import math, sequtils, strscans, strutils var serial = readFile("data/11.txt").strip.parseInt prefixSum: array[301, array[301, int]] for x in 1..300: let serialByRack = (x + 10) * serial let rackSquared = (x + 10) * (x + 10) var tally = serialByRack for y in 1..300: let power = tally div 100 mod 10 - 5 # Construct a prefix sum of the grid: prefixSum[x][y] holds the sum of # all cells in the rectangle from (0,0) to (x,y). We calculate this # by adding the current cell to the rectangle above and the rectangle # to the left. This results in double-counting the rect between (0,0) # and (x-1,y-1), so we subtract that from the result. prefixSum[x][y] = power + prefixSum[x][y-1] + prefixSum[x-1][y] - prefixSum[x-1][y-1] var best = int.low bestPos = "" bestThree = int.low bestThreePos = "" for size in 1..300: let s1 = size - 1 for x in 1..300 - size: for y in 1..300 - size: # To use the prefix sum to find the value of a rect, we take the # value for the lower right corner and subtract the rects to the # left and the top. Like when constructing the prefix sum this # double-counts the rectangle diagonally to the top left, so we # re-add that. var sum = prefixSum[x+s1][y+s1] - prefixSum[x-1][y+s1] - prefixSum[x+s1][y-1] + prefixSum[x-1][y-1] if sum > best: best = sum bestPos = $x & "," & $y & "," & $size if size == 3 and sum > bestThree: bestThree = sum bestThreePos = $x & "," & $y echo bestThreePos echo bestPos