#!/usr/bin/python3 import re # Returns True if x contains an ABBA sequence abba = lambda x: re.match(r'.*(.)(?!\1)(.)\2\1.*', x) # Returns all trigrams in x tris = lambda x: [x[i:i+3] for i in range(len(x) - 2) if '#' not in x[i:i+3]] # Returns all ABA sequences in x abas = lambda x: [t for t in tris(x) if t[0] == t[2] and t[1] != t[0]] # Swaps an ABA trigram into BAB swap = lambda x: x[1] + x[0] + x[1] # Returns all hypernet parts (between brackets) of x hypernet = lambda x: re.sub(r'^.*?\[|\].*?\[|\].*?$', '#', x) # Returns all supernet parts (outside of brackets) of x supernet = lambda x: re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '#', x) with open('07.txt', 'r') as file: ips = list(map(str.strip, file.readlines())) # tls: has at least one ABBA that's not also in its hypernet sections tls = set(filter(abba, ips)) - set(filter(lambda ip: abba(hypernet(ip)), ips)) # ssl: has an ABA in the supernet and a BAB in the hypernet ssl = [ip for ip in ips if set(map(swap, abas(supernet(ip)))).intersection(set(abas(hypernet(ip))))] print("Part one: %s" % len(tls)) print("Part two: %s" % len(ssl))