//[START OF KOL.pas] {**************************************************************** d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLL d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLL d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL aaaa d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL a d d KKKKKKKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL a d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL aaaaa dddddd dddddd KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL a a d d d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL a a d d d d KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL aaaaa aa dddddd dddddd Key Objects Library (C) 2000 by Kladov Vladimir. //[VERSION] **************************************************************** * VERSION 2.75 **************************************************************** //[END OF VERSION] The only reason why this part of KOL separated into another unit is that Delphi has a restriction to DCU size exceeding which it is failed to debug it normally and in attempt to execute code step by step an internal error is occur which stops Delphi from working at all. Version indicated above is a version of KOL, having place when KOLadd.pas was modified last time, this is not a version of KOLadd itself. } {$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif FPC} unit KOLadd; {* Define symbol TREE_NONAME to disallow using Name in TTree object. Define symbol TREE_WIDE to use WideString for Name in TTree object. } {$IFDEF EXTERNAL_DEFINES} {$INCLUDE EXTERNAL_DEFINES.INC} {$ENDIF EXTERNAL_DEFINES} interface {$I KOLDEF.INC} uses Windows, Messages, KOL {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH}, ToGrush {$ENDIF}; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T L i s t E x | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type //[TListEx DEFINITION] {++}(*TListEx = class;*){--} PListEx = {-}^{+}TListEx; TListEx = object( TObj ) {* Extended list, with Objects[ ] property. Created calling NewListEx function. } protected fList: PList; fObjects: PList; function GetEx(Idx: Integer): Pointer; procedure PutEx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Pointer); function GetCount: Integer; function GetAddBy: Integer; procedure Set_AddBy(const Value: Integer); public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {* } property AddBy: Integer read GetAddBy write Set_AddBy; {* } property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: Pointer read GetEx write PutEx; {* } property Count: Integer read GetCount; {* } procedure Clear; {* } procedure Add( Value: Pointer ); {* } procedure AddObj( Value, Obj: Pointer ); {* } procedure Insert( Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer ); {* } procedure InsertObj( Idx: Integer; Value, Obj: Pointer ); {* } procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* } procedure DeleteRange( Idx, Len: Integer ); {* } function IndexOf( Value: Pointer ): Integer; {* } function IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer; {* } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer ); {* } procedure MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer ); {* } property ItemsList: PList read fList; {* } property ObjList: PList read fObjects; {* } function Last: Pointer; {* } function LastObj: Pointer; {* } end; //[END OF TListEx DEFINITION] //[NewListEx DECLARATION] function NewListEx: PListEx; {* Creates extended list. } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T B i t s | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type //[TBits DEFINITION] {++}(*TBits = class;*){--} PBits = {-}^{+}TBits; TBits = object( TObj ) {* Variable-length bits array object. Created using function NewBits. See also | Small bit arrays (max 32 bits in array) |. } protected fList: PList; fCount: Integer; function GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function GetCapacity: Integer; function GetSize: Integer; procedure SetCapacity(const Value: Integer); public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {* } property Bits[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetBit write SetBit; {* } property Size: Integer read GetSize; {* Size in bytes of the array. To get know number of bits, use property Count. } property Count: Integer read fCount; {* Number of bits an the array. } property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; {* Number of bytes allocated. Can be set before assigning bit values to improve performance (minimizing amount of memory allocation operations). } function Copy( From, BitsCount: Integer ): PBits; {* Use this property to get a sub-range of bits starting from given bit and of BitsCount bits count. } function IndexOf( Value: Boolean ): Integer; {* Returns index of first bit with given value (True or False). } function OpenBit: Integer; {* Returns index of the first bit not set to true. } procedure Clear; {* Clears bits array. Count, Size and Capacity become 0. } function LoadFromStream( strm: PStream ): Integer; {* Loads bits from the stream. Data should be stored in the stream earlier using SaveToStream method. While loading, previous bits data are discarded and replaced with new one totally. In part, Count of bits also is changed. Count of bytes read from the stream while loading data is returned. } function SaveToStream( strm: PStream ): Integer; {* Saves entire array of bits to the stream. First, Count of bits in the array is saved, then all bytes containing bits data. } function Range( Idx, N: Integer ): PBits; {* Creates and returns new TBits object instance containing N bits starting from index Idx. If you call this method, you are responsible for destroying returned object when it become not neccessary. } procedure AssignBits( ToIdx: Integer; FromBits: PBits; FromIdx, N: Integer ); {* Assigns bits from another bits array object. N bits are assigned starting at index ToIdx. } procedure InstallBits( FromIdx, N: Integer; Value: Boolean ); {* Sets new Value for all bits in range [ FromIdx, FromIdx+Count-1 ]. } end; //[END OF TBits DEFINITION] //[NewBits DECLARATION] function NewBits: PBits; {* Creates variable-length bits array object. } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T F a s t S t r L i s t | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type PFastStrListEx = ^TFastStrListEx; TFastStrListEx = object( TObj ) private function GetItemLen(Idx: Integer): Integer; function GetObject(Idx: Integer): DWORD; procedure SetObject(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); function GetValues(AName: PChar): PChar; protected procedure Init; virtual; protected fList: PList; fCount: Integer; fCaseSensitiveSort: Boolean; fTextBuf: PChar; fTextSiz: DWORD; fUsedSiz: DWORD; protected procedure ProvideSpace( AddSize: DWORD ); function Get(Idx: integer): string; function GetTextStr: string; procedure Put(Idx: integer; const Value: string); procedure SetTextStr(const Value: string); function GetPChars( Idx: Integer ): PChar; {++}(*public*){--} destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} public function AddAnsi( const S: String ): Integer; {* Adds Ansi String to a list. } function AddAnsiObject( const S: String; Obj: DWORD ): Integer; {* Adds Ansi String and correspondent object to a list. } function Add(S: PChar): integer; {* Adds a string to list. } function AddLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer): integer; {* Adds a string to list. The string can contain #0 characters. } public FastClear: Boolean; {* } procedure Clear; {* Makes string list empty. } procedure Delete(Idx: integer); {* Deletes string with given index (it *must* exist). } function IndexOf(const S: string): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one. } function IndexOf_NoCase(const S: string): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it without case sensitivity). } function IndexOfStrL_NoCase( Str: PChar; L: Integer ): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it without case sensitivity). } function Find(const S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean; {* Returns Index of the first string, equal or greater to given pattern, but works only for sorted TFastStrListEx object. Returns TRUE if exact string found, otherwise nearest (greater then a pattern) string index is returned, and the result is FALSE. } procedure InsertAnsi(Idx: integer; const S: String); {* Inserts ANSI string before one with given index. } procedure InsertAnsiObject(Idx: integer; const S: String; Obj: DWORD); {* Inserts ANSI string before one with given index. } procedure Insert(Idx: integer; S: PChar); {* Inserts string before one with given index. } procedure InsertLen( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer ); {* Inserts string from given PChar. It can contain #0 characters. } function LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; {* Loads string list from a file. (If file does not exist, nothing happens). Very fast even for huge text files. } procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: boolean); {* Loads string list from a stream (from current position to the end of a stream). Very fast even for huge text. } procedure MergeFromFile(const FileName: string); {* Merges string list with strings in a file. Fast. } procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); {* Moves string to another location. } procedure SetText(const S: string; Append2List: boolean); {* Allows to set strings of string list from given string (in which strings are separated by $0D,$0A or $0D characters). Text can contain #0 characters. Works very fast. This method is used in all others, working with text arrays (LoadFromFile, MergeFromFile, Assign, AddStrings). } function SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; {* Stores string list to a file. } procedure SaveToStream(Stream: PStream); {* Saves string list to a stream (from current position). } function AppendToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; {* Appends strings of string list to the end of a file. } property Count: integer read fCount; {* Number of strings in a string list. } property Items[Idx: integer]: string read Get write Put; default; {* Strings array items. If item does not exist, empty string is returned. But for assign to property, string with given index *must* exist. } property ItemPtrs[ Idx: Integer ]: PChar read GetPChars; {* Fast access to item strings as PChars. } property ItemLen[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read GetItemLen; {* Length of string item. } function Last: String; {* Last item (or '', if string list is empty). } property Text: string read GetTextStr write SetTextStr; {* Content of string list as a single string (where strings are separated by characters $0D,$0A). } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2 : Integer ); {* Swaps to strings with given indeces. } procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* Call it to sort string list. } public function AddObject( S: PChar; Obj: DWORD ): Integer; {* Adds string S (null-terminated) with associated object Obj. } function AddObjectLen( S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD ): Integer; {* Adds string S of length Len with associated object Obj. } procedure InsertObject( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Obj: DWORD ); {* Inserts string S (null-terminated) at position Idx in the list, associating it with object Obj. } procedure InsertObjectLen( Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD ); {* Inserts string S of length Len at position Idx in the list, associating it with object Obj. } property Objects[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetObject write SetObject; {* Access to objects associated with strings in the list. } public procedure Append( S: PChar ); {* Appends S (null-terminated) to the last string in FastStrListEx object, very fast. } procedure AppendLen( S: PChar; Len: Integer ); {* Appends S of length Len to the last string in FastStrListEx object, very