Old ansible configuration for servers
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Chris Smith 5202e720a2 Specify DFBnc version. 8 年前
common-roles @ 781f9e3417 Specify DFBnc version. 8 年前
data Update SSH keys. 8 年前
inventories Remove do1. 8 年前
local-roles Update config for ds-tools. 8 年前
playbooks Specify DFBnc version. 8 年前
vars Update config for ds-tools. 8 年前
.gitignore Add encrypted vars for ds-tools. 9 年前
.gitmodules Move shared roles submodule to common-roles. 9 年前
README.md Add encrypted vars for ds-tools. 9 年前
ansible.cfg Add Juliet role. 9 年前


Ansible config

This repo contains the ansible playbooks and config used to provision my own servers.

Most of the interesting stuff is found in the roles contained in the DMDirc/ansible-roles repo.

To run all of the playbooks:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/inventory.yml -u root \
                 --vault-password-file=.vault-password playbooks/all.yml