'; ?> SensorLogger Results

SensorLogger results for


You do not appear to have submitted any data from the sensor logger application, yet.

Why not download it and give it a try, then check back soon!

Thank you

You've submitted record from the sensor logger application.

0) { ?>

Unfortunately, some of these traces have been rejected as they are not suitable for analysis:

$rejects) { ?>

The remaining record $rejects + 1 ? 's look' : ' looks'; ?> good, and $rejects + 1 ? 'are' : 'is'; ?> shown below:

Oh dear, that's all of your records. Make sure you're using the latest version to ensure you get the best results. Record some more and check back soon!

Our system didn't find any problems with your records, so all of them are shown below:

Your records

', htmlentities($datum['log_activity']), ''; $sql = 'SELECT activity_id AS name, COUNT(*) AS num FROM windowclassifications WHERE log_id = ' . $datum['log_id'] . ' GROUP BY activity_id'; $res = mysql_query($sql); $cls = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $cls[$row['name']] = $row['num']; } if (!empty($cls)) { echo '

This sample has been manually classified into the following activities: '; $first = true; foreach ($cls as $id => $count) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { echo '; '; } echo $acs[$id], ' (', $count, ' window', $count == 1 ? '' : 's', ')'; } echo '

'; } echo '
'; echo 'Graph of accelerometer data
'; echo 'Graph of magnetic fielddata'; echo '
'; } ?>

Check back soon...

for information on how your records are being used, explanations of the data, and information on the application which will be created as a result