fast. } procedure AppendInt2Hex( N: DWORD; MinDigits: Integer ); {* Converts N to hexadecimal and appends resulting string to the last string, very fast. } public property Values[ Name: PChar ]: PChar read GetValues; {* Returns a value correspondent to the Name an ini-file-like string list (having Name1=Value1 Name2=Value2 etc. in each string). } function IndexOfName( AName: PChar ): Integer; {* Searches string starting from 'AName=' in string list like ini-file. } end; function NewFastStrListEx: PFastStrListEx; {* Creates FastStrListEx object. } var Upper: array[ Char ] of Char; {* An table to convert char to uppercase very fast. First call InitUpper. } Upper_Initialized: Boolean; procedure InitUpper; {* Call this fuction ones to fill Upper[ ] table before using it. } //[CABINET FILES OBJECT] type {++}(*TCabFile = class;*){--} PCABFile = {-}^{+}TCABFile; TOnNextCAB = function( Sender: PCABFile ): KOLString of object; TOnCABFile = function( Sender: PCABFile; var FileName: KOLString ): Boolean of object; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TCabFile - windows cabinet files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[TCabFile DEFINITION] TCABFile = object( TObj ) {* An object to simplify extracting files from a cabinet (.CAB) files. The only what need to use this object, setupapi.dll. It is provided with all latest versions of Windows. } protected FPaths: {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PWStrList {$ELSE} PStrList {$ENDIF}; FNames: {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PWStrList {$ELSE} PStrList {$ENDIF}; FOnNextCAB: TOnNextCAB; FOnFile: TOnCABFile; FTargetPath: KOLString; FSetupapi: THandle; function GetNames(Idx: Integer): KOLString; function GetCount: Integer; function GetPaths(Idx: Integer): KOLString; function GetTargetPath: KOLString; protected FGettingNames: Boolean; FCurCAB: Integer; public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {* } property Paths[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetPaths; {* A list of CAB-files. It is stored, when constructing function OpenCABFile called. } property Names[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetNames; {* A list of file names, stored in a sequence of CAB files. To get know, how many files are there, check Count property. } property Count: Integer read GetCount; {* Number of files stored in a sequence of CAB files. } function Execute: Boolean; {* Call this method to extract or enumerate files in CAB. For every file, found during executing, event OnFile is alled (if assigned). If the event handler (if any) does not provide full target path for a file to extract to, property TargetPath is applyed (also if it is assigned), or file is extracted to the default directory (usually the same directory there CAB file is located, or current directory - by a decision of the system). |
If a sequence of CAB files is used, and not all names for CAB files are provided (absent or represented by a string '?' ), an event OnNextCAB is called to obtain the name of the next CAB file.} property CurCAB: Integer read FCurCAB; {* Index of current CAB file in a sequence of CAB files. When OnNextCAB event is called (if any), CurCAB property is already set to the index of path, what should be provided. } property OnNextCAB: TOnNextCAB read FOnNextCAB write FOnNextCAB; {* This event is called, when a series of CAB files is needed and not all CAB file names are provided (absent or represented by '?' string). If this event is not assigned, the user is prompted to browse file. } property OnFile: TOnCABFile read FOnFile write FOnFile; {* This event is called for every file found during Execute method. In an event handler (if any assigned), it is possible to return False to skip file, or to provide another full target path for file to extract it to, then default. If the event is not assigned, all files are extracted either to default directory, or to the directory TargetPath, if it is provided. } property TargetPath: KOLString read GetTargetPath write FTargetPath; {* Optional target directory to place there extracted files. } end; //[END OF TCABFile DEFINITION] //[OpenCABFile DECLARATION] function OpenCABFile( const APaths: array of String ): PCABFile; {* This function creates TCABFile object, passing a sequence of CAB file names (fully qualified). It is possible not to provide all names here, or pass '?' string in place of some of those. For such files, either an event OnNextCAB will be called, or (and) user will be prompted to browse file during executing (i.e. Extracting). } //[DIRCHANGE] type {++}(*TDirChange = class;*){--} PDirChange = {-}^{+}TDirChange; {* } TOnDirChange = procedure (Sender: PDirChange; const Path: KOLString) of object; {* Event type to define OnChange event for folder monitoring objects. } TFileChangeFilters = (fncFileName, fncDirName, fncAttributes, fncSize, fncLastWrite, fncLastAccess, fncCreation, fncSecurity); {* Possible change monitor filters. } TFileChangeFilter = set of TFileChangeFilters; {* Set of filters to pass to a constructor of TDirChange object. } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TDirChange object ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[TDirChange DEFINITION] TDirChange = object(TObj) {* Object type to monitor changes in certain folder. } protected FOnChange: TOnDirChange; FHandle, FinEvent: THandle; FPath: KOLString; FMonitor: PThread; function Execute( Sender: PThread ): Integer; procedure Changed; protected {++}(*public*){--} destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {*} public property Handle: THandle read FHandle; {* Handle of file change notification object. *} property Path: KOLString read FPath; //write SetPath; {* Path to monitored folder (to a root, if tree of folders is under monitoring). } property OnChange: TOnDirChange read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; //[END OF TDirChange DEFINITION] //[NewDirChangeNotifier DECLARATION] function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: KOLString; Filter: TFileChangeFilter; WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange ): PDirChange; {* Creates notification object TDirChange. If something wrong (e.g., passed directory does not exist), nil is returned as a result. When change is notified, ChangeProc is called always in main thread context. (Please note, that ChangeProc can not be nil). If empty filter is passed, default filter is used: [fncFileName..fncLastWrite]. } {$ifdef win32} //[METAFILES] type {++}(*TMetafile = class;*){--} PMetafile = {-}^{+}TMetafile; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TMetafile - Windows metafile and Enchanced Metafile image ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[TMetafile DEFINITION] TMetafile = object( TObj ) {* Object type to incapsulate metafile image. } protected function GetHeight: Integer; function GetWidth: Integer; procedure SetHandle(const Value: THandle); protected fHandle: THandle; fHeader: PEnhMetaHeader; procedure RetrieveHeader; public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {* } procedure Clear; {* } function Empty: Boolean; {* Returns TRUE if empty} property Handle: THandle read fHandle write SetHandle; {* Returns handle of enchanced metafile. } function LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream ): Boolean; {* Loads emf or wmf file format from stream. } function LoadFromFile( const Filename: String ): Boolean; {* Loads emf or wmf from stream. } procedure Draw( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer ); {* Draws enchanced metafile on DC. } procedure StretchDraw( DC: HDC; const R: TRect ); {* Draws enchanced metafile stretched. } property Width: Integer read GetWidth; {* Native width of the metafile. } property Height: Integer read GetHeight; {* Native height of the metafile. } end; //[END OF TMetafile DEFINITION] //[NewMetafile DECLARATION] function NewMetafile: PMetafile; {* Creates metafile object. } //[Metafile CONSTANTS, STRUCTURES, ETC.] const WMFKey = Integer($9AC6CDD7); WMFWord = $CDD7; type TMetafileHeader = packed record Key: Longint; Handle: SmallInt; Box: TSmallRect; Inch: Word; Reserved: Longint; CheckSum: Word; end; function ComputeAldusChecksum(var WMF: TMetafileHeader): Word; {++}(* function SetEnhMetaFileBits(p1: UINT; p2: PChar): HENHMETAFILE; stdcall; function PlayEnhMetaFile(DC: HDC; p2: HENHMETAFILE; const p3: TRect): BOOL; stdcall; *){--} {$endif win32} // NewActionList, TAction - by Yury Sidorov //[ACTIONS OBJECT] { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TAction and TActionList ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } type PControlRec = ^TControlRec; TOnUpdateCtrlEvent = procedure(Sender: PControlRec) of object; TCtrlKind = (ckControl, ckMenu, ckToolbar); TControlRec = record Ctrl: PObj; CtrlKind: TCtrlKind; ItemID: integer; UpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent; end; TUpdateProperty = (upCaption, upHint, upChecked, upEnabled, upVisible, upHelpContext, upAccelerator); TUpdateProperties = set of TUpdateProperty; {++}(* TAction = class;*){--} PAction = {-}^{+}TAction; {++}(* TActionList = class;*){--} PActionList = {-}^{+}TActionList; //[TAction DEFINITION] TAction = {-} object( TObj ) {+}{++}(*class*){--} {*! Use action objects, in conjunction with action lists, to centralize the response to user commands (actions). Use AddControl, AddMenuItem, AddToolbarButton methods to link controls to an action. See also TActionList. } protected FControls: PList; FCaption: KOLString; FChecked: boolean; FVisible: boolean; FEnabled: boolean; FHelpContext: integer; FHint: KOLString; FOnExecute: TOnEvent; FAccelerator: TMenuAccelerator; {$ifndef wince} FShortCut: KOLString; {$endif wince} FUpdateMask: TUpdateProperties; procedure DoOnMenuItem(Sender: PMenu; Item: Integer); procedure DoOnToolbarButtonClick(Sender: PControl; BtnID: Integer); procedure DoOnControlClick(Sender: PObj); procedure SetCaption(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetChecked(const Value: boolean); procedure SetEnabled(const Value: boolean); procedure SetHelpContext(const Value: integer); procedure SetHint(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetVisible(const Value: boolean); procedure SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator); procedure UpdateControls; procedure LinkCtrl(ACtrl: PObj; ACtrlKind: TCtrlKind; AItemID: integer; AUpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent); procedure SetOnExecute(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure UpdateCtrl(Sender: PControlRec); procedure UpdateMenu(Sender: PControlRec); procedure UpdateToolbar(Sender: PControlRec); public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} procedure LinkControl(Ctrl: PControl); {* Add a link to a TControl or descendant control. } procedure LinkMenuItem(Menu: PMenu; MenuItemIdx: integer); {* Add a link to a menu item. } procedure LinkToolbarButton(Toolbar: PControl; ButtonIdx: integer); {* Add a link to a toolbar button. } procedure Execute; {* Executes a OnExecute event handler. } property Caption: KOLString read FCaption write SetCaption; {* Text caption. } property Hint: KOLString read FHint write SetHint; {* Hint (tooltip). Currently used for toolbar buttons only. } property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked; {* Checked state. } property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled; {* Enabled state. } property Visible: boolean read FVisible write SetVisible; {* Visible state. } property HelpContext: integer read FHelpContext write SetHelpContext; {* Help context. } property Accelerator: TMenuAccelerator read FAccelerator write SetAccelerator; {* Accelerator for menu items. } property OnExecute: TOnEvent read FOnExecute write SetOnExecute; {* This event is executed when user clicks on a linked object or Execute method was called. } end; //[END OF TAction DEFINITION] //[TActionList DEFINITION] TActionList = {-} object( TObj ) {+}{++}(*class*){--} {*! TActionList maintains a list of actions used with components