-2) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['quote'] = stripslashes($_POST['quote']); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO quotes (quote_quote, quote_time, user_id) VALUES (\''.m($_POST['quote']).'\', '.time().', '.$_SESSION['uid'].')'; mysql_query($sql); header('Location: '.BASE.'latest'); exit; } define('TITLE', 'Add quote'); require_once('inc/header.php'); ?>

Quote guidelines

The usual quote-site rules apply: don't include anything that's not neccessary, such as timestamps, hostmasks, twenty 'lol's after the funny part, etc. Try to avoid injokes if possible.

Quotes go live as soon as you submit them. There is no moderation. If you submit a rubbish quote, people will rate it down, and your standing will fall.

Try to stick to standard notation. Enclose nicks in angle brackets (<nick> hi!), and prefix actions with an asterisk (* nick waves). Remove mode prefixes (@, +, etc) that don't directly add to the humour.

-2) { ?>

Add a quote

Enter your quote in the text area below. Please read the guidelines to the right if you haven't done so before.


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