/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.md87.charliebravo.commands; import com.dmdirc.util.Downloader; import com.md87.charliebravo.Command; import com.md87.charliebravo.Followup; import com.md87.charliebravo.InputHandler; import com.md87.charliebravo.Response; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * * @author chris */ public class GitCommand implements Command { public void execute(InputHandler handler, Response response, String line) throws Exception { if (line.isEmpty()) { response.sendMessage("You need to specify a revision", true); } else { final List result = Downloader.getPage( "http://git.dmdirc.com/cgit.cgi/client/commit/?id=" + URLEncoder.encode(line, Charset.defaultCharset().name())); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String resline : result) { builder.append(resline); } if (builder.indexOf("
Bad object id:") > -1) { response.sendMessage("That commit was not found", true); } else { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("author" + "(.*?) <(.*?)>(.*?)") .matcher(builder); matcher.find(); final String authorName = matcher.group(1); final String authorEmail = matcher.group(2); final String commitDate = matcher.group(3); matcher = Pattern.compile("commit" + "").matcher(builder); matcher.find(); final String commitHash = matcher.group(1); matcher = Pattern.compile("
(.*?)(") .matcher(builder); matcher.find(); final String commitSubject = matcher.group(1); matcher = Pattern.compile("
") .matcher(builder); matcher.find(); final String commitDiff = matcher.group(1); response.sendMessage("commit " + commitHash + " was made by " + authorName + " with message '" + commitSubject + "'"); response.addFollowup(new DiffFollowup(commitDiff, commitHash)); response.addFollowup(new DetailsFollowup(authorName, authorEmail, commitHash, commitDate)); } } } protected static class DiffFollowup implements Followup { private final String data; private final String hash; public DiffFollowup(String data, String hash) { this.data = data; this.hash = hash; } public boolean matches(String line) { return line.equalsIgnoreCase("diff"); } public void execute(InputHandler handler, Response response, String line) throws Exception { response.setInheritFollows(true); response.sendMessage("there were " + data.replaceAll("^(.*), (.*?)$", "$1 and $2") + " in commit " + hash + ". See http://git.dmdirc.com/cgit.cgi/client/diff/?id=" + hash); } } protected static class DetailsFollowup implements Followup { private final String authorName, authorEmail, hash, time; public DetailsFollowup(String authorName, String authorEmail, String hash, String time) { this.authorName = authorName; this.authorEmail = authorEmail; this.hash = hash; this.time = time; } public boolean matches(String line) { return line.equalsIgnoreCase("details"); } public void execute(InputHandler handler, Response response, String line) throws Exception { response.setInheritFollows(true); response.sendMessage("commit " + hash + " was made on " + time + " by " + authorName + " <" + authorEmail + ">. " + "See http://git.dmdirc.com/cgit.cgi/client/commit/?id=" + hash); } } }