and controls, such as menu items and buttons. Action lists are used, in conjunction with actions, to centralize the response to user commands (actions). Write an OnUpdateActions handler to update actions state. Created using function NewActionList. See also TAction. } protected FOwner: PControl; FActions: PList; FOnUpdateActions: TOnEvent; function GetActions(Idx: integer): PAction; function GetCount: integer; protected procedure DoUpdateActions(Sender: PObj); public destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} function Add(const ACaption, AHint: KOLString; OnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction; {* Add a new action to the list. Returns pointer to action object. } procedure Delete(Idx: integer); {* Delete action by index from list. } procedure Clear; {* Clear all actions in the list. } property Actions[Idx: integer]: PAction read GetActions; {* Access to actions in the list. } property Count: integer read GetCount; {* Number of actions in the list.. } property OnUpdateActions: TOnEvent read FOnUpdateActions write FOnUpdateActions; {* Event handler to update actions state. This event is called each time when application goes in the idle state (no messages in the queue). } end; //[END OF TActionList DEFINITION] //[NewActionList DECLARATION] function NewActionList(AOwner: PControl): PActionList; {* Action list constructor. AOwner - owner form. } { -- tree (non-visual) -- } type //[TTree DEFINITION] {++}(*TTree = class;*){--} PTree = {-}^{+}TTree; TTree = object( TObj ) {* Object to store tree-like data in memory (non-visual). } protected fParent: PTree; fChildren: PList; fPrev: PTree; fNext: PTree; {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF TREE_WIDE} fNodeName: WideString; {$ELSE} fNodeName: String; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} fData: Pointer; function GetCount: Integer; function GetItems(Idx: Integer): PTree; procedure Unlink; function GetRoot: PTree; function GetLevel: Integer; function GetTotal: Integer; function GetIndexAmongSiblings: Integer; protected {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} constructor CreateTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: String ); {* } {$ENDIF} {++}(*public*){--} destructor Destroy; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} {* } {++}(*protected*){--} procedure Init; {-}virtual;{+}{++}(*override;*){--} public procedure Clear; {* Destoyes all child nodes. } {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF TREE_WIDE} property Name: WideString read fNodeName write fNodeName; {$ELSE} property Name: String read fNodeName write fNodeName; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {* Optional node name. } property Data: Pointer read fData write fData; {* Optional user-defined pointer. } property Count: Integer read GetCount; {* Number of child nodes of given node. } property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: PTree read GetItems; {* Child nodes list items. } procedure Add( Node: PTree ); {* Adds another node as a child of given tree node. This operation as well as Insert can be used to move node together with its children to another location of the same tree or even from another tree. Anyway, added Node first correctly removed from old place (if it is defined for it). But for simplest task, such as filling of tree with nodes, code should looking as follows: ! Node := NewTree( nil, 'test of creating node without parent' ); ! RootOfMyTree.Add( Node ); Though, this code gives the same result as: ! Node := NewTree( RootOfMyTree, 'test of creatign node as a child' ); } procedure Insert( Before, Node: PTree ); {* Inserts earlier created 'Node' just before given child node 'Before' as a child of given tree node. See also Add method. } property Parent: PTree read fParent; {* Returns parent node (or nil, if there is no parent). } property Index: Integer read GetIndexAmongSiblings; {* Returns an index of the node in a list of nodes of the same parent (or -1, if Parent is not defined). } property PrevSibling: PTree read fPrev; {* Returns previous node in a list of children of the Parent. Nil is returned, if given node is the first child of the Parent or has no Parent. } property NextSibling: PTree read fNext; {* Returns next node in a list of children of the Parent. Nil is returned, if given node is the last child of the Parent or has no Parent at all. } property Root: PTree read GetRoot; {* Returns root node (i.e. the last Parent, enumerating parents recursively). } property Level: Integer read GetLevel; {* Returns level of the node, i.e. integer value, equal to 0 for root of a tree, 1 for its children, etc. } property Total: Integer read GetTotal; {* Returns total number of children of the node and all its children counting its recursively (but node itself is not considered, i.e. Total for node without children is equal to 0). } procedure SortByName; {* Sorts children of the node in ascending order. Sorting is not recursive, i.e. only immediate children are sorted. } procedure SwapNodes( i1, i2: Integer ); {* Swaps two child nodes. } function IsParentOfNode( Node: PTree ): Boolean; {* Returns true, if Node is the tree itself or is a parent of the given node on any level. } function IndexOf( Node: PTree ): Integer; {* Total index of the child node (on any level under this node). } end; //[END OF TTree DEFINITION] //[NewTree DECLARATION] {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} function NewTree( AParent: PTree ): PTree; {* Nameless version (for case when TREE_NONAME symbol is defined). Constructs tree node, adding it to the end of children list of the AParent. If AParent is nil, new root tree node is created. } {$ELSE} {$IFDEF TREE_WIDE} function NewTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: WideString ): PTree; {* WideString version (for case when TREE_WIDE symbol is defined). Constructs tree node, adding it to the end of children list of the AParent. If AParent is nil, new root tree node is created. } {$ELSE} function NewTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: String ): PTree; {* Constructs tree node, adding it to the end of children list of the AParent. If AParent is nil, new root tree node is created. } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL UTILITIES } function MapFileRead( const Filename: String; var hFile, hMap: THandle ): Pointer; {* Opens file for read only (with share deny none attribute) and maps its entire content using memory mapped files technique. The address of the first byte of file mapped into the application address space is returned. When mapping no more needed, it must be closed calling UnmapFile (see below). Maximum file size which can be mapped at a time is 1/4 Gigabytes. If file size exceeding this value only 1/4 Gigabytes starting from the beginning of the file is mapped therefore. } function MapFile( const Filename: String; var hFile, hMap: THandle ): Pointer; {* Opens file for read/write (in exlusive mode) and maps its entire content using memory mapped files technique. The address of the first byte of file mapped into the application address space is returned. When mapping no more needed, it must be closed calling UnmapFile (see below). } procedure UnmapFile( BasePtr: Pointer; hFile, hMap: THandle ); {* Closes mapping opened via MapFile or MapFileRead call. } //------------------------ for MCK projects: type TKOLAction = PAction; TKOLActionList = PActionList; function ShowQuestion( const S: String; Answers: String ): Integer; {* Modal dialog like ShowMsgModal. It is based on KOL form, so it can be called also out of message loop, e.g. after finishing the application. Also, this function *must* be used in MDI applications in place of any dialog functions, based on MessageBox. |
The second parameter should be empty string or several possible answers separated by '/', e.g.: 'Yes/No/Cancel'. Result is a number answered, starting from 1. For example, if 'Cancel' was pressed, 3 will be returned. |
User can also press ESCAPE key, or close modal dialog. In such case -1 is returned. } function ShowQuestionEx( S: KOLString; Answers: KOLString; CallBack: TOnEvent ): Integer; {* Like ShowQuestion, but with CallBack function, called just before showing the dialog. } procedure ShowMsgModal( const S: String ); {* This message function can be used out of a message loop (e.g., after finishing the application). It is always modal. Actually, a form with word-wrap label (decorated as borderless edit box with btnFace color) and with OK button is created and shown modal. When a dialog is called from outside message loop, caption 'Information' is always displayed. Dialog form is automatically resized vertically to fit message text (but until screen height is achieved) and shown always centered on screen. The width is fixed (400 pixels). |
Do not use this function outside the message loop for case, when the Applet variable is not used in an application. } implementation type PCrackList = ^TCrackList; TCrackList = object( TList ) end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T L i s t E x | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TListEx } //[function NewListEx] function NewListEx: PListEx; begin {-} new( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PListEx.Create;*){--} Result.fList := NewList; Result.fObjects := NewList; end; //[END NewListEx] //[procedure TListEx.Add] procedure TListEx.Add(Value: Pointer); begin AddObj( Value, nil ); end; //[procedure TListEx.AddObj] procedure TListEx.AddObj(Value, Obj: Pointer); var C: Integer; begin C := Count; fList.Add( Value ); fObjects.Insert( C, Obj ); end; //[procedure TListEx.Clear] procedure TListEx.Clear; begin fList.Clear; fObjects.Clear; end; //[procedure TListEx.Delete] procedure TListEx.Delete(Idx: Integer); begin DeleteRange( Idx, 1 ); end; //[procedure TListEx.DeleteRange] procedure TListEx.DeleteRange(Idx, Len: Integer); begin fList.DeleteRange( Idx, Len ); fObjects.DeleteRange( Idx, Len ); end; //[destructor TListEx.Destroy] destructor TListEx.Destroy; begin fList.Free; fObjects.Free; inherited; end; //[function TListEx.GetAddBy] function TListEx.GetAddBy: Integer; begin Result := fList.AddBy; end; //[function TListEx.GetCount] function TListEx.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := fList.Count; end; //[function TListEx.GetEx] function TListEx.GetEx(Idx: Integer): Pointer; begin Result := fList.Items[ Idx ]; end; //[function TListEx.IndexOf] function TListEx.IndexOf(Value: Pointer): Integer; begin Result := fList.IndexOf( Value ); end; //[function TListEx.IndexOfObj] function TListEx.IndexOfObj(Obj: Pointer): Integer; begin Result := fObjects.IndexOf( Obj ); end; //[procedure TListEx.Insert] procedure TListEx.Insert(Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer); begin InsertObj( Idx, Value, nil ); end; //[procedure TListEx.InsertObj] procedure TListEx.InsertObj(Idx: Integer; Value, Obj: Pointer); begin fList.Insert( Idx, Value ); fObjects.Insert( Idx, Obj ); end; //[function TListEx.Last] function TListEx.Last: Pointer; begin Result := fList.Last; end; //[function TListEx.LastObj] function TListEx.LastObj: Pointer; begin Result := fObjects.Last; end; //[procedure TListEx.MoveItem] procedure TListEx.MoveItem(OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer); begin fList.MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx ); fObjects.MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx ); end; //[procedure TListEx.PutEx] procedure TListEx.PutEx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Pointer); begin fList.Items[ Idx ] := Value; end; //[procedure TListEx.Set_AddBy] procedure TListEx.Set_AddBy(const Value: Integer); begin fList.AddBy := Value; fObjects.AddBy := Value; end; //[procedure TListEx.Swap] procedure TListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); fObjects.