
A domain may not be deleted while it is associated with a site.

You do not have any domains associated with your account.

'; } $doms = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { if (!isset($doms[$row['domain_parent']])) { $doms[$row['domain_parent']] = array(); } $doms[$row['domain_parent']][] = $row; } foreach ($doms[0] as $row) { doDomain($row); } function doDomain($row, $indent = 0) { global $doms; $sql2 = 'SELECT r.record_value, s.site_name, s.site_id FROM records AS r, sites AS s WHERE r.domain_id = '.$row['domain_id'].' AND r.record_type = \'UTD\' AND s.site_id = r.record_value'; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2) or mf(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sql2); if (mysql_num_rows($res2) > 0) { $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2); $asite = $row2['site_name']; $asiteid = $row2['site_id']; } else { $asite = ''; } $name = h($row['domain_name']); ?> >
Associated with . DNS Error Not associated with any site. DNS Error