); if addr.family = AF_INET then begin inAddr.InAddr.family:=AF_INET; inAddr.InAddr.port:=htons(strtointdef(port,0)); inAddr.InAddr.addr:=addr.ip; result := sizeof(tinetsockaddr); end else {$ifdef ipv6} if addr.family = AF_INET6 then begin inAddr.InAddr6.sin6_family:=AF_INET6; inAddr.InAddr6.sin6_port:=htons(strtointdef(port,0)); inAddr.InAddr6.sin6_addr:=addr.ip6; result := sizeof(tinetsockaddr6); end; {$endif} end; function inaddrsize(inaddr:tinetsockaddrv):integer; begin {$ifdef ipv6} if inaddr.inaddr.family = AF_INET6 then result := sizeof(tinetsockaddr6) else {$endif} result := sizeof(tinetsockaddr); end; {internal} {converts dotted v4 IP to longint. returns host endian order} function longip(s:string):longint; var l:longint; a,b:integer; function convertbyte(const s:string):integer; begin result := strtointdef(s,-1); if result < 0 then begin result := -1; exit; end; if result > 255 then begin result := -1; exit; end; {01 exception} if (result <> 0) and (s[1] = '0') then begin result := -1; exit; end; {+1 exception} if not (s[1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin result := -1; exit end; end; begin result := 0; a := pos('.',s); if a = 0 then exit; b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit; l := b shl 24; s := copy(s,a+1,256); a := pos('.',s); if a = 0 then exit; b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit; l := l or b shl 16; s := copy(s,a+1,256); a := pos('.',s); if a = 0 then exit; b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,a-1));if (b < 0) then exit; l := l or b shl 8; s := copy(s,a+1,256); b := convertbyte(copy(s,1,256));if (b < 0) then exit; l := l or b; result := l; end; function ipstrtobinf; begin ipstrtobin(s,result); end; function ipstrtobin(const s:string;var binip:tbinip):boolean; begin binip.family := 0; result := false; {$ifdef ipv6} if pos(':',s) <> 0 then begin {try ipv6. use builtin routine} result := ip6strtobin(s,binip.ip6); if result then binip.family := AF_INET6; exit; end; {$endif} {try v4} binip.ip := htonl(longip(s)); if (binip.ip <> 0) or (s = '') then begin result := true; binip.family := AF_INET; exit; end; end; function ipbintostr(const binip:tbinip):string; var a:integer; begin result := ''; {$ifdef ipv6} if binip.family = AF_INET6 then begin result := ip6bintostr(binip.ip6); end else {$endif} if binip.family = AF_INET then begin a := htonl(binip.ip); result := inttostr(a shr 24)+'.'+inttostr((a shr 16) and $ff)+'.'+inttostr((a shr 8) and $ff)+'.'+inttostr(a and $ff); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$ifdef ipv6} { IPv6 address binary to/from string conversion routines written by beware (steendijk at xs4all dot nl) - implementation does not depend on other ipv6 code such as the tin6_addr type, the parameter can also be untyped. - it is host endian neutral - binary format is aways network order - it supports compression of zeroes - it supports ::ffff: style addresses - they are made to do the Right Thing, more efficient implementations are possible } {fpc has hostaddrtostr6 and strtohostaddr6 but the later isnt implemented yet} function ip6bintostr(const bin:tin6_addr):string; {base16 with lowercase output} function makehex(w:word):string; begin result := ''; if w >= 4096 then result := result + hexchars[w shr 12]; if w >= 256 then result := result + hexchars[w shr 8 and $f]; if w >= 16 then result := result + hexchars[w shr 4 and $f]; result := result + hexchars[w and $f]; end; var a,b,c,addrlen:integer; runbegin,runlength:integer; bytes:array[0..15] of byte absolute bin; words:array[0..7] of word; dwords:array[0..3] of integer absolute words; begin for a := 0 to 7 do begin words[a] := bytes[a shl 1] shl 8 or bytes[a shl 1 or 1]; end; if (dwords[0] = 0) and (dwords[1] = 0) and (words[4] = 0) and (words[5] = $ffff) then begin {::ffff:/96 exception: v4 IP} addrlen := 6; end else begin addrlen := 8; end; {find longest run of zeroes} runbegin := 0; runlength := 0; for a := 0 to addrlen-1 do begin if words[a] = 0 then begin c := 0; for b := a to addrlen-1 do if words[b] = 0 then begin inc(c); end else break; if (c > runlength) then begin runlength := c; runbegin := a; end; end; end; result := ''; for a := 0 to runbegin-1 do begin if (a <> 0) then result := result + ':'; result := result + makehex(words[a]); end; if runlength > 0 then result := result + '::'; c := runbegin+runlength; for a := c to addrlen-1 do begin if (a > c) then result := result + ':'; result := result + makehex(words[a]); end; if addrlen = 6 then begin result := result + ':'+inttostr(bytes[12])+'.'+inttostr(bytes[13])+'.'+inttostr(bytes[14])+'.'