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T B i t s | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { TBits } //[function NewBits] function NewBits: PBits; begin {-} new( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PBits.Create;*){--} Result.fList := NewList; //Result.fList.fAddBy := 1; end; //[procedure TBits.AssignBits] procedure TBits.AssignBits(ToIdx: Integer; FromBits: PBits; FromIdx, N: Integer); var i: Integer; NewCount: Integer; begin if FromIdx >= FromBits.Count then Exit; if FromIdx + N > FromBits.Count then N := FromBits.Count - FromIdx; Capacity := (ToIdx + N + 8) div 8; NewCount := Max( Count, ToIdx + N - 1 ); fCount := Max( NewCount, fCount ); PCrackList( fList ).fCount := (Capacity + 3) div 4; while ToIdx and $1F <> 0 do begin Bits[ ToIdx ] := FromBits.Bits[ FromIdx ]; Inc( ToIdx ); Inc( FromIdx ); Dec( N ); if N = 0 then Exit; end; Move( PByte( cardinal( PCrackList( FromBits.fList ).fItems ) + cardinal((FromIdx + 31) div 32) )^, PByte( cardinal( PCrackList( fList ).fItems ) + cardinal(ToIdx div 32) )^, (N + 31) div 32 ); FromIdx := FromIdx and $1F; if FromIdx <> 0 then begin // shift data by (Idx and $1F) bits right for i := ToIdx div 32 to fList.Count-2 do fList.Items[ i ] := Pointer( (DWORD( fList.Items[ i ] ) shr FromIdx) or (DWORD( fList.Items[ i+1 ] ) shl (32 - FromIdx)) ); fList.Items[ fList.Count-1 ] := Pointer( DWORD( fList.Items[ fList.Count-1 ] ) shr FromIdx ); end; end; //[function TBits.Copy] procedure TBits.Clear; begin fCount := 0; fList.Clear; end; function TBits.Copy(From, BitsCount: Integer): PBits; var Shift, N: Integer; FirstItemPtr: Pointer; begin Result := NewBits; if BitsCount = 0 then Exit; Result.Capacity := BitsCount + 32; Result.fCount := BitsCount; Move( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ From shr 5 ], PCrackList( Result.fList ).fItems[ 0 ], (Count + 31) div 32 ); Shift := From and $1F; if Shift <> 1 then begin N := (BitsCount + 31) div 32; FirstItemPtr := @ PCrackList( Result.fList ).fItems[ N - 1 ]; {$ifdef cpu86} asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI, FirstItemPtr MOV EDI, ESI STD MOV ECX, N XOR EAX, EAX CDQ @@1: PUSH ECX LODSD MOV ECX, Shift SHRD EAX, EDX, CL STOSD SUB ECX, 32 NEG ECX SHR EDX, CL POP ECX LOOP @@1 CLD POP EDI POP ESI end {$IFDEF F_P} ['EAX','EDX','ECX'] {$ENDIF}; {$else} // FIXME MsgOK('TBits.Copy should be fixed.'); Halt(7); {$endif cpu86} end; end; //[destructor TBits.Destroy] destructor TBits.Destroy; begin fList.Free; inherited; end; //[function TBits.GetBit] {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} function TBits.GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean; asm CMP EDX, [EAX].FCount JL @@1 XOR EAX, EAX RET @@1: MOV EAX, [EAX].fList {TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit} MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems BT [EAX], EDX SETC AL @@exit: end; {$ELSE} function TBits.GetBit(Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin if (Idx >= Count) {or (PCrackList( fList ).fItems = nil)} then Result := FALSE else Result := ( ( DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] ) shr (Idx and $1F)) and 1 ) <> 0; end; {$ENDIF} //[function TBits.GetCapacity] function TBits.GetCapacity: Integer; begin Result := fList.Capacity * 32; end; //[function TBits.GetSize] function TBits.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := ( PCrackList( fList ).fCount + 3) div 4; end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} //[function TBits.IndexOf] function TBits.IndexOf(Value: Boolean): Integer; asm //cmd //opd PUSH EDI MOV EDI, [EAX].fList MOV ECX, [EDI].TList.fCount @@ret_1: OR EAX, -1 JECXZ @@ret_EAX MOV EDI, [EDI].TList.fItems TEST DL, DL MOV EDX, EDI JE @@of_false INC EAX REPZ SCASD JE @@ret_1 MOV EAX, [EDI-4] NOT EAX JMP @@calc_offset BSF EAX, EAX SUB EDI, EDX SHR EDI, 2 ADD EAX, EDI JMP @@ret_EAX @@of_false: REPE SCASD JE @@ret_1 MOV EAX, [EDI-4] @@calc_offset: BSF EAX, EAX DEC EAX SUB EDI, 4 SUB EDI, EDX SHL EDI, 3 ADD EAX, EDI @@ret_EAX: POP EDI end; {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal function TBits.IndexOf(Value: Boolean): Integer; var I: Integer; D: DWORD; begin Result := -1; if Value then begin for I := 0 to fList.Count-1 do begin D := DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ I ] ); if D <> 0 then begin {$ifdef cpu86} asm MOV EAX, D BSF EAX, EAX MOV D, EAX end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$else} // FIXME MsgOK('TBits.IndexOf should be fixed.'); Halt(7); {$endif cpu86} Result := I * 32 + Integer( D ); break; end; end; end else begin for I := 0 to PCrackList( fList ).fCount-1 do begin D := DWORD( PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ I ] ); if D <> $FFFFFFFF then begin {$ifdef cpu86} asm MOV EAX, D NOT EAX BSF EAX, EAX MOV D, EAX end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$else} // FIXME MsgOK('TBits.IndexOf should be fixed.'); Halt(7); {$endif cpu86} Result := I * 32 + Integer( D ); break; end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} //[function TBits.LoadFromStream] procedure TBits.InstallBits(FromIdx, N: Integer; Value: Boolean); var NewCount: Integer; begin if FromIdx + N > fCount then begin Capacity := (FromIdx + N + 8) div 8; fCount := FromIdx + N - 1; end; NewCount := Max( Count, FromIdx + N - 1 ); fCount := Max( NewCount, fCount ); PCrackList( fList ).fCount := (Capacity + 3) div 4; while FromIdx and $1F <> 0 do begin Bits[ FromIdx ] := Value; Inc( FromIdx ); Dec( N ); if N = 0 then Exit; end; FillChar( PByte( cardinal( PCrackList( fList ).fItems ) + cardinal(FromIdx div 32) )^, (N + 7) div 8, -Integer( Value ) ); end; function TBits.LoadFromStream(strm: PStream): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := strm.Read( i, 4 ); if Result < 4 then Exit; bits[ i]:= false; //by miek fcount:= i; i := (i + 7) div 8; Inc( Result, strm.Read( PCrackList( fList ).fItems^, i ) ); end; //[function TBits.OpenBit] function TBits.OpenBit: Integer; begin Result := IndexOf( FALSE ); if Result < 0 then Result := Count; end; //[function TBits.Range] function TBits.Range(Idx, N: Integer): PBits; begin Result := NewBits; Result.AssignBits( 0, @ Self, Idx, N ); end; //[function TBits.SaveToStream] function TBits.SaveToStream(strm: PStream): Integer; begin Result := strm.Write( fCount, 4 ); if fCount = 0 then Exit; Inc( Result, strm.Write( PCrackList( fList ).fItems^, (fCount + 7) div 8 ) ); end; //[procedure TBits.SetBit] {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} procedure TBits.SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); asm PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].fList MOV ECX, [ECX].TList.fCapacity SHL ECX, 5 CMP EDX, ECX JLE @@1 PUSH EDX INC EDX PUSH EAX CALL SetCapacity POP EAX POP EDX @@1: CMP EDX, [EAX].FCount JL @@2 INC EDX MOV [EAX].fCount, EDX DEC EDX @@2: POP ECX MOV EAX, [EAX].fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems SHR ECX, 1 JC @@2set BTR [EAX], EDX JMP @@exit @@2set: BTS [EAX], EDX @@exit: end; {$ELSE} procedure TBits.SetBit(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var Msk: DWORD; begin if Idx >= Capacity then Capacity := Idx + 1; Msk := 1 shl (Idx and $1F); if Value then PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] := Pointer( DWORD(PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ]) or Msk) else PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ] := Pointer( DWORD(PCrackList( fList ).fItems[ Idx shr 5 ]) and not Msk); if Idx >= fCount then fCount := Idx + 1; end; {$ENDIF} //[procedure TBits.SetCapacity] procedure TBits.SetCapacity(const Value: Integer); var OldCap: Integer; begin OldCap := fList.Capacity; fList.Capacity := (Value + 31) div 32; if OldCap < fList.Capacity then FillChar( PChar( cardinal( PCrackList( fList ).fItems ) + cardinal(OldCap * Sizeof( Pointer )) )^, (fList.Capacity - OldCap) * sizeof( Pointer ), 0 ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T F a s t S t r L i s t | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function NewFastStrListEx: PFastStrListEx; begin new( Result, Create ); end; procedure InitUpper; var c: Char; begin for c := #0 to #255 do Upper[ c ] := AnsiUpperCase( c + #0 )[ 1 ]; Upper_Initialized := TRUE; end; { TFastStrListEx } function TFastStrListEx.AddAnsi(const S: String): Integer; begin Result := AddObjectLen( PChar( S ), Length( S ), 0 ); end; function TFastStrListEx.AddAnsiObject(const S: String; Obj: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := AddObjectLen( PChar( S ), Length( S ), Obj ); end; function TFastStrListEx.Add(S: PChar): integer; begin Result := AddObjectLen( S, StrLen( S ), 0 ) end; function TFastStrListEx.AddLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer): integer; begin Result := AddObjectLen( S, Len, 0 ) end; function TFastStrListEx.AddObject(S: PChar; Obj: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := AddObjectLen( S, StrLen( S ), Obj ) end; function TFastStrListEx.AddObjectLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD): Integer; var Dest: PChar; begin ProvideSpace( Len + 9 ); Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz ); Result := fCount; Inc( fCount ); fList.Add( Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) ) ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Obj; Inc( Dest, 4 ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Len; Inc( Dest, 4 ); if S <> nil then System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len ); Inc( Dest, Len ); Dest^ := #0; Inc( fUsedSiz, Len+9 ); end; function TFastStrListEx.AppendToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var F: HFile; Txt: String; begin Txt := Text; F := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenAlways or ofOpenReadWrite or ofShareDenyWrite ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Result := FALSE else begin FileSeek( F, 0, spEnd ); Result := FileWrite( F, PChar( Txt )^, Length( Txt ) ) = DWORD( Length( Txt ) ); FileClose( F ); end; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Clear; begin if FastClear then begin if fList.Count > 0 then PCrackList(fList).FCount := 0; end else begin fList.Clear; if fTextBuf <> nil then FreeMem( fTextBuf ); fTextBuf := nil; end; fTextSiz := 0; fUsedSiz := 0; fCount := 0; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Delete(Idx: integer); begin if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= Count) then Exit; if Idx = Count-1 then Dec( fUsedSiz, ItemLen[ Idx ]+9 ); fList.Delete( Idx ); Dec( fCount ); end; destructor TFastStrListEx.Destroy; begin FastClear := FALSE; Clear; fList.Free; inherited; end; function TFastStrListEx.Find(const S: String; var Index: Integer): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Count-1 do if (ItemLen[ i ] = Length( S )) and ((S = '') or CompareMem( ItemPtrs[ i ], @ S[ 1 ], Length( S ) )) then begin Index := i; Result := TRUE; Exit; end; Result := FALSE; end; function TFastStrListEx.Get(Idx: integer): string; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then SetString( Result, PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 8 ), ItemLen[ Idx ] ) else Result := ''; end; function TFastStrListEx.GetItemLen(Idx: Integer): Integer; var Src: PDWORD; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then begin Src := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 4 ); Result := Src^ end else Result := 0; end; function TFastStrListEx.GetObject(Idx: Integer): DWORD; var Src: PDWORD; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then begin Src := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) ); Result := Src^ end else Result := 0; end; function TFastStrListEx.GetPChars(Idx: Integer): PChar; begin if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= Count) then Result := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 8 ) else Result := nil; end; function TFastStrListEx.GetTextStr: string; var L, i: Integer; p: PChar; begin L := 0; for i := 0 to Count-1 do Inc( L, ItemLen[ i ] + 2 ); SetLength( Result, L ); p := PChar( Result ); for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin L := ItemLen[ i ]; if L > 0 then begin System.Move( ItemPtrs[ i ]^, p^, L ); Inc( p, L ); end; p^ := #13; Inc( p ); p^ := #10; Inc( p ); end; end; function