import math, sequtils, strutils type Point = array[2, int] func read_coords(text: string): seq[Point] = for line in text.strip.splitlines: let parts = line.split(", ").map(parseInt) result &= [parts[0], parts[1]] func bounds(coords: seq[Point]): array[4, int] = let xs = Point): int = coord[0]) ys = Point): int = coord[1]) result = [min(xs), max(xs), min(ys), max(ys)] func distance(point1: Point, point2: Point): int = abs(point1[0] - point2[0]) + abs(point1[1] - point2[1]) func nearest(coords: seq[Point], point: Point): int = let distances = Point): int = coord.distance(point)) lowest = min(distances) lowest_count = distances.filter(proc (distance: int): bool = distance == lowest).len if lowest_count == 1: distances.find(lowest) else: -1 func inrange(coords: seq[Point], point: Point): bool = (coord: Point): int = coord.distance(point)).sum < 10000 func part1(coords: seq[Point], extents: array[4, int]): int = var counts = newSeqWith(coords.len, 0) excluded = newSeqWith(coords.len, false) for x in extents[0] .. extents[1]: for y in extents[2] .. extents[3]: let coord = coords.nearest([x, y]) if coord != -1: counts[coord] += 1 # If the area reaches the edge of the grid, it will continue infinitely. # Mark that area as excluded. if x == extents[0] or x == extents[1] or y == extents[2] or y == extents[3]: excluded[coord] = true zip(counts, excluded) .filter(proc(x: tuple[a: int, b: bool]): bool = not x.b) .map(proc(x: tuple[a: int, b: bool]): int = x.a) .max func part2(coords: seq[Point], extents: array[4, int]): int = var size = 0 found = false let extension = int(10000 / coords.len) y_start = extents[2] - extension y_finish = extents[3] + extension y_range = y_finish - y_start # The region we're in is going to be contiguous so once we've found some # 'safe' areas and subsequently hit a row/column with none in, we can abort for x in extents[0] - extension .. extents[1] + extension: var min_y = int.high max_y = int.high for y in extents[2] - extension .. extents[3] + extension: if coords.inrange([x,y]): if min_y == int.high: min_y = y max_y = y elif max_y != int.high: break if min_y != int.high: size += abs(max_y - min_y) + 1 found = true elif found: break size let coords = read_coords(readFile("data/06.txt")) extents = coords.bounds echo part1(coords, extents) echo part2(coords, extents)