* Modifications (C) 2007 Stephen Bounds. * Further modifications (C) 2008-2010 Chris Smith. * * Licensed under the LGPL. */ /** * Base BigMath class which will be extended by a big-integer math library * such as bcmath or gmp. */ abstract class BigMath { /** File handle for our random data source. */ protected $randsource = false; /** Duplicate cache for rand(). */ protected $duplicate_cache = array(); /** Singleton reference to our bigmath class. */ private static $me = null; /** * Converts the specified positive integer to the shortest possible * big-endian, two's complement representation. * * @param long The integer to be converted * @return the btwoc representation of the integer */ public function btwoc($long) { $cmp = $this->cmp($long, 0); if ($cmp < 0) { throw new Exception('$long must be a positive integer.'); } else if ($cmp == 0) { return "\x00"; } $bytes = array(); while ($this->cmp($long, 0) > 0) { array_unshift($bytes, $this->mod($long, 256)); $long = $this->div($long, 256); } if ($bytes && ($bytes[0] > 127)) { array_unshift($bytes, 0); } // Convert to \xHH\xHH... format and return $string = ''; foreach ($bytes as $byte) { $string .= pack('C', $byte); } return $string; } /** * Converts the specified btwoc representation of an integer back to the * original integer. * * @param str The btwoc representation to be "undone" * @return The corresponding integer */ public function btwoc_undo($str) { if ($str == null) { return null; } $bytes = array_values(unpack('C*', $str)); $n = $this->init(0); if ($bytes && ($bytes[0] > 127)) { throw new Exception('$str must represent a positive integer'); } foreach ($bytes as $byte) { $n = $this->mul($n, 256); $n = $this->add($n, $byte); } return $n; } /** * Returns a random number up to the specified maximum. * * @param max The maximum value to return * @return A random number between 0 and the specified max */ public function rand($max) { // Used as the key for the duplicate cache $rbytes = $this->btwoc($max); if (array_key_exists($rbytes, $this->duplicate_cache)) { list($duplicate, $nbytes) = $this->duplicate_cache[$rbytes]; } else { if ($rbytes[0] == "\x00") { $nbytes = strlen($rbytes) - 1; } else { $nbytes = strlen($rbytes); } $mxrand = $this->pow(256, $nbytes); // If we get a number less than this, then it is in the // duplicated range. $duplicate = $this->mod($mxrand, $max); if (count($this->duplicate_cache) > 10) { $this->duplicate_cache = array(); } $this->duplicate_cache[$rbytes] = array($duplicate, $nbytes); } do { $bytes = "\x00" . $this->getRandomBytes($nbytes); $n = $this->btwoc_undo($bytes); // Keep looping if this value is in the low duplicated range } while ($this->cmp($n, $duplicate) < 0); return $this->mod($n, $max); } /** * Get the specified number of random bytes. * * Attempts to use a cryptographically secure (not predictable) * source of randomness. If there is no high-entropy * randomness source available, it will fail. * @param num_bytes The number of bytes to retrieve * @return The specified number of random bytes */ public function getRandomBytes($num_bytes) { if (!$this->randsource) { $this->randsource = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r'); } if ($this->randsource) { return fread($this->randsource, $num_bytes); } else { // pseudorandom used $bytes = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_bytes; $i += 4) { $bytes .= pack('L', mt_rand()); } return substr($bytes, 0, $num_bytes); } } public abstract function init($number, $base = 10); public abstract function add($x, $y); public abstract function sub($x, $y); public abstract function mul($x, $y); public abstract function div($x, $y); public abstract function cmp($x, $y); public abstract function mod($base, $modulus); public abstract function pow($base, $exponent); public abstract function powmod($base, $exponent, $modulus); public abstract function toString($num); /** * Detect which math library is available * * @return The extension details of the first available extension, * or false if no extensions are available. */ private static function BigMath_Detect() { $extensions = array( array('modules' => array('gmp', 'php_gmp'), 'extension' => 'gmp', 'class' => 'BigMath_GmpMathWrapper'), array('modules' => array('bcmath', 'php_bcmath'), 'extension' => 'bcmath', 'class' => 'BigMath_BcMathWrapper') ); $loaded = false; foreach ($extensions as $ext) { // See if the extension specified is already loaded. if ($ext['extension'] && extension_loaded($ext['extension'])) { $loaded = true; } // Try to load dynamic modules. if (!$loaded) { foreach ($ext['modules'] as $module) { if (@dl($module . "." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX)) { $loaded = true; break; } } } if ($loaded) { return $ext; } } return false; } /** * Returns a singleton instance of the best possible BigMath class. * * @return A singleton instance to a BigMath class. */ public static function &getBigMath() { if (self::$me == null) { $ext = self::BigMath_Detect(); $class = $ext['class']; self::$me = new $class(); } return self::$me; } } /** * Exposes BCmath math library functionality. */ class BigMath_BcMathWrapper extends BigMath { public function init($number, $base = 10) { return $number; } public function add($x, $y) { return bcadd($x, $y); } public function sub($x, $y) { return bcsub($x, $y); } public function mul($x, $y) { return bcmul($x, $y); } public function div($x, $y) { return bcdiv($x, $y); } public function cmp($x, $y) { return bccomp($x, $y); } public function mod($base, $modulus) { return bcmod($base, $modulus); } public function pow($base, $exponent) { return bcpow($base, $exponent); } public function powmod($base, $exponent, $modulus) { return bcpowmod($base, $exponent, $modulus); } public function toString($num) { return $num; } } /** * Exposes GMP math library functionality. */ class BigMath_GmpMathWrapper extends BigMath { public function init($number, $base = 10) { return gmp_init($number, $base); } public function add($x, $y) { return gmp_add($x, $y); } public function sub($x, $y) { return gmp_sub($x, $y); } public function mul($x, $y) { return gmp_mul($x, $y); } public function div($x, $y) { return gmp_div_q($x, $y); } public function cmp($x, $y) { return gmp_cmp($x, $y); } public function mod($base, $modulus) { return gmp_mod($base, $modulus); } public function pow($base, $exponent) { return gmp_pow($base, $exponent); } public function powmod($base, $exponent, $modulus) { return gmp_powm($base, $exponent, $modulus); } public function toString($num) { return gmp_strval($num); } } ?>