TFastStrListEx.IndexOf(const S: string): integer; begin if not Find( S, Result ) then Result := -1; end; function TFastStrListEx.IndexOf_NoCase(const S: string): integer; begin Result := IndexOfStrL_NoCase( PChar( S ), Length( S ) ); end; function TFastStrListEx.IndexOfStrL_NoCase(Str: PChar; L: Integer): integer; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Count-1 do if (ItemLen[ i ] = L) and ((L = 0) or (StrLComp_NoCase( ItemPtrs[ i ], Str, L ) = 0)) then begin Result := i; Exit; end; Result := -1; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Init; begin fList := NewList; FastClear := TRUE; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertAnsi(Idx: integer; const S: String); begin InsertObjectLen( Idx, PChar( S ), Length( S ), 0 ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertAnsiObject(Idx: integer; const S: String; Obj: DWORD); begin InsertObjectLen( Idx, PChar( S ), Length( S ), Obj ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Insert(Idx: integer; S: PChar); begin InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, StrLen( S ), 0 ) end; procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertLen(Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer); begin InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, Len, 0 ) end; procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertObject(Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Obj: DWORD); begin InsertObjectLen( Idx, S, StrLen( S ), Obj ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.InsertObjectLen(Idx: Integer; S: PChar; Len: Integer; Obj: DWORD); var Dest: PChar; begin ProvideSpace( Len+9 ); Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz ); fList.Insert( Idx, Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) ) ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Obj; Inc( Dest, 4 ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Len; Inc( Dest, 4 ); if S <> nil then System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len ); Inc( Dest, Len ); Dest^ := #0; Inc( fUsedSiz, Len+9 ); Inc( fCount ); end; function TFastStrListEx.Last: String; begin if Count > 0 then Result := Items[ Count-1 ] else Result := ''; end; function TFastStrListEx.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName ); TRY Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then LoadFromStream( Strm, FALSE ) else Clear; FINALLY Strm.Free; END; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: boolean); var Txt: String; begin SetLength( Txt, Stream.Size - Stream.Position ); Stream.Read( Txt[ 1 ], Stream.Size - Stream.Position ); SetText( Txt, Append2List ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.MergeFromFile(const FileName: string); var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName ); TRY LoadFromStream( Strm, TRUE ); FINALLY Strm.Free; END; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); begin Assert( (CurIndex >= 0) and (CurIndex < Count) and (NewIndex >= 0) and (NewIndex < Count), 'Item indexes violates TFastStrListEx range' ); fList.MoveItem( CurIndex, NewIndex ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.ProvideSpace(AddSize: DWORD); var OldTextBuf: PChar; begin Inc( AddSize, 9 ); if AddSize > fTextSiz - fUsedSiz then begin // увеличение размера буфера fTextSiz := Max( 1024, (fUsedSiz + AddSize) * 2 ); OldTextBuf := fTextBuf; GetMem( fTextBuf, fTextSiz ); if OldTextBuf <> nil then begin System.Move( OldTextBuf^, fTextBuf^, fUsedSiz ); FreeMem( OldTextBuf ); end; end; if fList.Count >= fList.Capacity then fList.Capacity := Max( 100, fList.Count * 2 ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Put(Idx: integer; const Value: string); var Dest: PChar; OldLen: Integer; OldObj: DWORD; begin OldLen := ItemLen[ Idx ]; if Length( Value ) <= OldLen then begin Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) + 4 ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Length( Value ); Inc( Dest, 4 ); if Value <> '' then System.Move( Value[ 1 ], Dest^, Length( Value ) ); Inc( Dest, Length( Value ) ); Dest^ := #0; if Idx = Count-1 then Dec( fUsedSiz, OldLen - Length( Value ) ); end else begin OldObj := 0; while Idx > Count do AddObjectLen( nil, 0, 0 ); if Idx = Count-1 then begin OldObj := Objects[ Idx ]; Delete( Idx ); end; if Idx = Count then AddObjectLen( PChar( Value ), Length( Value ), OldObj ) else begin ProvideSpace( Length( Value ) + 9 ); Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz ); fList.Items[ Idx ] := Pointer( DWORD(Dest)-DWORD(fTextBuf) ); Inc( Dest, 4 ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := Length( Value ); Inc( Dest, 4 ); if Value <> '' then System.Move( Value[ 1 ], Dest^, Length( Value ) ); Inc( Dest, Length( Value ) ); Dest^ := #0; Inc( fUsedSiz, Length( Value )+9 ); end; end; end; function TFastStrListEx.SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewWriteFileStream( FileName ); TRY if Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then SaveToStream( Strm ); Result := TRUE; FINALLY Strm.Free; END; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.SaveToStream(Stream: PStream); var Txt: String; begin Txt := Text; Stream.Write( PChar( Txt )^, Length( Txt ) ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.SetObject(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); var Dest: PDWORD; begin if Idx < 0 then Exit; while Idx >= Count do AddObjectLen( nil, 0, 0 ); Dest := PDWORD( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) ); Dest^ := Value; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.SetText(const S: string; Append2List: boolean); var Len2Add, NLines, L: Integer; p0, p: PChar; begin if not Append2List then Clear; // подсчет требуемого пространства Len2Add := 0; NLines := 0; p := Pchar( S ); p0 := p; L := Length( S ); while L > 0 do begin if p^ = #13 then begin Inc( NLines ); Inc( Len2Add, 9 + DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0) ); REPEAT Inc( p ); Dec( L ); UNTIL (p^ <> #10) or (L = 0); p0 := p; end else begin Inc( p ); Dec( L ); end; end; if DWORD(p) > DWORD(p0) then begin Inc( NLines ); Inc( Len2Add, 9 + DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0) ); end; if Len2Add = 0 then Exit; // добавление ProvideSpace( Len2Add - 9 ); if fList.Capacity <= fList.Count + NLines then fList.Capacity := Max( (fList.Count + NLines) * 2, 100 ); p := PChar( S ); p0 := p; L := Length( S ); while L > 0 do begin if p^ = #13 then begin AddObjectLen( p0, DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0), 0 ); REPEAT Inc( p ); Dec( L ); UNTIL (p^ <> #10) or (L = 0); p0 := p; end else begin Inc( p ); Dec( L ); end; end; if DWORD(p) > DWORD(p0) then AddObjectLen( p0, DWORD(p)-DWORD(p0), 0 ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.SetTextStr(const Value: string); begin SetText( Value, FALSE ); end; function CompareFast(const Data: Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword) : Integer; var FSL: PFastStrListEx; L1, L2: Integer; S1, S2: PChar; begin FSL := Data; S1 := FSL.ItemPtrs[ e1 ]; S2 := FSL.ItemPtrs[ e2 ]; L1 := FSL.ItemLen[ e1 ]; L2 := FSL.ItemLen[ e2 ]; if FSL.fCaseSensitiveSort then Result := StrLComp( S1, S2, Min( L1, L2 ) ) else Result := StrLComp_NoCase( S1, S2, Min( L1, L2 ) ); if Result = 0 then Result := L1 - L2; if Result = 0 then Result := e1 - e2; end; procedure SwapFast(const Data : Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword); var FSL: PFastStrListEx; begin FSL := Data; FSL.Swap( e1, e2 ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Sort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive; SortData( @ Self, Count, CompareFast, SwapFast ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin Assert( (Idx1 >= 0) and (Idx1 <= Count-1) and (Idx2 >= 0) and (Idx2 <= Count-1), 'Item indexes violates TFastStrListEx range' ); fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; function TFastStrListEx.GetValues(AName: PChar): PChar; var i: Integer; s, n: PChar; begin if not Upper_Initialized then InitUpper; for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin s := ItemPtrs[ i ]; n := AName; while (Upper[ s^ ] = Upper[ n^ ]) and (s^ <> '=') and (s^ <> #0) and (n^ <> #0) do begin Inc( s ); Inc( n ); end; if (s^ = '=') and (n^ = #0) then begin Result := s; Inc( Result ); Exit; end; end; Result := nil; end; function TFastStrListEx.IndexOfName(AName: PChar): Integer; var i: Integer; s, n: PChar; begin if not Upper_Initialized then InitUpper; for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin s := ItemPtrs[ i ]; n := AName; while (Upper[ s^ ] = Upper[ n^ ]) and (s^ <> '=') and (s^ <> #0) and (n^ <> #0) do begin Inc( s ); Inc( n ); end; if (s^ = '=') and (n^ = #0) then begin Result := i; Exit; end; end; Result := -1; end; procedure TFastStrListEx.Append(S: PChar); begin AppendLen( S, StrLen( S ) ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.AppendInt2Hex(N: DWORD; MinDigits: Integer); var Buffer: array[ 0..9 ] of Char; Mask: DWORD; i, Len: Integer; B: Byte; begin if MinDigits > 8 then MinDigits := 8; if MinDigits <= 0 then MinDigits := 1; Mask := $F0000000; for i := 8 downto MinDigits do begin if Mask and N <> 0 then begin MinDigits := i; break; end; Mask := Mask shr 4; end; i := 0; Len := MinDigits; Mask := $F shl ((Len - 1)*4); while MinDigits > 0 do begin Dec( MinDigits ); B := (N and Mask) shr (MinDigits * 4); Mask := Mask shr 4; if B <= 9 then Buffer[ i ] := Char( B + Ord( '0' ) ) else Buffer[ i ] := Char( B + Ord( 'A' ) - 10 ); Inc( i ); end; Buffer[ i ] := #0; AppendLen( @ Buffer[ 0 ], Len ); end; procedure TFastStrListEx.AppendLen(S: PChar; Len: Integer); var Dest: PChar; begin if Count = 0 then AddLen( S, Len ) else begin ProvideSpace( Len ); Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fUsedSiz - 1 ); System.Move( S^, Dest^, Len ); Inc( Dest, Len ); Dest^ := #0; Inc( fUsedSiz, Len ); Dest := PChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( fList.Items[ Count-1 ] ) ); Inc( Dest, 4 ); PDWORD( Dest )^ := PDWORD( Dest )^ + DWORD( Len ); end; end; { TCABFile } //[function OpenCABFile] function OpenCABFile( const APaths: array of String ): PCABFile; var I: Integer; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PCABFile.Create;*){--} Result.FSetupapi := LoadLibrary( 'setupapi.dll' ); Result.FNames := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} NewWStrList {$ELSE} NewStrList {$ENDIF}; Result.FPaths := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} NewWStrList {$ELSE} NewStrList {$ENDIF}; for I := 0 to High( APaths ) do Result.FPaths.Add( APaths[ I ] ); end; //[destructor TCABFile.Destroy] destructor TCABFile.Destroy; begin FNames.Free; FPaths.Free; FTargetPath := ''; if FSetupapi <> 0 then FreeLibrary( FSetupapi ); inherited; end; const SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET = $11; SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET = $12; type PSP_FILE_CALLBACK = function( Context: Pointer; Notification, Param1, Param2: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; TSetupIterateCabinet = function ( CabinetFile: PKOLChar; Reserved: DWORD; MsgHandler: PSP_FILE_CALLBACK; Context: Pointer ): Boolean; stdcall; //external 'setupapi.dll' name 'SetupIterateCabinetA'; TSetupPromptDisk = function ( hwndParent: HWND; // parent window of the dialog box DialogTitle: PKOLChar; // optional, title of the dialog box DiskName: PKOLChar; // optional, name of disk to insert PathToSource: PKOLChar;// optional, expected source path FileSought: PKOLChar; // name of file needed TagFile: PKOLChar; // optional, source media tag file DiskPromptStyle: DWORD; // specifies dialog box behavior PathBuffer: PKOLChar; // receives the source location PathBufferSize: DWORD; // size of the supplied buffer PathRequiredSize: PDWORD // optional, buffer size needed ): DWORD; stdcall; //external 'setupapi.dll' name 'SetupPromptForDiskA'; type TCabinetInfo = packed record CabinetPath: PKOLChar; CabinetFile: PKOLChar; DiskName: PKOLChar; SetId: WORD; CabinetNumber: WORD; end; PCabinetInfo = ^TCabinetInfo; TFileInCabinetInfo = packed record NameInCabinet: