Docker container for DFBnc
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Chris Smith db5399aa3e Deprecate il y a 7 ans
Dockerfile Update to 0.4 il y a 8 ans Deprecate il y a 7 ans


DFBnc now provides docker images itself.

Use the shanemcc/dfbnc image from Docker Hub for updates.


Create a named volume to persist data:

docker volume create --name dfbnc-data

Pull the image for the desired version of DFBnc:

docker pull csmith/dfbnc:0.4

Start a container, exposing ports as needed:

docker run -d --name dfbnc \
              --restart always \
              -p 33263:33263 \
              -v dfbnc-data:/var/lib/dfbnc \

The container exposes these ports:

  • 33262 (unencrypted IRC connection)
  • 33263 (encrypted IRC connection)

To enable encrypted connections you will need to follow the instructions on the DFBnc wiki.