import deques, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables type Point = tuple[x,y: int] Direction = enum N, E, S, W Sequence = ref object forks: bool nodes: seq[Sequence] content: seq[Direction] proc `+` (a, b: Point): Point = result.x = a.x + b.x result.y = a.y + b.y # Parses the regular expression into a 'Sequence' data structure, by pushing # sequences onto a stack each time a nested expression is encountered. # # Three types of sequences are found: # 1) "Content-only", e.g. NNNEEE # 2) "Forks", e.g. (subsequence|subsequence|subsequence) # 3) "Concatenations", e.g. NN(subsequence)EE # func process(regex: string): Sequence = var stack = initDeque[Sequence]() span: seq[Direction] result = new(Sequence) stack.addLast(result) for c in regex: if c == '^': continue if c in ['(', ')', '|', '$']: if span.len > 0: # If we've got bare directions, add them as a content element. var newSeq = new(Sequence) newSeq.content = span stack.peekLast.nodes.add(newSeq) span.setLen(0) if c == '(': # To start a new fork block we add two sequences: one that will # contain all the forked elements, and the first child to hold # the content of the first fork. var forkSeq = new(Sequence) forkSeq.forks = true stack.addLast(forkSeq) stack.addLast(new(Sequence)) elif c == '|': # Pop the previous child off and add it to the parent fork block, # then add a new one for the next branch. var child = stack.popLast stack.peekLast.nodes.add(child) stack.addLast(new(Sequence)) elif c == ')': # Pop both the child and the parent fork block off the stack. var child = stack.popLast stack.peekLast.nodes.add(child) var forkSeq = stack.popLast stack.peekLast.nodes.add(forkSeq) else: span.add(parseEnum[Direction]($c)) stack.popLast let directions = { N: ( 0, 1), E: ( 1, 0), S: ( 0, -1), W: (-1, 0), }.toTable opposites = { N: S, E: W, S: N, W: E, }.toTable input = readFile("data/20.txt").strip proc addDirection(table: var Table[Point, HashSet[Direction]], point: Point, direction: Direction) = if not table.hasKey(point): table[point] = initSet[Direction]() table[point].incl(direction) proc addDirections(table: var Table[Point, HashSet[Direction]], point: Point, direction: Direction): Point = let otherPoint = point + directions[direction] table.addDirection(point, direction) table.addDirection(otherPoint, opposites[direction]) otherPoint # Recurses through the given sequence and builds up a map of which points are # traversable in which directions. # # The points parameter tracks which points could have been reached by the # sequence thus far. The current sequence must be evaluated for all of those # points. Initially this is just {(0,0)} but every time a fork is encountered # the number of points will expand. proc map(sequence: Sequence, grid: var Table[Point, HashSet[Direction]], points: HashSet[Point]): HashSet[Point] = if sequence.content.len > 0: result = initSet[Point]() for point in points: var newPoint = point for d in sequence.content: newPoint = grid.addDirections(newPoint, d) result.incl(newPoint) elif sequence.forks: result = initSet[Point]() for child in sequence.nodes: result.incl(, points)) else: result = points for child in sequence.nodes: result =, result) # Performs a breadth-first search of the navigable area and assigns a # distance to each point. proc score(dirs: Table[Point, HashSet[Direction]]): Table[Point, int] = result = initTable[Point, int]() var stack = initDeque[tuple[pos: Point, length: int]]() stack.addLast(((0, 0), 0)) while stack.len > 0: let step = stack.popFirst if not result.hasKey(step.pos) or result[step.pos] > step.length: result[step.pos] = step.length for direction in dirs[step.pos]: stack.addLast((step.pos + directions[direction], step.length + 1)) proc distances(input: string): seq[int] = var grid = initTable[Point, HashSet[Direction]]() let points = toSet([(0, 0)]) discard, points) toSeq(grid.score.values) let distanceValues = input.distances echo distanceValues.max echo distanceValues.filter(proc(i: int): bool = i >= 1000).len