PKOLChar; FileSize: DWORD; Win32Error: DWORD; DosDate: WORD; DosTime: WORD; DosAttribs: WORD; FullTargetName: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of KOLChar; end; PFileInCabinetInfo = ^TFileInCabinetInfo; //[function CABCallback] function CABCallback( Context: Pointer; Notification, Param1, Param2: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; var CAB: PCABFile; CABPath, OldPath: KOLString; CABInfo: PCabinetInfo; CABFileInfo: PFileInCabinetInfo; hr: Integer; SetupPromptProc: TSetupPromptDisk; begin Result := 0; CAB := Context; case Notification of SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET: begin OldPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ]; Inc( CAB.FCurCAB ); if CAB.FCurCAB = CAB.FPaths.Count then CAB.FPaths.Add( '?' ); CABPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ]; if CABPath = '?' then begin if Assigned( CAB.FOnNextCAB ) then CAB.FPaths.Items[CAB.FCurCAB ] := CAB.FOnNextCAB( CAB ); CABPath := CAB.FPaths.Items[ CAB.FCurCAB ]; if CABPath = '?' then begin SetLength( CABPath, MAX_PATH ); CABInfo := Pointer( Param1 ); if CAB.FSetupapi <> 0 then SetupPromptProc := GetProcAddress( CAB.FSetupapi, 'SetupPromptForDiskA' ) else SetupPromptProc := nil; if Assigned( SetupPromptProc ) then begin hr := SetupPromptProc( 0, nil, nil, PKOLChar( ExtractFilePath( OldPath ) ), CABInfo.CabinetFile, nil, 2 {IDF_NOSKIP}, @CabPath[ 1 ], MAX_PATH, nil ); case hr of 0: // success begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Param2 ), PKOLChar( CABPath ) ); Result := 0; end; 2: // skip file Result := 0; else // cancel Result := ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; end; end; end else begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Param2 ), PKOLChar( CABPath ) ); Result := 0; end; end; end; SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: begin CABFileInfo := Pointer( Param1 ); if CAB.FGettingNames then begin CAB.FNames.Add( CABFileInfo.NameInCabinet ); Result := 2; // FILEOP_SKIP end else begin CABPath := CABFileInfo.NameInCabinet; if Assigned( CAB.FOnFile ) then begin if CAB.FOnFile( CAB, CABPath ) then begin if ExtractFilePath( CABPath ) = '' then if CAB.FTargetPath <> '' then CABPath := CAB.TargetPath + CABPath; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( @CABFileInfo.FullTargetName[ 0 ], PKOLChar( CABPath ) ); Result := 1; // FILEOP_DOIT end else Result := 2 end else begin if CAB.FTargetPath <> '' then {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( @CABFileInfo.FullTargetName[ 0 ], PKOLChar( CAB.TargetPath + CABPath ) ); Result := 1; end; end; end; end; end; //[function TCABFile.Execute] function TCABFile.Execute: Boolean; var SetupIterateProc: TSetupIterateCabinet; begin FCurCAB := 0; Result := FALSE; if FSetupapi = 0 then Exit; SetupIterateProc := GetProcAddress( FSetupapi, 'SetupIterateCabinetA' ); if not Assigned( SetupIterateProc ) then Exit; Result := SetupIterateProc( PKOLChar( KOLString( FPaths.Items[ 0 ] ) ), 0, CABCallback, @Self ); end; //[function TCABFile.GetCount] function TCABFile.GetCount: Integer; begin GetNames( 0 ); Result := FNames.Count; end; //[function TCABFile.GetNames] function TCABFile.GetNames(Idx: Integer): KOLString; begin if FNames.Count = 0 then begin FGettingNames := TRUE; Execute; FGettingNames := FALSE; end; Result := ''; if Idx < FNames.Count then Result := FNames.Items[ Idx ]; end; //[function TCABFile.GetPaths] function TCABFile.GetPaths(Idx: Integer): KOLString; begin Result := FPaths.Items[ Idx ]; end; //[function TCABFile.GetTargetPath] function TCABFile.GetTargetPath: KOLString; begin Result := FTargetPath; if Result <> '' then if Result[ Length( Result ) ] <> '\' then Result := Result + '\'; end; { -- TDirChange -- } const FilterFlags: array[ TFileChangeFilters ] of Integer = ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, $20 {FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS}, $40 {FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION}, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY ); //[FUNCTION _NewDirChgNotifier] {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} function _NewDirChgNotifier: PDirChange; begin New( Result, Create ); end; //[function NewDirChangeNotifier] function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: String; Filter: TFileChangeFilter; WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange ) : PDirChange; const Dflt_Flags = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ECX // [EBP-8] = WatchSubtree PUSH EDX // [EBP-12] = Filter PUSH EAX // [EBP-16] = Path CALL _NewDirChgNotifier XCHG EBX, EAX LEA EAX, [EBX].TDirChange.FPath POP EDX CALL System.@LStrAsg MOV EAX, [ChangeProc].TMethod.Code MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FOnChange.TMethod.Code, EAX MOV EAX, [ChangeProc].TMethod.Data MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FOnChange.TMethod.Data, EAX POP ECX MOV EAX, Dflt_Flags MOVZX ECX, CL JECXZ @@flags_ready PUSH ECX MOV EAX, ESP MOV EDX, offset[FilterFlags] XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 7 CALL MakeFlags POP ECX @@flags_ready: // EAX = Flags POP EDX MOVZX EDX, DL // EDX = WatchSubtree PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH [EBX].TDirChange.FPath CALL FindFirstChangeNotification MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FHandle, EAX INC EAX JZ @@fault PUSH EBX PUSH offset[TDirChange.Execute] CALL NewThreadEx MOV [EBX].TDirChange.FMonitor, EAX JMP @@exit @@fault: XCHG EAX, EBX CALL TObj.Free @@exit: XCHG EAX, EBX POP EBX end; {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: KOLString; Filter: TFileChangeFilter; WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange ) : PDirChange; var Flags: DWORD; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PDirChange.Create;*){--} Result.FPath := Path; Result.FOnChange := ChangeProc; if Filter = [ ] then Flags := FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE or FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE else Flags := MakeFlags( @Filter, FilterFlags ); Result.FinEvent := CreateEvent( nil, TRUE, FALSE, nil ); Result.FHandle := FindFirstChangeNotification(PKOLChar(Result.FPath), Bool( Integer( WatchSubtree ) ), Flags); if Result.FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Result.FMonitor := NewThreadAutoFree( Result.Execute ) else //MsgOK( 'Can not monitor ' + Result.FPath + #13'Error ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) ); begin Result.Free; Result := nil; end; end; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} //[END _NewDirChgNotifier] { TDirChange } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} //[procedure TDirChange.Changed] procedure TDirChange.Changed; asm MOV ECX, [EAX].FOnChange.TMethod.Code JECXZ @@exit MOV ECX, [EAX].FPath XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, [EDX].FOnChange.TMethod.Data CALL [EDX].FOnChange.TMethod.Code @@exit: end; {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TDirChange.Changed; begin if Assigned( FOnChange ) then FOnChange(@Self, FPath); end; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} //[destructor TDirChange.Destroy] destructor TDirChange.Destroy; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV ECX, [EBX].FMonitor JECXZ @@no_monitor XCHG EAX, ECX CALL TObj.Free @@no_monitor: MOV ECX, [EBX].FHandle JECXZ @@exit PUSH ECX CALL FindCloseChangeNotification @@exit: LEA EAX, [EBX].FPath CALL System.@LStrClr XCHG EAX, EBX CALL TObj.Destroy POP EBX end; {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TDirChange.Destroy; begin if FHandle > 0 then // FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE AND FHandle <> 0 begin OnChange := nil; SetEvent( FinEvent ); end; //if FMonitor <> nil then // FMonitor.Free; FPath := ''; inherited; end; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} //[function TDirChange.Execute] function TDirChange.Execute(Sender: PThread): Integer; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI XCHG EBX, EAX MOV ESI, EDX @@loo: MOVZX ECX, [ESI].TThread.FTerminated INC ECX LOOP @@e_loop MOV ECX, [EBX].FHandle INC ECX JZ @@e_loop PUSH INFINITE PUSH ECX CALL WaitForSingleObject OR EAX, EAX JNZ @@loo PUSH [EBX].FHandle MOV EAX, [EBX].FMonitor PUSH EBX PUSH offset[TDirChange.Changed] CALL TThread.Synchronize CALL FindNextChangeNotification JMP @@loo @@e_loop: POP ESI POP EBX XOR EAX, EAX end; {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} //Pascal function TDirChange.Execute(Sender: PThread): Integer; var Handles: array[ 0..1 ] of THandle; //i: Integer; begin Handles[ 0 ] := FHandle; Handles[ 1 ] := FinEvent; while TRUE do case WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @ Handles[ 0 ], FALSE, INFINITE) of WAIT_OBJECT_0: begin if AppletTerminated then break; Applet.GetWindowHandle; Sender.Synchronize( Changed ); FindNextChangeNotification(Handles[ 0 ]); {for i := 1 to 10 do begin Sleep( 10 ); if AppletTerminated then break; end;} end; else break; end; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} TRY {$ENDIF} FindCloseChangeNotification( Handles[ 0 ] ); CloseHandle( Handles[ 1 ] ); {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} EXCEPT END; {$ENDIF} Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} {$ifdef win32} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // M E T A F I L E // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {++}(* //[API SetEnhMetaFileBits] function SetEnhMetaFileBits; external gdi32 name 'SetEnhMetaFileBits'; function PlayEnhMetaFile; external gdi32 name 'PlayEnhMetaFile'; *){--} //[function NewMetafile] function NewMetafile: PMetafile; begin {-} new( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PMetafile.Create;*){--} end; //[END NewMetafile] { TMetafile } //[procedure TMetafile.Clear] procedure TMetafile.Clear; begin if fHandle <> 0 then DeleteEnhMetaFile( fHandle ); fHandle := 0; end; //[destructor TMetafile.Destroy] destructor TMetafile.Destroy; begin if fHeader <> nil then FreeMem( fHeader ); Clear; inherited; end; //[procedure TMetafile.Draw] procedure TMetafile.Draw(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer); begin StretchDraw( DC, MakeRect( X, Y, X + Width, Y + Height ) ); end; //[function TMetafile.Empty] function TMetafile.Empty: Boolean; begin Result := fHandle = 0; end; //[function TMetafile.GetHeight] function TMetafile.GetHeight: Integer; begin Result := 0; if Empty then Exit; RetrieveHeader; Result := fHeader.rclBounds.Bottom - fHeader.rclBounds.Top; //Result := fHeader.rclFrame.Bottom - fHeader.rclFrame.Top; end; //[function TMetafile.GetWidth] function TMetafile.GetWidth: Integer; begin Result := 0; if Empty then Exit; RetrieveHeader; Result := fHeader.rclBounds.Right - fHeader.rclBounds.Left; //Result := fHeader.rclFrame.Right - fHeader.rclFrame.Left; end; //[function TMetafile.LoadFromFile] function TMetafile.LoadFromFile(const Filename: String): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( FileName ); Result := LoadFromStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; //[function ComputeAldusChecksum] function ComputeAldusChecksum(var WMF: TMetafileHeader): Word; type PWord = ^Word; var pW: PWord; pEnd: PWord; begin Result := 0; pW := @WMF; pEnd := @WMF.CheckSum; while cardinal(pW) < cardinal(pEnd) do begin Result := Result xor pW^; Inc(Longint(pW), SizeOf(Word)); end; end; //[function TMetafile.LoadFromStream] function TMetafile.