+inttostr(bytes[15]); end; end; function ip6strtobin(const s:string;var bin:tin6_addr):boolean; var a,b:integer; fields:array[0..7] of string; fieldcount:integer; emptyfield:integer; wordcount:integer; words:array[0..7] of word; bytes:array[0..15] of byte absolute bin; begin result := false; for a := 0 to 7 do fields[a] := ''; fieldcount := 0; for a := 1 to length(s) do begin if s[a] = ':' then inc(fieldcount) else fields[fieldcount] := fields[fieldcount] + s[a]; if fieldcount > 7 then exit; end; if fieldcount < 2 then exit; {find the empty field (compressed zeroes), not counting the first and last there may be at most 1} emptyfield := -1; for a := 1 to fieldcount-1 do begin if fields[a] = '' then begin if emptyfield = -1 then emptyfield := a else exit; end; end; {check if last field is a valid v4 IP} a := longip(fields[fieldcount]); if (a <> 0) or (fields[fieldcount] = '') then wordcount := 6 else wordcount := 8; {0:1:2:3:4:5: 0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7} fillchar(words,sizeof(words),0); if wordcount = 6 then begin if fieldcount > 6 then exit; words[6] := a shr 16; words[7] := a and $ffff; end; if emptyfield = -1 then begin {no run length: must be an exact number of fields} if wordcount = 6 then begin if fieldcount <> 6 then exit; emptyfield := 5; end else if wordcount = 8 then begin if fieldcount <> 7 then exit; emptyfield := 7; end else exit; end; for a := 0 to emptyfield do begin if fields[a] = '' then b := 0 else b := strtointdef('$'+fields[a],-1); if (b < 0) or (b > $ffff) then exit; words[a] := b; end; if wordcount = 6 then dec(fieldcount); for a := wordcount-1 downto wordcount-(fieldcount-emptyfield) do begin b := a+fieldcount-wordcount+1; if fields[b] = '' then b := 0 else b := strtointdef('$'+fields[b],-1); if (b < 0) or (b > $ffff) then exit; words[a] := b; end; for a := 0 to 7 do begin bytes[a shl 1] := words[a] shr 8; bytes[a shl 1 or 1] := words[a] and $ff; end; result := true; end; {$endif} function comparebinip(const ip1,ip2:tbinip):boolean; begin if (ip1.ip <> ip2.ip) then begin result := false; exit; end; {$ifdef ipv6} if ip1.family = AF_INET6 then begin if (ip1.ip6.s6_addr32[1] <> ip2.ip6.s6_addr32[1]) or (ip1.ip6.s6_addr32[2] <> ip2.ip6.s6_addr32[2]) or (ip1.ip6.s6_addr32[3] <> ip2.ip6.s6_addr32[3]) then begin result := false; exit; end; end; {$endif} result := (ip1.family = ip2.family); end; procedure maskbits(var binip:tbinip;bits:integer); const ipmax={$ifdef ipv6}15{$else}3{$endif}; type tarr=array[0..ipmax] of byte; var arr:^tarr; a,b:integer; begin arr := @binip.ip; if bits = 0 then b := 0 else b := ((bits-1) div 8)+1; for a := b to ipmax do begin arr[a] := 0; end; if (bits and 7 <> 0) then begin arr[bits shr 3] := arr[bits div 8] and not ($ff shr (bits and 7)) end; end; function comparebinipmask; begin maskbits(ip1,bits); maskbits(ip2,bits); result := comparebinip(ip1,ip2); end; function needconverttov4(const ip:tbinip):boolean; begin {$ifdef ipv6} if ip.family = AF_INET6 then begin if (ip.ip6.u6_addr32[0] = 0) and (ip.ip6.u6_addr32[1] = 0) and (ip.ip6.u6_addr16[4] = 0) and (ip.ip6.u6_addr16[5] = $ffff) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; {$endif} result := false; end; {converts a binary IP to v4 if it is a v6 IP in the v4 range} procedure converttov4(var ip:tbinip); begin {$ifdef ipv6} if needconverttov4(ip) then begin ip.family := AF_INET; ip.ip := ip.ip6.s6_addr32[3]; end; {$endif} end; {-----------biniplist stuff--------------------------------------------------} const biniplist_prefix='bipl'#0; //fpc 1.0.x doesn't seem to like use of length function in a constant //definition //biniplist_prefixlen=length(biniplist_prefix); biniplist_prefixlen=5; function biniplist_new:tbiniplist; begin result := biniplist_prefix; end; procedure biniplist_add(var l:tbiniplist;ip:tbinip); var a:integer; begin a := biniplist_getcount(l); biniplist_setcount(l,a+1); biniplist_set(l,a,ip); end; function biniplist_getcount(const l:tbiniplist):integer; begin result := (length(l)-biniplist_prefixlen) div sizeof(tbinip); end; function biniplist_get(const l:tbiniplist;index:integer):tbinip; begin if (index >= biniplist_getcount(l)) then begin fillchar(result,sizeof(result),0); exit; end; move(l[index*sizeof(tbinip)+1+biniplist_prefixlen],result,sizeof(result)); end; procedure biniplist_set(var l:tbiniplist;index:integer;ip:tbinip); begin uniquestring(l); move(ip,l[index*sizeof(tbinip)+1+biniplist_prefixlen],sizeof(ip)); end; procedure biniplist_setcount(var l:tbiniplist;newlen:integer); begin setlength(l,(sizeof(tbinip)*newlen)+biniplist_prefixlen); end; procedure biniplist_free(var l:tbiniplist); begin l := ''; end; procedure biniplist_addlist; begin l := l + copy(l2,biniplist_prefixlen+1,maxlongint); end; function biniplist_tostr(const l:tbiniplist):string; var a:integer; begin result := '('; for a := 0 to biniplist_getcount(l)-1 do begin if result <> '(' then result := result + ', '; result := result + ipbintostr(biniplist_get(l,a)); end; result := result + ')'; end; function isbiniplist(const l:tbiniplist):boolean; var i : integer; begin for i := 1 to biniplist_prefixlen do begin if biniplist_prefix[i] <> l[i] then begin result := false; exit; end; end; result := true; end; procedure addipsoffamily(var l:tbiniplist;const l2:tbiniplist;family:integer); var a:integer; biniptemp:tbinip; begin for a := biniplist_getcount(l2)-1 downto 0 do begin biniptemp := biniplist_get(l2,a); if (biniptemp.family = family) then biniplist_add(l,biniptemp); end; end; end.