import strscans # For performance, we manually allocate a contiguous region of memory to store # all of our marbles in, and manually work out pointer offsets for them within # that region based on the marble ID. This is probably a very bad idea for # anything other than a performance-obsessed, short-lived program. type Marble = ptr object next: Marble const MarbleSize = sizeof(pointer) proc addressOf(memory: pointer, marbleNumber: int): Marble {.inline.} = cast[Marble](cast[uint](memory) + cast[uint](marbleNumber * MarbleSize)) proc valueOf(memory: pointer, marble: Marble): int {.inline.} = cast[int](cast[uint](marble) - cast[uint](memory)) div MarbleSize proc insertAfter(node: Marble, memory: pointer, value: int): Marble {.inline.} = var newNode = memory.addressOf(value) = = newNode newNode proc removeNext(node: Marble) {.inline.} = = proc newSingleNode(memory: pointer, value: int): Marble = result = memory.addressOf(value) = result var input = readFile("data/09.txt") players: int marbles: int if not input.scanf("$i players; last marble is worth $i points", players, marbles): raise newException(Defect, "Invalid input line: " & input) # Instead of using a doubly-linked list, we keep a current pointer and a # separate one trailing behind it. The trail will expand to 8 marbles and is # used when a multiple of 23 is played (so we can remove the N-7th marble). The # trail then catches up to the current pointer and drifts back to 8 again over # the next few moves. This saves a 64 bit memory allocation per marble, which # gives a small but noticable speed bump. let hundredMarbles = marbles * 100 memory = alloc(MarbleSize * hundredMarbles) var player = 0 scores = newSeq[int](players) current = newSingleNode(memory, 0) currentTrail = current currentTrailDrift = 0 specialCountdown = 23 for i in 1 .. hundredMarbles: # Instead of testing each marble number to see if it's a multiple of 23, we # keep a counter that we just loop over and over again. specialCountdown.dec if specialCountdown == 0: # The current player is only relevant when a 23nth marble is played, so # we can just update the player here instead of every turn. player = (player + 23) mod players scores[player] += i + memory.valueOf( currentTrail.removeNext current = currentTrail = current currentTrailDrift = 0 specialCountdown = 23 else: current =, i) if i > 8: if currentTrailDrift == 8: currentTrail = else: currentTrailDrift += 2 else: currentTrail = current if i == marbles or i == hundredMarbles: echo scores.max