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream): Boolean; var WMF: TMetaFileHeader; WmfHdr: TMetaHeader; EnhHdr: TEnhMetaHeader; Pos, Pos1: Integer; Sz: Integer; MemStrm: PStream; MFP: TMetafilePict; begin Result := FALSE; Pos := Strm.Position; if Strm.Read( WMF, Sizeof( WMF ) ) <> Sizeof( WMF ) then begin Strm.Position := Pos; Exit; end; MemStrm := NewMemoryStream; if WMF.Key = WMFKey then begin // Windows metafile if WMF.CheckSum <> ComputeAldusChecksum( WMF ) then begin Strm.Position := Pos; Exit; end; Pos1 := Strm.Position; if Strm.Read( WmfHdr, Sizeof( WmfHdr ) ) <> Sizeof( WmfHdr ) then begin Strm.Position := Pos; Exit; end; Strm.Position := Pos1; Sz := WMFHdr.mtSize * 2; Stream2Stream( MemStrm, Strm, Sz ); FillChar( MFP, Sizeof( MFP ), 0 ); MFP.mm := MM_ANISOTROPIC; fHandle := SetWinMetafileBits( Sz, MemStrm.Memory, 0, MFP ); end else begin // may be enchanced? Strm.Position := Pos; if Strm.Read( EnhHdr, Sizeof( EnhHdr ) ) < 8 then begin Strm.Position := Pos; Exit; end; // yes, enchanced Strm.Position := Pos; Sz := EnhHdr.nBytes; Stream2Stream( MemStrm, Strm, Sz ); fHandle := SetEnhMetaFileBits( Sz, MemStrm.Memory ); end; MemStrm.Free; Result := fHandle <> 0; if not Result then Strm.Position := Pos; end; //[procedure TMetafile.RetrieveHeader] procedure TMetafile.RetrieveHeader; var SzHdr: Integer; begin if fHeader = nil then begin SzHdr := GetEnhMetaFileHeader( fHandle, 0, nil ); fHeader := AllocMem( { SzHeader } Sizeof( fHeader^ ) ); fHeader.iType := EMR_HEADER; fHeader.nSize := Sizeof( fHeader^ ) { SzHdr }; GetEnhMetaFileHeader( fHandle, SzHdr, fHeader ); end; end; //[procedure TMetafile.SetHandle] procedure TMetafile.SetHandle(const Value: THandle); begin Clear; fHandle := Value; end; //[procedure TMetafile.StretchDraw] procedure TMetafile.StretchDraw(DC: HDC; const R: TRect); begin if Empty then Exit; PlayEnhMetaFile( DC, fHandle, R ); {if not PlayEnhMetaFile( DC, fHandle, R ) then begin ShowMessage( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); end;} end; {$endif win32} { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TAction and TActionList ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[function NewActionList] function NewActionList(AOwner: PControl): PActionList; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+} {++}(* Result := PActionList.Create; *){--} with Result{-}^{+} do begin FActions:=NewList; FOwner:=AOwner; {$ifdef USE_OnIdle} RegisterIdleHandler(DoUpdateActions); {$endif USE_OnIdle} end; end; //[END NewActionList] //[function NewAction] function NewAction(const ACaption, AHint: string; AOnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+} {++}(* Result := PAction.Create; *){--} with Result{-}^{+} do begin FControls:=NewList; Enabled:=True; Visible:=True; Caption:=ACaption; Hint:=AHint; OnExecute:=AOnExecute; end; end; //[END NewAction] { TAction } //[procedure TAction.LinkCtrl] procedure TAction.LinkCtrl(ACtrl: PObj; ACtrlKind: TCtrlKind; AItemID: integer; AUpdateProc: TOnUpdateCtrlEvent); var cr: PControlRec; begin New(cr); with cr^ do begin Ctrl:=ACtrl; CtrlKind:=ACtrlKind; ItemID:=AItemID; UpdateProc:=AUpdateProc; end; FControls.Add(cr); FUpdateMask:=[upCaption, upHint, upChecked, upEnabled, upVisible, upHelpContext, upAccelerator]; AUpdateProc(cr); FUpdateMask:=[]; end; //[procedure TAction.LinkControl] procedure TAction.LinkControl(Ctrl: PControl); begin LinkCtrl(Ctrl, ckControl, 0, UpdateCtrl); Ctrl.OnClick:=DoOnControlClick; end; //[procedure TAction.LinkMenuItem] procedure TAction.LinkMenuItem(Menu: PMenu; MenuItemIdx: integer); {$IFDEF _FPC} var arr1_DoOnMenuItem: array[ 0..0 ] of TOnMenuItem; {$ENDIF _FPC} begin LinkCtrl(Menu, ckMenu, MenuItemIdx, UpdateMenu); {$IFDEF _FPC} arr1_DoOnMenuItem[ 0 ] := DoOnMenuItem; Menu.AssignEvents(MenuItemIdx, arr1_DoOnMenuItem); {$ELSE} Menu.AssignEvents(MenuItemIdx, [ DoOnMenuItem ]); {$ENDIF} end; //[procedure TAction.LinkToolbarButton] procedure TAction.LinkToolbarButton(Toolbar: PControl; ButtonIdx: integer); {$IFDEF _FPC} var arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick: array[ 0..0 ] of TOnToolbarButtonClick; {$ENDIF _FPC} begin LinkCtrl(Toolbar, ckToolbar, ButtonIdx, UpdateToolbar); {$IFDEF _FPC} arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick[ 0 ] := DoOnToolbarButtonClick; Toolbar.TBAssignEvents(ButtonIdx, arr1_DoOnToolbarButtonClick); {$ELSE} Toolbar.TBAssignEvents(ButtonIdx, [DoOnToolbarButtonClick]); {$ENDIF} end; //[destructor TAction.Destroy] destructor TAction.Destroy; begin FControls.Release; FCaption:=''; {$ifndef wince} FShortCut:=''; {$endif wince} FHint:=''; inherited; end; //[procedure TAction.DoOnControlClick] procedure TAction.DoOnControlClick(Sender: PObj); begin Execute; end; //[procedure TAction.DoOnMenuItem] procedure TAction.DoOnMenuItem(Sender: PMenu; Item: Integer); begin Execute; end; //[procedure TAction.DoOnToolbarButtonClick] procedure TAction.DoOnToolbarButtonClick(Sender: PControl; BtnID: Integer); begin Execute; end; //[procedure TAction.Execute] procedure TAction.Execute; begin if Assigned(FOnExecute) and FEnabled then FOnExecute(PObj( @Self )); end; //[procedure TAction.SetCaption] procedure TAction.SetCaption(const Value: KOLstring); begin if Caption = Value then exit; FCaption:=Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upCaption); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetChecked] procedure TAction.SetChecked(const Value: boolean); begin if FChecked = Value then exit; FChecked := Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upChecked); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetEnabled] procedure TAction.SetEnabled(const Value: boolean); begin if FEnabled = Value then exit; FEnabled := Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upEnabled); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetHelpContext] procedure TAction.SetHelpContext(const Value: integer); begin if FHelpContext = Value then exit; FHelpContext := Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upHelpContext); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetHint] procedure TAction.SetHint(const Value: KOLString); begin if FHint = Value then exit; FHint := Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upHint); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetOnExecute] procedure TAction.SetOnExecute(const Value: TOnEvent); begin if @FOnExecute = @Value then exit; FOnExecute:=Value; UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.SetVisible] procedure TAction.SetVisible(const Value: boolean); begin if FVisible = Value then exit; FVisible := Value; Include(FUpdateMask, upVisible); UpdateControls; end; //[procedure TAction.UpdateControls] procedure TAction.UpdateControls; var i: integer; begin if FUpdateMask = [] then exit; with FControls{-}^{+} do for i:=0 to Count - 1 do PControlRec(Items[i]).UpdateProc(Items[i]); FUpdateMask:=[]; end; //[procedure TAction.UpdateCtrl] procedure TAction.UpdateCtrl(Sender: PControlRec); begin with Sender^, PControl(Ctrl){-}^{+} do begin if upCaption in FUpdateMask then Caption:=Self.FCaption; if upEnabled in FUpdateMask then Enabled:=Self.FEnabled; if upChecked in FUpdateMask then Checked:=Self.FChecked; if upVisible in FUpdateMask then Visible:=Self.FVisible; end; end; //[procedure TAction.UpdateMenu] procedure TAction.UpdateMenu(Sender: PControlRec); var s: KOLstring; begin with Sender^, PMenu(Ctrl).Items[ItemID]{-}^{+} do begin s:=Self.FCaption; {$ifndef wince} if Self.FShortCut <> '' then s:=s + #9 + Self.FShortCut; {$endif wince} if upCaption in FUpdateMask then Caption:=s; if upEnabled in FUpdateMask then Enabled:=Self.FEnabled; if upChecked in FUpdateMask then Checked:=Self.FChecked; if upVisible in FUpdateMask then Visible:=Self.FVisible; if upHelpContext in FUpdateMask then HelpContext:=Self.FHelpContext; if (upAccelerator in FUpdateMask) and (Self.FAccelerator.Key <> 0) then {YS} // Добавить Accelerator:=Self.FAccelerator; end; end; //[procedure TAction.UpdateToolbar] procedure TAction.UpdateToolbar(Sender: PControlRec); var i: integer; s: KOLString; begin with Sender^, PControl(Ctrl){-}^{+} do begin i:=TBIndex2Item(ItemID); s:=TBButtonText[i]; if (s <> '') and (upCaption in FUpdateMask) then TBButtonText[i]:=Self.FCaption; if upHint in FUpdateMask then TBSetTooltips(i, [PKOLChar(Self.FHint)]); if upEnabled in FUpdateMask then TBButtonEnabled[ItemID]:=Self.FEnabled; if upVisible in FUpdateMask then TBButtonVisible[ItemID]:=Self.FVisible; if upChecked in FUpdateMask then TBButtonChecked[ItemID]:=Self.FChecked; end; end; //[procedure TAction.SetAccelerator] procedure TAction.SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator); begin if (FAccelerator.fVirt = Value.fVirt) and (FAccelerator.Key = Value.Key) then exit; FAccelerator := Value; {$ifndef wince} Include(FUpdateMask, upAccelerator); FShortCut:=GetAcceleratorText(FAccelerator); // {YS} UpdateControls; {$endif wince} end; { TActionList } //[function TActionList.Add] function TActionList.Add(const ACaption, AHint: KOLstring; OnExecute: TOnEvent): PAction; begin Result:=NewAction(ACaption, AHint, OnExecute); FActions.Add(Result); end; //[procedure TActionList.Clear] procedure TActionList.Clear; begin while FActions.Count > 0 do Delete(0); FActions.Clear; end; //[procedure TActionList.Delete] procedure TActionList.Delete(Idx: integer); begin Actions[Idx].Free; FActions.Delete(Idx); end; //[destructor TActionList.Destroy] destructor TActionList.Destroy; begin {$ifdef USE_OnIdle} UnRegisterIdleHandler(DoUpdateActions); {$endif USE_OnIdle} Clear; FActions.Free; inherited; end; //[procedure TActionList.DoUpdateActions] procedure TActionList.DoUpdateActions(Sender: PObj); begin if Assigned(FOnUpdateActions) and (GetActiveWindow = FOwner.Handle) then FOnUpdateActions(PObj( @Self )); end; //[function TActionList.GetActions] function TActionList.GetActions(Idx: integer): PAction; begin Result:=FActions.Items[Idx]; end; //[function TActionList.GetCount] function TActionList.GetCount: integer; begin Result:=FActions.Count; end; { -- TTree -- } {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //[function NewTree] function NewTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: String ): PTree; begin New( Result, CreateTree( AParent, AName ) ); end; //[END NewTree] {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //[function NewTree] {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} function NewTree( AParent: PTree ): PTree; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PTree.Create;*){--} if AParent <> nil then AParent.Add( Result ); Result.fParent := AParent; end; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF TREE_WIDE} function NewTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: WideString ): PTree; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PTree.Create;*){--} if AParent <> nil then AParent.Add( Result ); Result.fParent := AParent; Result.fNodeName := AName; end; {$ELSE} function NewTree( AParent: PTree; const AName: String ): PTree; begin {-} New( Result, Create ); {+}{++}(*Result := PTree.Create;*){--} if AParent <> nil then AParent.Add( Result ); Result.fParent := AParent; Result.fNodeName := AName; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} //[END NewTree] {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} { TTree } //[procedure TTree.Add] procedure TTree.Add(Node: PTree); var Previous: PTree; begin Node.Unlink; if fChildren = nil then fChildren := NewList; Previous := nil; if PCrackList( fChildren ).fCount > 0 then Previous := PCrackList( fChildren ).fItems[ PCrackList( fChildren ).fCount - 1 ]; if Previous <> nil then begin Previous.fNext := Node; Node.fPrev := Previous; end; fChildren.Add( Node ); Node.fParent := @Self; end; //[procedure TTree.Clear] procedure TTree.Clear; var I: Integer; begin if fChildren = nil then Exit; for I := PCrackList( fChildren ).fCount - 1 downto 0 do PTree( PCrackList( fChildren ).fItems[ I ] ).Free; end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //[constructor TTree.CreateTree] constructor TTree.CreateTree(AParent: PTree; const AName: String); begin inherited Create; if AParent <> nil then AParent.Add( @Self ); fParent := AParent; fName := AName; end; {$ENDIF} //[destructor TTree.Destroy] destructor TTree.Destroy; begin Unlink; Clear; {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} {$ELSE} fNodeName := ''; {$ENDIF} inherited; end; //[function TTree.GetCount] function TTree.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fChildren = nil then Exit; Result := PCrackList( fChildren ).fCount; end; //[function TTree.GetIndexAmongSiblings] function TTree.GetIndexAmongSiblings: Integer; begin Result := -1; if fParent = nil then Exit; Result := fParent.fChildren.IndexOf( @Self ); end; //[function TTree.GetItems] function TTree.GetItems(Idx: Integer): PTree; begin Result := nil; if fChildren = nil then Exit; Result := fChildren.Items[ Idx ]; end; //[function TTree.GetLevel] function TTree.GetLevel: Integer; var Node: PTree; begin Result := 0; Node := fParent; while Node <> nil do begin Inc( Result ); Node := Node.fParent; end; end; //[function TTree.GetRoot] function TTree.GetRoot: PTree; begin Result := @Self; while Result.fParent <> nil do Result := Result.fParent; end; //[function TTree.GetTotal] function TTree.GetTotal: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := Count; if Result <> 0 then begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do Result := Result + Items[ I ].Total; end; end; //[procedure TTree.Init] procedure TTree.Init; begin if FParent <> nil then FParent.Add( @Self ); end; //[procedure TTree.Insert] procedure TTree.Insert(Before, Node: PTree); var Previous: PTree; begin Node.Unlink; if fChildren = nil then fChildren := NewList; Previous := nil; if Before <> nil then Previous := Before.fPrev; if Previous <> nil then begin Previous.fNext := Node; Node.fPrev := Previous; end; if Before <> nil then begin Node.fNext := Before; Before.fPrev := Node; fChildren.Insert( fChildren.IndexOf( Before ), Node ); end else fChildren.Add( Node ); Node.fParent := @Self; end; //[function CompareTreeNodes] function CompareTreeNodes( const Data: Pointer; const e1, e2: DWORD ): Integer; var List: PList; begin List := Data; {$IFDEF TREE_NONAME} Result := DWORD( PTree( PCrackList( List ).fItems[ e1 ] ).fData ) - DWORD( PTree( PCrackList( List ).fItems[ e2 ] ).fData ); {$ELSE} Result := AnsiCompareStr( PTree( PCrackList( List ).fItems[ e1 ] ).fNodeName, PTree( PCrackList( List ).fItems[ e2 ] ).fNodeName ); {$ENDIF} end; //[procedure SwapTreeNodes] procedure SwapTreeNodes( const Data: Pointer; const e1, e2: DWORD ); var List: PList; begin List := Data; List.Swap( e1, e2 ); end; //[procedure TTree.SwapNodes] procedure TTree.SwapNodes( i1, i2: Integer ); begin fChildren.Swap( i1, i2 ); end; //[procedure TTree.SortByName] procedure TTree.SortByName; begin if Count <= 1 then Exit; SortData( fChildren, PCrackList( fChildren ).fCount, CompareTreeNodes, SwapTreeNodes ); end; //[procedure TTree.Unlink] procedure TTree.Unlink; var I: Integer; begin if fPrev <> nil then fPrev.fNext := fNext; if fNext <> nil then fNext.fPrev := fPrev; if (fParent <> nil) then begin I := fParent.fChildren.IndexOf( @Self ); fParent.fChildren.Delete( I ); if PCrackList( fParent.fChildren ).fCount = 0 then begin fParent.fChildren.Free; fParent.fChildren := nil; end; end; fPrev := nil; fNext := nil; fParent := nil; end; //[function TTree.IsParentOfNode] function TTree.IsParentOfNode(Node: PTree): Boolean; begin Result := TRUE; while Node <> nil do begin if Node = @ Self then Exit; Node := Node.Parent; end; Result := FALSE; end; //[function TTree.IndexOf] function TTree.IndexOf(Node: PTree): Integer; begin Result := -1; if not IsParentOfNode( Node ) then Exit; while Node <> @ Self do begin Inc( Result ); while Node.PrevSibling <> nil do begin Node := Node.PrevSibling; Inc( Result, 1 + Node.Total ); end; Node := Node.Parent; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL UTILITIES } function MapFileRead( const Filename: String; var hFile, hMap: THandle ): Pointer; var Sz, Hi: DWORD; begin Result := nil; hFile := FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenRead or ofOpenExisting or ofShareDenyNone ); hMap := 0; if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; Sz := GetFileSize( hFile, @ Hi ); hMap := CreateFileMapping( hFile, nil, PAGE_READONLY, Hi, Sz, nil ); if hMap = 0 then Exit; if (Hi <> 0) or (Sz > $0FFFFFFF) then Sz := $0FFFFFFF; Result := MapViewOfFile( hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, Sz ); end; function MapFile( const Filename: String; var hFile, hMap: THandle ): Pointer; var Sz, Hi: DWORD; begin Result := nil; hFile := FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenRead or ofOpenWrite or ofOpenExisting or ofShareExclusive ); hMap := 0; if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; Sz := GetFileSize( hFile, @ Hi ); hMap := CreateFileMapping( hFile, nil, PAGE_READWRITE, Hi, Sz, nil ); if hMap = 0 then Exit; if (Hi <> 0) or (Sz > $0FFFFFFF) then Sz := $0FFFFFFF; Result := MapViewOfFile( hMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, Sz ); end; procedure UnmapFile( BasePtr: Pointer; hFile, hMap: THandle ); begin if BasePtr <> nil then UnmapViewOfFile( BasePtr ); if hMap <> 0 then CloseHandle( hMap ); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle( hFile ); end; //[procedure CloseMsg] procedure CloseMsg( Dummy, Dialog: PControl; var Accept: Boolean ); begin Accept := FALSE; Dialog.ModalResult := -1; end; //[END CloseMsg] //[procedure OKClick] procedure OKClick( Dialog, Btn: PControl ); var Rslt: Integer; begin Rslt := -1; if Btn <> nil then Rslt := Btn.Tag; Dialog.ModalResult := Rslt; Dialog.Close; end; //[END OKClick] //[procedure KeyClick] procedure KeyClick( Dialog, Btn: PControl; var Key: Longint; Shift: DWORD ); begin if (Key = VK_RETURN) or (Key = VK_ESCAPE) then begin if Key = VK_ESCAPE then Btn := nil; OKClick( Dialog, Btn ); end; end; //[END KeyClick] //[function ShowQuestionEx] function ShowQuestionEx( S: KOLString; Answers: KOLString; CallBack: TOnEvent ): Integer; {$IFDEF F_P105ORBELOW} type POnEvent = ^TOnEvent; PONKey = ^TOnKey; var M: TMethod; {$ENDIF F_P105ORBELOW} var Dialog: PControl; DlgPrnt: PControl; Buttons: PList; Btn: PControl; AppTermFlag: Boolean; Lab: PControl; {$IFNDEF USE_GRUSH} Y, {$ELSE} {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} Y, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} W, X, I: Integer; Title: String; DlgWnd: HWnd; AppCtl: PControl; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} Sz: TSize; H: Integer; Bmp: PBitmap; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} CurForm: PControl; DoStayOnTop: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin AppTermFlag := AppletTerminated; AppCtl := Applet; AppletTerminated := FALSE; Title := 'Information'; if pos( '/', Answers ) > 0 then Title := 'Question'; {$IFNDEF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} DoStayOnTop := FALSE; {$ENDIF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} if Applet <> nil then begin Title := Applet.Caption; {$IFNDEF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} CurForm := Applet.ActiveControl; DoStayOnTop := CurForm.StayOnTop; {$ENDIF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} end; {$IFNDEF NOT_ALLOW_EXTRACT_TITLE} if (Length( S ) > 2) and (S[ 1 ] = '!') then begin Delete( S, 1, 1 ); if S[ 1 ] = '!' then Delete( S, 1, 1 ) else Title := Parse( S, '!' ); end; {$ENDIF} Dialog := NewForm( Applet, Title ).SetSize( 300, 40 ); {$IFNDEF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} if DoStayOnTop then Dialog.StayOnTop := TRUE; {$ENDIF NO_CHECK_STAYONTOP} Dialog.Style := Dialog.Style and not (WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); Dialog.OnClose := TOnEventAccept( MakeMethod( Dialog, @CloseMsg ) ); {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} Bmp := NewBitmap( 1, 1 ); {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} if not NoGrush then {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} begin Dialog.Color := clGRushLight; Dialog.Font.FontName := 'Arial'; Dialog.Font.FontHeight := 16; DlgPrnt := NewPanel( Dialog, esNone ); //.SetAlign( caClient ); end {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} else DlgPrnt := Dialog; {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} ; {$ELSE} DlgPrnt := Dialog; {$ENDIF USE_GRUSH} DlgPrnt.Margin := 8; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} if not NoGrush then {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} begin Lab := NewWordWrapLabel( DlgPrnt, S ).SetSize( 278, 20 ); Lab.AutoSize( TRUE ); Lab.Transparent := TRUE; end {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} else begin Lab := NewEditbox( DlgPrnt, [ eoMultiline, eoReadonly, eoNoHScroll, eoNoVScroll ] ).SetSize( 278, 20 ); Lab.HasBorder := FALSE; Lab.Color := clBtnFace; Lab.Caption := S; Lab.Style := Lab.Style and not WS_TABSTOP; Lab.TabStop := FALSE; while TRUE do begin Y := HiWord( Lab.Perform( EM_POSFROMCHAR, Length( S ) - 1, 0 ) ); if Y < Lab.Height - 20 then break; Lab.Height := Lab.Height + 4; if Lab.Height + 40 > GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) then break; end; end {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} ; {$ELSE} Lab := NewEditbox( DlgPrnt, [ eoMultiline, eoReadonly, eoNoHScroll, eoNoVScroll ] ).SetSize( 278, 20 ); Lab.HasBorder := FALSE; Lab.Color := clBtnFace; Lab.Caption := S; Lab.Style := Lab.Style and not WS_TABSTOP; Lab.TabStop := FALSE; //Lab.CreateWindow; //virtual!!! -- not needed, window created in Perform while TRUE do begin Y := HiWord( Lab.Perform( EM_POSFROMCHAR, Length( S ) - 1, 0 ) ); if Y < Lab.Height - 20 then break; Lab.Height := Lab.Height + 4; if Lab.Height + 40 > GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) then break; end; //Lab.LikeSpeedButton; {$ENDIF USE_GRUSH} Buttons := NewList; W := 0; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} H := 0; {$ENDIF} if Answers = '' then begin Btn := NewButton( DlgPrnt, ' OK ' ).PlaceUnder; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} if not NoGrush then {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} begin Sz := Bmp.Canvas.TextExtent( Btn.Caption ); if H = 0 then H := Sz.cy + 8; Btn.SetSize( Sz.cx + 16, H ); end; {$ENDIF} W := Btn.BoundsRect.Right; Buttons.Add( Btn ); end else while Answers <> '' do begin Btn := NewButton( DlgPrnt, ' ' + Parse( Answers, '/' ) + ' ' ); Buttons.Add( Btn ); if W = 0 then Btn.PlaceUnder else Btn.PlaceRight; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} if not NoGrush then {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} begin Sz := Bmp.Canvas.TextExtent( Btn.Caption ); if H = 0 then H := Sz.cy + 8; Btn.SetSize( Sz.cx + 16, H ); end {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} else Btn.AutoSize( TRUE ) {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} ; {$ELSE} Btn.AutoSize( TRUE ); {$ENDIF USE_GRUSH} if W > 0 then begin //Inc( W, 6 ); Btn.Left := Btn.Left + 6; end; W := Btn.BoundsRect.Right; end; DlgPrnt.Width := Max( Max( DlgPrnt.Width, Lab.Left + Lab.Width + 4 ), W + 8 ); X := (DlgPrnt.ClientWidth - W) div 2; for I := 0 to Buttons.Count-1 do begin Btn := Buttons.Items[ I ]; Btn.Tag := I + 1; {$IFDEF F_P105ORBELOW} M := MakeMethod( Dialog, @OKClick ); Btn.OnClick := POnEvent( @ M )^; M := MakeMethod( Dialog, @KeyClick ); Btn.OnKeyDown := POnKey( @ M )^; {$ELSE} Btn.OnClick := TOnEvent( MakeMethod( Dialog, @OKClick ) ); Btn.OnKeyDown := TOnKey( MakeMethod( Dialog, @KeyClick ) ); {$ENDIF} Btn.Left := Btn.Left + X; if I = 0 then begin Btn.ResizeParentBottom; Dialog.ActiveControl := Btn; end; end; {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} {$IFDEF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} if not NoGrush then {$ENDIF TOGRUSH_OPTIONAL} begin DlgPrnt.ResizeParent; end; Bmp.Free; {$ENDIF USE_GRUSH} Dialog.CenterOnParent.Tabulate.CanResize := FALSE; Buttons.Free; if Assigned( CallBack ) then CallBack( Dialog ); Dialog.CreateWindow; // virtual!!! if (Applet <> nil) and Applet.IsApplet then begin Dialog.ShowModal; Result := Dialog.ModalResult; Dialog.Free; end else begin DlgWnd := Dialog.Handle; while IsWindow( DlgWnd ) and (Dialog.ModalResult = 0) do Dialog.ProcessMessage; Result := Dialog.ModalResult; Dialog.Free; CreatingWindow := nil; Applet := AppCtl; end; AppletTerminated := AppTermFlag; end; //[END ShowQuestionEx] //[function ShowQuestion] function ShowQuestion( const S: String; Answers: String ): Integer; begin Result := ShowQuestionEx( S, Answers, nil ); end; //[END ShowQuestion] //[procedure ShowMsgModal] procedure ShowMsgModal( const S: String ); begin ShowQuestion( S, '' ); end; //[END ShowMsgModal] end.